Garden-Aire Sliding Patio Door with AFA Operation

June 27, 2013

More Pass-Through Area Kolbe offers top-quality sliding patio doors in its Ultra and Heritage Series of products. Now, to provide more passage space, we offer a new, 3-wide active-fixed-active (AFA) configuration. AFA sliding door units are not a combination of two units. Rather, there are three panels within one frame. The fixed center panel is large enough to accommodate the two operating panels — so both can open to the center of the unit at once. No Sacrifice of Style AFA Garden-Aire sliding patio doors offer the features available for other Ultra and Heritage Series Garden-Aire sliding patio doors, including wide bottom rails as shown above. This new configuration is perfect where space won't allow for multi-panel, lift & slide, or folding doors. Multiple Sizes Sizes for AFA sliding doors include 9-6, 11-6 and 15-6 in all the standard sliding patio door heights. Custom sizes may be requested.
