Continuing Education

Wall Protection

Approximately 1 hour

Commercial building interiors see all kinds of wear and tear on a daily basis. Various forms of wall protection can combat this wear and tear to help extend the longevity of a space, maintain a clean look, and cut down on maintenance costs. This course discusses the different wall protection products available, how to identify which wall protection products fit certain applications, and which building codes apply to these products.

Presented by Richelle Cellini on behalf of Construction Specialties, Inc..

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 This course is ACTIVELY registered with 29 industry association(s). Show CURRENT course approvals Hide CURRENT course approvals

This course is rated 2 SD symbols. This course contains partial sustainable design information. You can read more about the Sustainability Rating system.

This course is rated for 1 accessibility symbol. One symbol indicates courses that address accessible design in a small portion of the course. These courses do not meet the requirements of the California Architects Board. Please verify with other state boards before considering these courses as accessibility education.. You can read more about the Accessibility Rating system.

This course IS Health, Safety and Welfare eligible.

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