Colorado State Plumbing Board - Department of Regulatory Agencies

The Colorado State Plumbing Board licenses, registers, and regulates plumbers, apprentices, and plumbing contractors.

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Displaying 26 - 30 of 30 results.


  • ( ~ 1 hour ) 

    Adequate water consumption is essential to human health, and many turn to bottled water for convenience or out of concerns about the public drinking water supply. But bottled water presents its own water quality issues along with environmental impacts of disposable plastic bottles. This course explores bottle-filling stations that offer safer, convenient, sustainable hydration in a wide range of applications. Also reviewed are the features, benefits, and installation options of bottle-filling stations and how they contribute to drinking water requirements in the WELL Building Standard™ (WELL™) version 2.

  • ( ~ 1 hour ) 

    Plumbing design is highly regulated; improper design and installation can pose a serious health risk or result in costly property damage. This course reviews the plumbing codes and standards that govern plumbing fittings and fixtures, with special attention to standards to control the leaching of organics, metals, and lead into drinking water.

  • ( ~ 1 hour, 15 minutes ) 

    The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world, and with recidivism rates as high as 75% within five years, the prospects for released inmates are dim. There is no simple solution to these issues, but one approach is to focus on rehabilitation to help inmates reintegrate successfully into society upon release. This course looks at the role evidence-based building design can play in a rehabilitative environment that promotes healing, autonomy, and growth. Design strategies are presented with a focus on ADA-compliant, ligature-resistant plumbing products and water management systems that support a clean, safe, secure, rehabilitative environment.

  • ( ~ 1 hour ) 

    Humidity affects numerous industries, potentially leading to building damage and health problems. Mechanical dehumidifiers play a critical role in controlling humidity across different environments, ensuring comfort and safety while preventing any humidity or condensation issues that interfere with daily business. In this course, we provide insight into the principles of psychrometrics, enabling participants to understand the properties of air and water vapor mixtures significant to moisture control. We explore the operation of mechanical (vapor compression) dehumidifiers, their performance parameters and limitations, and installation configurations. Finally, we examine some examples of beneficial applications.

  • ( ~ 1 hour ) 

    Universal hot water availability is generally taken for granted. At a time when energy prices and sources, environmental concerns, and water shortages are increasing in significance, it is important to produce hot water in a manner that addresses all these issues. This course explains how electric tankless water heaters (ETWHs) do this while also improving health and safety conditions and reducing costs. The examination includes detailed descriptions of many types of ETWHs and the basic calculations and selection criteria for the most suitable system.

Displaying 26 - 30 of 30 results.