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Origins of Color: A Journey of Complements & Contrasts

Approximately 1 hour

New and old, light and dark, near and far – we are surrounded by contrasts and opposing forces at every turn. From simple opposing relationships to the most thought provoking and complex, these juxtapositions shape our surroundings. By focusing on the color wheel and complementary color schemes, dynamic and sophisticated color combinations are discussed. Our understanding of specific colors takes a deeper dive into the origins and meanings of each color alongside the ways color is used in various parts of the world, and how this contributes to the character and landscape of highlighted geographic areas. This journey through color culminates in the process, concepts and points of inspiration that influenced the development of the Color Trends 2024 palette, with a look at how these highlighted hues can be used in the home.

Presented by various experts on behalf of Benjamin Moore & Co..

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