Continuing Education


Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results.

  • This program will address the manufacturing, design, and construction issues unique to tall segmental retaining walls. The presentation will discuss the manufacturing tolerances, the importance of soil properties, unique design details for tall walls, along with construction/quality control issues specifically related to taller walls.

    There doesn't seem to be any scheduled live events for this course. REQUEST one at a convenient time and location for you.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).


  • Dive into the intersection of design excellence and environmental responsibility with our comprehensive course on TFL decorative panels. Explore the intrinsic value of sustainability in the design world, unravel the complexities of the carbon cycle, and uncover how forests and wood play pivotal roles in carbon sequestration. Discover the versatile applications and climate-positive attributes of TFL panels, empowering you to make informed, eco-conscious choices in your design projects. Join us to elevate your understanding of exceptional design, durability, and sustainability, and contribute to a greener, more resilient future.

    There doesn't seem to be any scheduled live events for this course. REQUEST one at a convenient time and location for you.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).


  • Plongez dans l'intersection de l'excellence en design et de la responsabilité environnementale avec notre cours complet sur les panneaux décoratifs TFL. Explorez la valeur intrinsèque de la durabilité dans le monde du design, démêlez les complexités du cycle du carbone et découvrez comment les forêts et le bois jouent des rôles clés dans la séquestration du carbone. Découvrez les applications polyvalentes et les attributs climatiquement positifs des panneaux TFL, vous permettant de prendre des décisions éclairées et écologiques dans vos projets de design. Rejoignez-nous pour élever votre compréhension du design exceptionnel, de la durabilité et contribuer à un avenir plus vert et résilient.

    There doesn't seem to be any scheduled live events for this course. REQUEST one at a convenient time and location for you.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).


  • This presentation will cover what civil engineers need to know when utilizing segmental retaining walls for grade separation in their site development plans. The presentation will introduce participants to the National Concrete Masonry Association’s Best Practices Guide for Segmental Retaining Walls focusing on recommendations relevant to Civil Engineers and discuss how they are applied to enhance the safety and longevity of structural segmental walls. Topics will include risks associated with using a “design by others” approach to segmental retaining walls and the importance of geotechnical engineering support. The presentation will address how building foundations, footers, pond applications, and fencing/guardrail codes impact the design and construction of segmental walls.

    There doesn't seem to be any scheduled live events for this course. REQUEST one at a convenient time and location for you.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).


  • Examine permeable paving detention as an alternative to traditional storm water management approaches including open detention ponds and underground pipe. Impervious pavement is the main source of storm water runoff and this course discusses an alternative method with gravel and grass grid pavers. These systems have sustainable and environmental benefits; stormwater management (Low Impact Development) advantages, and can significantly reduce site development costs.

    There doesn't seem to be any scheduled live events for this course. REQUEST one at a convenient time and location for you.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).


Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results.