Study Confirms Long Life Expectancy for Polyethylene Pipe in Municipal Water Systems

October 06, 2009

IRVING, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI) today announced an ongoing study by Jana Laboratories confirms 100+ year life expectancy for pipe made from polyethylene (PE) when used in municipal potable water systems. The study is the latest in-depth research commissioned by PPI investigating the effects of disinfection on the lifetime of polyethylene pipes. Interim report findings state PE pipe can last in excess of one hundred years under most water quality conditions, service environments and disinfection techniques. “One hundred year service life exceeds typical expectations; fifty years is widely accepted as the usual benchmark,” explained Tony Radoszewski, executive director of the PPI. “Polyethylene has been successfully used for water pipe in Europe and North America since the late 1950’s due to its leak-free joints, durability, resistance to galvanic corrosion, and long-term cost effectiveness. This research, along with analytical projects conducted over the years by our association and other entities, overwhelmingly provides evidence demonstrating the superiority of PE pipe systems over historically-used materials,” Radoszewski concluded. Jana Laboratories, publisher of the study, is a world-recognized authority on testing and evaluating the effects of disinfectants on pipe materials. Compilation of the research is ongoing with a final report anticipated in 2010. More information and links to the interim report can be found on the PPI’s website or Jana Labs website About PPI: The Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. is the trade association dedicated to expanding awareness about plastic pipe systems and promoting plastics as the material of choice for pipe applications. PPI is the premier technical, engineering and industry knowledge resource publishing data for use in development and design of plastic pipe systems. Additionally, PPI collaborates with industry organizations that set standards for manufacturing practices and installation methods. About Jana Laboratories: Jana Laboratories is the leading piping systems technology firm in the world. Jana is a practical, solutions-based engineering firm with a strong reliance on empirical testing data. Jana is positioned between a pure test lab, (which would have minimal engineering capability), and a full research lab (which would focus on theoretical science development). Jana places an applicable context on data and, through this analysis, is focused on providing a solution to its clients.
