Green Building Market Grows 50% in Two Years despite Recession, Says McGraw-Hill Construction Report

November 15, 2010

Green Outlook Report tracks dramatic growth, forecasts green building for next five years NEW YORK, Nov. 12, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. green building market is accelerating at a dramatic rate, says McGraw-Hill Construction's Green Outlook 2011: Green Trends Driving Growth report. The value of green building construction starts was up 50% from 2008 to 2010 — from $42 billion to $55 billion-$71 billion — and represents 25% of all new construction activity in 2010. According to projections, the green building market size is expected to reach $135 billion by 2015. Green building is the bright spot in an otherwise tough economy, and in some sectors, that rate of growth has been remarkable. In nonresidential building, for example, the green building market share is even higher than the overall market. Today, a third of all new nonresidential construction is green — a $54 billion market opportunity. In five years, nonresidential green building activity is expected to triple, representing $120 billion to $145 billion in new construction (40%-48% of the nonresidential market) and $14 billion to $18 billion in major retrofit and renovation projects.
