# robots.txt dynamically created for www.aecdaily.com User-agent: * # /images/qr is dynamic images Disallow: /images/qr Disallow: /pdf.php Disallow: /requests Disallow: /templates_c/ Disallow: /templates_dirty/ Disallow: /dberror.php Disallow: /error.php Disallow: /generror.php # http://www.80legs.com/webcrawler.html User-agent: 008 Disallow: / # https://ahrefs.com/robot/ - I don't hate these guys (yet), but slow 'em down # At most one every 6 seconds User-agent: AhrefsBot Crawl-Delay: 6 # bytedance bytespider tiktok # there are suggestions that they don't really observe robots.txt # At most one every 5 seconds User-agent: Bytespider Crawl-Delay: 6 # we have no vegetarian stuff here, get stuffed User-agent: VegeBot Disallow: /