Minimizing the Financial Damage of Hurricane Season

May 14, 2009

TAMARAC, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The aftermath of a hurricane can be a devastating time. Adding insult to injury is the price tag that comes with restoring properties to pre-storm condition. In order to help people avoid the financial shock associated with weather-related home repairs, PuroClean is honoring National Hurricane Preparedness Week, held from May 24th to 30th, with an easy-to-follow guide for preparing homes for surge events. "The severity of hurricane season is largely unpredictable, and so is the extent to which the storms may wreak havoc on homes," said John Capponi, vice president of operations for PuroClean. "But by taking some preventative measures and having the necessary resources at hand, people can minimize their risk of severe damage, which will lessen the financial impact they will face after the storm." According to CNN, in 2008, damages from the Atlantic hurricanes were estimated at $54 billion. "Essentially, by protecting their homes, individuals will also be protecting their financial assets," said Capponi, who recommends that people take the following steps to secure their properties: Expect flooding – Unfortunately, flooding is an inevitable consequence of hurricanes. Prepare for the worst by clearing out basements and garages, and moving possessions to a higher level. Arrange board-up materials – All doors, windows and vents should be boarded prior to the storm. Pre-cut all wood to the specific size for each area to be covered and label them accordingly for quick reference. Properly equip doors – Make sure all doors are outfitted with at least three hinges. Install a dead bolt security lock for added protection against strong winds. Replace windows – Impact-resistant windows and doors are available and can be a smart investment for people. No temporary shutters are needed with these windows when they meet the standard local building codes. Secure shingles – Secure loose shingles on your roof by using a quick-setting asphalt cement to bond shingles together.
