Continuing Education

International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants

International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants -

Displaying 101 - 109 of 109 results.

FIRST PREV [1-25] [26-50] [51-75] [76-100] [101-109] LAST SHOW ALL

  • Plantable permeable paving systems continue to grow in scope and practicality as we search for ways to reduce our carbon footprint, improve water quality, diminish flooding and erosion, reduce the urban heat island from reradiated heat in our cities and environment, and add attractive open space to building sites and neighborhoods. This course looks at plantable permeable pavement system types, their use, and how they can help achieve sustainability goals.


     This course contains sustainable design information. See the course details page for more information.

     This course is ONLINE: SELF-PACED. Experience it on your own schedule, at your convenience.

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) has been used in North America as a single-ply roof membrane for more than 40 years. Because of the longevity of PVC and its history of performance, PVC roofs have a lower roof replacement rate compared to other single-ply membranes. This course discusses how PVC is manufactured, its features and benefits, and comparisons between its performance and that of other thermoplastic single-ply membranes.


     This course contains sustainable design information. See the course details page for more information.

     This course is ONLINE: SELF-PACED. Experience it on your own schedule, at your convenience.

  • Thermoplastic single-ply roofing systems have over a half century of proven performance. This course outlines their history and the various types of membranes that have been developed and identifies the individual attributes and benefits of each type. This highly illustrated course also discusses the cooling benefits of white and green roofs, the numerous single-ply attachment and warranty options, and descriptions of sample installations.


     This course contains sustainable design information. See the course details page for more information.

     This course is ONLINE: SELF-PACED. Experience it on your own schedule, at your convenience.

  • A rooftop solar photovoltaic system offers myriad benefits to both building owners and the environment; to maximize the benefits, however, it is important to be aware of the potential causes and effects of problems with rooftop installations. This course presents the issues to consider to prevent damaging the roof, voiding the roofing warranty, and incurring additional costs. Solar system mounting options are explored in terms of how they can help eliminate concerns around rooftop installations.


     This course contains sustainable design information. See the course details page for more information.

     This course is ONLINE: SELF-PACED. Experience it on your own schedule, at your convenience.

  • Understanding building physics is critical to proper building envelope design. Examined here are practical concepts for the building designer, including how cladding systems perform across different climate zones and applications. Environmental control layers and hygrothermal loads are reviewed, as is the concept of perfect/universal wall design. The course focuses on how single-component insulated metal panels (IMPs) function as a perfect/universal wall, simplifying wall system design and installation.


     This course contains sustainable design information. See the course details page for more information.

     This course is ONLINE: SELF-PACED. Experience it on your own schedule, at your convenience.

  • Typically, all the brick selected for a given project will be either full bed depth (anchored) or thin brick (adhered); however, situations may benefit from combining the two types of masonry veneer on a project. The intent of this course is to differentiate between the types of brick masonry veneer, discuss the unique detailing required when combining veneer types, and provide project examples demonstrating where both types of masonry veneer have been successfully integrated. This course will focus on exterior applications of anchored and adhered masonry veneer.


     This course is ONLINE: SELF-PACED. Experience it on your own schedule, at your convenience.

  • As interest in cross-laminated timber (CLT) buildings grows, the market for building enclosure products as a whole has yet to fully provide the water-resistant barriers, vapor retarders, and air barriers to optimally support the unique characteristics of wood. Furthermore, there are few building enclosure design guides specific to detailing wood-framed walls and roofs. This comprehensive course fills the gaps, providing detailed information on mass timber, building enclosure issues, the vapor-permeable technology available to address wood’s unique moisture characteristics, and a how-to guide on detailing the walls and roof of the enclosure.


     This course contains sustainable design information. See the course details page for more information.

     This course is ONLINE: SELF-PACED. Experience it on your own schedule, at your convenience.

Displaying 101 - 109 of 109 results.

FIRST PREV [1-25] [26-50] [51-75] [76-100] [101-109] LAST SHOW ALL