Leak Expert Says, "Every Drop Counts"

April 09, 2009

American Leak Detection Recognizes Earth Day by Showing People How They Can Conserve Water in Their Homes PALM SPRINGS, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--American Leak Detection is letting residents know they can celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd by joining the "green" bandwagon and making an impact on the environment – right in their homes. "You don't even have to take one step outside your front door to make a difference. All you have to do is be mindful of the way you’re using your water," said Stan Berenbaum, president of American Leak Detection. The following are five water conservation tips from American Leak Detection: 1. Think Smart When Using Water Appliances. With dishwashers and laundry washer machines, you can save gallons of water simply by waiting to use them until you have a full load. In fact, a dishwasher conserves more water than hand washing dishes. According to the American Water Works Association, an automatic dishwasher uses 9 to 12 gallons of water, while hand washing can use up to 20 gallons. 2. Refrigerate Your Drinking Water. Avoid running the faucet to get a cool glass of drinking water. Let your refrigerator do the work by storing a container of water in there to keep drinking water cold. 3. Conserve Water When Washing Produce. Use a bowl of water to clean fruits and vegetables instead of running water over them. In addition, always think of ways to reuse water. For example, the water from washing produce can be reused for watering your houseplants or garden. 4. Avoid Unnecessary Flushes. An average family of four uses almost 900 gallons of water per week, just by flushing the toilet. Keep children from repeatedly flushing the toilet for fun, and dispose of hand tissues, insects and other wastes in the trash, not the toilet. 5. Stop that Annoying Drip…Drip…Drip. A leaky faucet can waste 100 gallons of water each day, Berenbaum said. That’s why it’s important to make sure you fix leaks that you notice in your kitchen and bathroom. If you detect a leak, call a professional right away. The sooner you fix it the less water you are wasting.
