Debunking Myth Series: Can Window Film Be Layered?

October 06, 2021

Window films are used for a variety of purposes, whether it's to provide glare reduction, solar energy improvement, visual privacy, safety protection, to attenuate RF and IR energy, or simply to help decorate or brand a property. One question that is commonly asked is: Can window films be layered so that multiple benefits are combined?

The answer: Yes, but it should only be considered under the right circumstances and conditions. Layering window films, or dual application, is the process of placing one film on top of another film. It's a practice that's typically carried out when a customer has specific needs that aren't met by just one film. In this post, we'll take a look at some of the common situations where dual application makes sense and what property owners, and managers should know before installing layered film on their glass.

When Does Dual-Application Make Sense?
Only under the right circumstances. Dual application commonly occurs when a customer wants to alter the visual appearance of the windows so they look more aesthetically pleasing, or to provide visual privacy, after an initial layer of film is installed.

Dual Application Pitfalls
However, while dual application can make sense and can be a somewhat common request, there are some drawbacks that property managers and owners should be aware of before layering window films.

The bottom line is that while layering window films is common, it is important to make sure that the benefits outweigh any potential drawbacks before making the decision to perform this on your interior or exterior glass.

Choosing the right window film for your particular scenario can be complicated. Let the experts at Signals Defense help. Click the button below for a free consultation.
