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Thin brick veneer wall systems offer a lightweight design option to use in many areas, both where traditional brick is commonly used as well as where its use is limited, such as interior accent walls or inset panels. This course outlines the differences between wall systems using anchored and adhered masonry veneer, with a focus on the design, materials, and installation methods of adhered brick veneer wall systems. The use of adhered brick veneer in interior applications is also discussed.
Approximately 1 hour, 15 minutes. Delivered online, at your own pace.
Presented by Charles B. Clark, Jr. on behalf of The Brick Industry Association. View the The Brick Industry Association Privacy Policy
Presenter Information

Name: Charles B. Clark, Jr.
Title: Vice President of Engineering Services, The Brick Industry Association
Background: As Vice President of Engineering Services, Charles Clark manages the Engineering and Research department. The department’s activities include writing technical documents, building code activities, research, and review of projects, drawings, and specifications. Charles is a Registered Architect in MD and a licensed Professional Engineer in VA. He is a member of the AIA, a voting member of the TMS 402/602 Committee responsible for the Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, and a voting member of the ASTM C15 Committee responsible for ASTM masonry unit tests and standards. He received his Bachelor of Architecture from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with a structural concentration from the University of Maryland.