
Measuring Progress: The Building Sector’s Response to the Climate Crisis

Measuring Progress: The Building Sector’s Response to the Climate Crisis

"The relentless drumbeat of climate disasters in the headlines—scorching heat waves, raging wildfires, historic floods, crippling droughts—are no longer a series of anomalies." Read More

How to Improve Energy Efficiency in Modernist Buildings?

How to Improve Energy Efficiency in Modernist Buildings?

"Throughout the history of architecture, energy efficiency, and CO2 emissions were considered marginal issues until the late 20th century." Read More

Integrating New Material Systems and Future-Proofing Listed Buildings

Integrating New Material Systems and Future-Proofing Listed Buildings

"Listed buildings are important architectural testaments to a society's rich and diverse history." Read More

The Hidden Carbon Cost of Climate Retrofits

The Hidden Carbon Cost of Climate Retrofits

"Evolving urban conditions call for an evolving builtscape, and retrofits have been a key mechanism to allow buildings to adapt and respond to new needs." Read More

Customizable and Sustainable Porcelain Tiles on Demand: The Case of Kaolin

Customizable and Sustainable Porcelain Tiles on Demand: The Case of Kaolin

"Personalization of architectural and design elements has become an important global trend in the creation of exceptional and individualized spaces." Read More

From Factories to Workspaces: The Evolution of Industrial Buildings into Modern Offices

From Factories to Workspaces: The Evolution of Industrial Buildings into Modern Offices

"Industrial heritage, once central to urban growth and economic prosperity, is now often neglected and underused." Read More

Why So Many Banal Boxes? Because Architecture Reflects the Ethos of Its Time

Why So Many Banal Boxes? Because Architecture Reflects the Ethos of Its Time

"The whining of architects is futile. The stick-frame-over-podium building—the so-called 5-over-1—is here to stay." Read More

We Must Understand Buildings as Intermediate Deposits of Raw Materials

We Must Understand Buildings as Intermediate Deposits of Raw Materials

"Increasing urbanization, excessive waste production, excessive consumption of material goods, and exploitation of natural resources." Read More

Reimagining Models for Living Together: 4 Projects Showcasing Cooperative Architecture

Reimagining Models for Living Together: 4 Projects Showcasing Cooperative Architecture

"The International Day of Cooperatives, celebrated on the first Saturday of July each year, is an opportunity to raise awareness and celebrate the cooperative movement." Read More

UAE Pavilion Explores Conservation and Heritage for Future Applications in Expo 2025 Osaka

UAE Pavilion Explores Conservation and Heritage for Future Applications in Expo 2025 Osaka

"During a groundbreaking ceremony, the UAE Pavilion has just announced its participation in Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan." Read More

Overcoming Barriers: 4 Residential Projects with Accessibility Strategies in Latin America

Overcoming Barriers: 4 Residential Projects with Accessibility Strategies in Latin America

"According to the United Nations (UN), over 1 billion people worldwide live with disabilities, whether physical or intellectual, with 80% residing in Global South countries." Read More

Investing in Wellbeing: How Healthy Workspaces Drive Productivity and Profit

Investing in Wellbeing: How Healthy Workspaces Drive Productivity and Profit

"Beyond aesthetics, the design of our workplaces directly impacts our health. Studies reveal a clear link between poor light quality and limited access to natural views with increased sick leave." Read More

Revitalizing Urban Spaces: 10 Interventions for Transforming Unused Areas

Revitalizing Urban Spaces: 10 Interventions for Transforming Unused Areas

"Cities constantly undergo infinite changes, leaving many spaces within the urban fabric forgotten and unused." Read More

8 Projects Featuring Sustainable, Contemporary Natural Slate Rainscreen Facades

8 Projects Featuring Sustainable, Contemporary Natural Slate Rainscreen Facades

"Slate is a metamorphic natural rock composed of clay minerals such as mica and chlorite, which give it a laminated texture and predominant shades of gray, black, and green." Read More

Redefining the Horizon: North America's Cutting-Edge Skyscrapers

Redefining the Horizon: North America's Cutting-Edge Skyscrapers

"Skyscrapers are iconic symbols of modern urbanization and technological advancements all over North America." Read More

Building a Sustainable Future: Sports Facilities Made from Bamboo

Building a Sustainable Future: Sports Facilities Made from Bamboo

"As awareness of sustainable development grows, bamboo is emerging as an attractive alternative to traditional construction materials." Read More

Architecture Inspired by Permaculture: How to Integrate Its Design Principles Across Diverse Contexts?

Architecture Inspired by Permaculture: How to Integrate Its Design Principles Across Diverse Contexts?

"The concept of permaculture refers to a design system capable of creating sustainable human environments based on an ethic and a series of ecological, environmental, and resilience design principles." Read More

How Lime Enhances Contemporary Architecture

How Lime Enhances Contemporary Architecture

"The history of the use of lime in the construction industry dates back thousands of years, spanning cultures and communities worldwide." Read More

Geometric Patterns of Light and Shadow: 7 Projects With Perforated Skins

Geometric Patterns of Light and Shadow: 7 Projects With Perforated Skins

"Although an architectural project comes to life with palpable materials, it is also defined by intangible qualities that give it richness, dynamism, and liveliness." Read More

What Are Vernacular Technologies?

What Are Vernacular Technologies?

"Vernacular architecture has been gaining more and more space in theory and design practice, with its characteristics being studied and revised." Read More

Designing Spaces for Impactful Musical Experiences

Designing Spaces for Impactful Musical Experiences

"Music consumption has historically been closely connected to the environments in which it is enjoyed." Read More

The Interplay of Water and Light Through a Sculptural Experience Shower

The Interplay of Water and Light Through a Sculptural Experience Shower

"In the hustle and bustle of modern life, with deadlines, goals, and performance, finding moments of tranquility is essential for maintaining overall well-being and peace of mind." Read More

Blending Nostalgia and Modernity: The Rise of Synthetic Profiles in Furniture Design

Blending Nostalgia and Modernity: The Rise of Synthetic Profiles in Furniture Design

"Furniture made from natural materials is widely valued for its beauty and texture, especially when it comes to wood, bamboo, reed, and rattan." Read More

Architecture for Glamping: Embracing Nature with Comfort

Architecture for Glamping: Embracing Nature with Comfort

"Camping, as defined in dictionaries, involves temporarily staying outdoors, setting up makeshift accommodations, and settling in natural surroundings." Read More

Pavilions in Cities: 14 Structures that Foster Human Interactions

Pavilions in Cities: 14 Structures that Foster Human Interactions

"As dwellers of big cities, we tend to be dragged into a very fast-paced lifestyle. Surrounded by monumental buildings and infrastructure, we can easily lose sight of key spaces that connect us with our neighborhood and provide us with rare moments of peace and enjoyment." Read More

Applied, Flush and Reveal: What Are the Types of Baseboards?

Applied, Flush and Reveal: What Are the Types of Baseboards?

"Architects are known for returning from travel with more photos of buildings than people and for having an esoteric vocabulary of their own." Read More

The Groundscraper: A Building Typology to Decentralize Cities

The Groundscraper: A Building Typology to Decentralize Cities

"A ground scraper is essentially the opposite of a skyscraper - a large building that sprawls outward horizontally instead of soaring vertically into the sky." Read More

New AI Image Generator Can Help Users Redesign Their Own Interior Spaces

New AI Image Generator Can Help Users Redesign Their Own Interior Spaces

"Interior AI is a new platform that helps users generate new styles and even new functions for their interior spaces. The program uses the input of a 2D image of an interior space, be it a picture found on the internet or a photograph taken by the user." Read More

Maximizing Dilapidated Infrastructure: The Potential of Repurposing Abandoned Buildings into Social Housing

Maximizing Dilapidated Infrastructure: The Potential of Repurposing Abandoned Buildings into Social Housing

"As the demand for affordable housing grows and the availability of low-cost properties diminishes, stakeholders in housing must become more innovative in their approach to social housing development." Read More

Architecture in South Asia: Transitions in Patronage, Practitioners, and Public Perception

Architecture in South Asia: Transitions in Patronage, Practitioners, and Public Perception

"South Asia has undergone notable transformations across economic, political, social, and various other spheres." Read More

Hotels in Mexico: Utilizing Natural Materials and Waste in Contemporary Construction

Hotels in Mexico: Utilizing Natural Materials and Waste in Contemporary Construction

"In the quest to promote a more sustainable construction where the use of natural materials contributes to the transmission of local traditions and cultures, an increasing number of architecture projects are exploring different resources and techniques to address environmental, economic, or social concerns." Read More

Learn to Pre-Dimension a Reinforced Concrete Structure

Learn to Pre-Dimension a Reinforced Concrete Structure

"It's fundamental that architects know about structures, not only to bring their designs to reality but also to be able to discuss their projects with engineers in order to find the best solutions for construction." Read More

Maximized Density: How Co-Living Spaces Do More with Less

Maximized Density: How Co-Living Spaces Do More with Less

"Rising populations and soaring real estate prices pose significant challenged to urban housing. In a desperate hunt for affordable living options, communal co-living spaces have emerged as a creative solution, offering quality living conditions through clever space optimization strategies." Read More

Roofs of Trade: A Look at 12 Public Market Architectures

Roofs of Trade: A Look at 12 Public Market Architectures

"Public Markets are complex cases that beautifully combine an engineering exploration with the instigation of a beneficial public function." Read More

Exploring the Connection Between Water, Design and Wellbeing

Exploring the Connection Between Water, Design and Wellbeing

"Water is fundamental to human life on several levels, and encompasses a spectrum of meanings that transcend the biological sphere, reaching the cultural and spiritual spheres." Read More

Architecture as a Product: What Makes a Building Worth Repeating?

Architecture as a Product: What Makes a Building Worth Repeating?

"Architecture praxis has traditionally focused on customized, project-based services – a well-established model continually favored by industry professionals." Read More

Sharing the Table: 9 Projects Showcasing Innovative Communal Table Designs

Sharing the Table: 9 Projects Showcasing Innovative Communal Table Designs

"Humans are social beings. The interaction between individuals is an essential part of the human experience and helps improve society as a whole." Read More

Wooden Interiors: 10 Cabins Bringing Warmth in Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and More

Wooden Interiors: 10 Cabins Bringing Warmth in Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and More

"Being a natural element and presenting a negative carbon footprint at the end of its life cycle, wood offers multiple finishes, textures, and tones that can be associated with being outdoors and providing, on some occasions, spaciousness, warmth, and relaxation at the same time." Read More

How Retail Design Builds Brand Communities

How Retail Design Builds Brand Communities

"To differentiate themselves in competitive markets, the world's favorite retailers are tapping into retail design to cultivate communities of brand enthusiasts." Read More

Tips to Integrate Photovoltaic Energy on Houses

Tips to Integrate Photovoltaic Energy on Houses

"It seems like everyone is going solar these days. In the United States, the net solar power generation has increased by more than 113,000 million kilowatt hours in the last decade." Read More

How Engineered Wood Can Decarbonize the Construction Industry

How Engineered Wood Can Decarbonize the Construction Industry

"At a time when sustainability and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) concerns are prevalent, there is a crucial need to focus on a sector that accounts for 38% of all global CO₂ emissions and consumes 30% of global resources: the construction industry." Read More

Earth Day 2024: Urban and Architectural Strategies to Navigate the Climate Crisis

Earth Day 2024: Urban and Architectural Strategies to Navigate the Climate Crisis

"Every year, Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, presents us with an opportunity to contemplate the conditions of our planet and our impact upon it." Read More

How to Adapt Cities to Extreme Heat

How to Adapt Cities to Extreme Heat

"In June 2023, the planet experienced its hottest month on record. In Iran, the heat index reached a staggering 66.7 degrees Celsius, pushing the boundaries of human endurance." Read More

15 Landscaped Offices With Garden Space For Free-Range Employees to Roam

15 Landscaped Offices With Garden Space For Free-Range Employees to Roam

"Representing 32% of the global population, Generation Z (those born between 1995 – 2010) accounts for a healthy chunk of the workforce (27% by 2025 and rising every year)." Read More

7 Bioclimatic Façade Strategies for Tropical Architecture

7 Bioclimatic Façade Strategies for Tropical Architecture

"When we think of the word "tropic," the image that typically comes to mind is an exotic space, characterized by perpetual warmth and humidity, with frequent and heavy rainfall nurturing lush vegetation." Read More

Hypostyle: Contemporary Interpretations of an Ancient Concept

Hypostyle: Contemporary Interpretations of an Ancient Concept

"Many ancient Egyptian, Greek and Islamic religious buildings share a common feature known as hypostyle." Read More

7 Bioclimatic Façade Strategies for Tropical Architecture

7 Bioclimatic Façade Strategies for Tropical Architecture

"When we think of the word "tropic," the image that typically comes to mind is an exotic space, characterized by perpetual warmth and humidity, with frequent and heavy rainfall nurturing lush vegetation." Read More

Concrete Blocks in Architecture: How to Build With This Modular and Low-Cost Material

Concrete Blocks in Architecture: How to Build With This Modular and Low-Cost Material

"Concrete blocks are prefabricated materials primarily used for constructing walls. Similar to bricks, these blocks are stacked together and bonded with mortar, typically composed of cement, sand, and water." Read More

How to Replace Air Conditioning? Passive Strategies for Addressing Global Warming

How to Replace Air Conditioning? Passive Strategies for Addressing Global Warming

"Between now and 2050, worldwide installation of cooling appliances, like air conditioning, is projected to triple, resulting in a twofold increase in energy consumption." Read More

Is Mass Timber a Good Choice for Seismic Zones?

Is Mass Timber a Good Choice for Seismic Zones?

"For some, it may be terrifying to think that we inhabit a sphere orbiting the Sun, whose core has temperatures of up to 6,000°C and all human activities are located on the Earth's crust, the smallest layer in thickness, in the so-called tectonic plates." Read More

Retail Design in the Metaverse: A New Venture for Architects

Retail Design in the Metaverse: A New Venture for Architects

"The evolution of retail design warrants a study of architectural practice in the digital realm." Read More

Pass-Through Windows: Inspiring the Design of Easy-Open Spaces

Pass-Through Windows: Inspiring the Design of Easy-Open Spaces

"The desire for fluid integration between spaces has become increasingly relevant in contemporary architecture." Read More

16 Multi-Colored Office Spaces That Use Chromaticism to Organise and Inspire Their Workforce

16 Multi-Colored Office Spaces That Use Chromaticism to Organise and Inspire Their Workforce

"When a brief to design a new office space asks for something fresh, energetic, and modern – a space where employees enjoy being and, crucially, enjoy working in, which helps them to focus on individual tasks but also to relax, collaborate, and create – there are few better places to begin than a color wheel." Read More

Smarter Pods For a Smarter Office: New Smart Work Pods Mark a Digital Evolution for Hybrid Offices

Smarter Pods For a Smarter Office: New Smart Work Pods Mark a Digital Evolution for Hybrid Offices

"After becoming used to the comfort and autonomy of remote work, experts predict that workplace culture will never completely return to the way things were." Read More

How Breathable Should Facades Be? Exploring Permeability and Impermeability in Building Envelopes

How Breathable Should Facades Be? Exploring Permeability and Impermeability in Building Envelopes

"The main role of architecture is to create structures that protect us from the environment and create spaces that are safe and comfortable for all types of needs and activities." Read More

How to Improve Natural Light and Ventilation in the Bathroom With a Shower Window

How to Improve Natural Light and Ventilation in the Bathroom With a Shower Window

"As one of the smallest spaces in the home, shower rooms often find it difficult to get enough light." Read More

Designing for Plants: The Architecture of Greenhouses and Their Relationship with the Environment

Designing for Plants: The Architecture of Greenhouses and Their Relationship with the Environment

"When delving into the envelope of construction and examining how the interior relates to the exterior, the concept of greenhouses emerges as an opportunity to cultivate life indoors, whether dependent on external factors or not." Read More

What are Curated Widths Wooden Floors? Minimizing Waste with a Natural Aesthetic

What are Curated Widths Wooden Floors? Minimizing Waste with a Natural Aesthetic

"Flooring plays a fundamental role in defining the ambiance and atmosphere of a space. Among the variety of options on the market, solid wood plank flooring stands out as a timeless choice." Read More

How to Improve Internal and External Environments with Glass Ceilings

How to Improve Internal and External Environments with Glass Ceilings

"As a highly transparent material that stands up to all but the most extreme of weather conditions, is easily formed into any size or shape, and, once formed, will last for thousands of years, glass is still one of the most innovative and crucial materials used in architecture." Read More

Facades in the Circular Economy: Design for Disassembly

Facades in the Circular Economy: Design for Disassembly

"The principles of the circular economy have been most influential and applicable to the construction industry." Read More

Interiors within Interiors: 13 Projects that Showcase the Characteristics of Double Skin Facades

Interiors within Interiors: 13 Projects that Showcase the Characteristics of Double Skin Facades

"The facade of a building often serves as a reflection of both the urban fabric it is set in, as well as what lies behind it." Read More

Light as a Design Statement: Inspiring Ways to Manage Natural Lighting

Light as a Design Statement: Inspiring Ways to Manage Natural Lighting

"For most people, modern living requires spending most of the day in interior spaces - in fact, according to a report by the Environmental Protection Agency, the average person spends around 90% of their life indoors." Read More

Design Guide: Working with Fiber Cement Facades

Design Guide: Working with Fiber Cement Facades

"The manipulation and combination of materials are ongoing pursuits in architecture. This has not only broadened the possibilities for construction but also enabled the creation of distinctive shapes and aesthetics by using the same materiality." Read More

Greenhouse Technology in Architecture: Building Bright Spaces for the Future

Greenhouse Technology in Architecture: Building Bright Spaces for the Future

"Greenhouses are elegant and ingenious structures that incorporate simplicity in design while creating light-filled spaces that shape indoor climates." Read More

A PVC-Free Acoustic Solution for Healthy, Sustainable and Soundproof Interiors

A PVC-Free Acoustic Solution for Healthy, Sustainable and Soundproof Interiors

"Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic –commonly known as vinyl– is everywhere. In fact, chances are you are sitting close to (or on) something containing PVC in some way, shape or form." Read More

From Housing to Commerce: The Revitalization of Old Houses and Mansions

From Housing to Commerce: The Revitalization of Old Houses and Mansions

"Throughout the city's history, buildings have changed their use and function, which is inevitable, as each era presents unique issues and requirements." Read More

How Can Cities Cool down Large Urban Car Parks?

How Can Cities Cool down Large Urban Car Parks?

"The urban heat island effect occurs when pavements, roads, and buildings absorb the sun's heat and radiate it back, causing the temperature to increase and preventing the city from cooling down." Read More

How to Size the Optimal Kitchen Island: 5 Essential Tips

How to Size the Optimal Kitchen Island: 5 Essential Tips

"A correctly sized kitchen island is more than just a functional architectural element—it's a key component of kitchen design." Read More

Spiritual Journeys: Religious Architecture in the Global South

Spiritual Journeys: Religious Architecture in the Global South

"Religious architecture has always had a unique power to transcend the physical realm, transporting visitors to a spiritual journey." Read More

Contrast or Harmony: The Aesthetic of Modern Adaptations to Historic Buildings

Contrast or Harmony: The Aesthetic of Modern Adaptations to Historic Buildings

"As cities grow and evolve, the question of preserving, rehabilitating, or adapting historic sites arises. The intervention in such buildings requires a delicate balance between honoring their heritage and meeting contemporary demands." Read More

The Future Beneath Our Feet: Soil-Cement Bricks and the Path to Sustainable Construction

The Future Beneath Our Feet: Soil-Cement Bricks and the Path to Sustainable Construction

"Bricks are part of the collective imagination when thinking about construction. These are elementary, ubiquitous, modular, light, and reliable materials for erecting buildings." Read More

How Can Architecture be Designed to Reflect Human Behavior?

How Can Architecture be Designed to Reflect Human Behavior?

"Architecture is the design of spaces for human occupation. Despite architects’ skill in designing spaces to influence human behavior there often is a shortfall in anticipating and reacting to occupants’ behavior." Read More

Urban Challenges of Hillside Cities

Urban Challenges of Hillside Cities

"Living in cities built on geographical slopes is a unique and challenging experience." Read More

The Rise of Metal: Blending Industrial Aesthetics with Other Textures

The Rise of Metal: Blending Industrial Aesthetics with Other Textures

"Often associated with an industrial aesthetic, metal has become more prevalent in residential and commercial architecture." Read More

Transforming Architectural Education with Augmented and Virtual Reality

Transforming Architectural Education with Augmented and Virtual Reality

"The discipline of architecture has undergone considerable change, primarily driven by advancements in the application of technology." Read More

Transforming Waste into Pixels of Glassfiber-Reinforced Concrete

Transforming Waste into Pixels of Glassfiber-Reinforced Concrete

"Nowadays, the concepts of reducing waste and upcycling have experienced a remarkable expansion in various fields of architecture, driven by the need to change the paradigm of consumption habits in both society and industry." Read More

How to Paint Your Bathroom?

How to Paint Your Bathroom?

"Give your bathroom a fresh look with a modest investment, avoiding the hassle of extensive construction. Transform the space by adding plants, reconsidering lighting, or experimenting with new colors." Read More

Basic Strategies for Acoustic Comfort in Residential Architecture

Basic Strategies for Acoustic Comfort in Residential Architecture

"Within a city, various factors are taken into account when it comes to housing, such as location, proximity to services, mobility, access to natural light, view, and noise levels." Read More

Tips for Organizing the Laundry Area: How to Optimize Your Daily Life

Tips for Organizing the Laundry Area: How to Optimize Your Daily Life

"Previously we have published an article about how laundry rooms, or utility rooms, are an unnecessary luxury in a modern home." Read More

Reactivating Residual Public Spaces with Community-Led Design

Reactivating Residual Public Spaces with Community-Led Design

"Contemporary cities and urban settlements manifest as intricate structures that demand deep reflection and a careful approach." Read More

The Future of Energy: Can Buildings Become Reservoirs of Power?

The Future of Energy: Can Buildings Become Reservoirs of Power?

"Environmental degradation has shed light on the need for new sources of energy. A shift in energy sources calls for innovative means of storing energy." Read More

Patterns and Motifs Made With Ceramic Blocks

Patterns and Motifs Made With Ceramic Blocks

"A considerable part of architectural innovation involves the use of materials. Technical development and new formal languages utilize them to "announce" the "next" architectural era." Read More

Water in Public Spaces: 15 Urban Projects That Incorporate Water Resources in Their Designs

Water in Public Spaces: 15 Urban Projects That Incorporate Water Resources in Their Designs

"Water is indispensable for all forms of life on Earth, as it plays a vital role in maintaining biological processes, supporting ecosystems, and contributing to human well-being." Read More

Architecture & UNESCO: Rethinking Preservation and Cultural Heritage

Architecture & UNESCO: Rethinking Preservation and Cultural Heritage

"Architecture has always centered on permanence and ephemerality. Defined by material conditions, how we build is closely tied to what we preserve and how we conceptualize the future." Read More

Artificial Intelligence as an Ally in Architectural Decarbonization: From Conception to Building Implementation

Artificial Intelligence as an Ally in Architectural Decarbonization: From Conception to Building Implementation

"For a long time, sustainability in the architectural field was synonymous with technology. Efficiency was directly linked to innovative technological devices that adorned buildings with gadgets." Read More

How Hidden Fasteners Can Create Seamless Design: The Case of Commercial and Public Architecture

How Hidden Fasteners Can Create Seamless Design: The Case of Commercial and Public Architecture

"Highly desirable in contemporary projects, seamless surfaces symbolize the search for a unified and uninterrupted visual experience, without any noticeable gaps or interruptions." Read More

Interior Urbanism: The Implications of Indoor Public Space

Interior Urbanism: The Implications of Indoor Public Space

"Contemporary cityscapes vary greatly from their early precedents, hosting urban life in sprawling interior spaces like mega-hotels, shopping malls, and transportation hubs." Read More

Inter-Generational Homes: Addressing Diverse Needs Under One Roof

Inter-Generational Homes: Addressing Diverse Needs Under One Roof

"Designing a home is always a significant challenge. Technical and construction expertise must align with the expectations of its future resident, gently embracing their daily routine and tasks." Read More

30 Japanese Homes that Use Metal for Interior Accents

30 Japanese Homes that Use Metal for Interior Accents

"Contemporary Japanese interiors incorporate elements both of tradition and modernity to embody the country's innovative spirit while maintaining a profound respect for its history and cultural heritage." Read More

Vinyl Flooring: An Affordable and Versatile Option for Your Construction

Vinyl Flooring: An Affordable and Versatile Option for Your Construction

"One of the most popular choices in the construction market, vinyl flooring has various characteristics that have elevated it to this level." Read More

Subtle Radiance: Transforming Spaces With Woodwork and Furniture Lighting

Subtle Radiance: Transforming Spaces With Woodwork and Furniture Lighting

"Well-planned lighting makes all the difference in an interior design project, impacting various aspects. It goes beyond mere aesthetics to play a crucial role in creating atmospheres capable of influencing and altering people's emotions and perceptions within spaces." Read More

How Rammed Earth Walls are Built

How Rammed Earth Walls are Built

"Rammed earth has been used in construction for thousands of years, with evidence of its use dating as far back as the Neolithic Period." Read More

Rescuing Architecture: Stories of Buildings Saved from Demolition

Rescuing Architecture: Stories of Buildings Saved from Demolition

"Regarding urban development, the choice between demolition and adaptive reuse holds far-reaching implications." Read More

How Television Narratives Shape Urban Imaginaries

How Television Narratives Shape Urban Imaginaries

"Cities are not just inert landscapes or lifeless settings; they play active and significant roles in shaping numerous television narratives." Read More

Exploring Timber and Glass in 11 Contemporary Architectural Designs

Exploring Timber and Glass in 11 Contemporary Architectural Designs

"Some materials change the course of architecture from the moment they begin to be employed. The initial materials used in construction certainly did so: clay, stone, and wood." Read More

10 Interior Design Trends of 2023

10 Interior Design Trends of 2023

"As we head towards the end of 2023, an eventful year that could be defined as the year of "shifts", we take a look at how global events and trends impacted the design of interior spaces." Read More

Urban Staircases: Vertical Poetry in Cities

Urban Staircases: Vertical Poetry in Cities

"Staircases facilitate transit and movement within cities, influencing how communities interact and navigate their urban surroundings." Read More

Inclusive Design that Meets the Needs of an Aging Society

Inclusive Design that Meets the Needs of an Aging Society

"The world's population is undergoing a significant demographic transformation, with an increasingly larger portion of people reaching older ages." Read More

What Is an Urban Oasis? Combating the Excessive Heat of Cities

What Is an Urban Oasis? Combating the Excessive Heat of Cities

"We are on the brink of concluding the hottest year in the past 125,000 years. Recently, elevated temperatures have adversely impacted the daily routines of a significant portion of the population, particularly those who spend most of their day outdoors without access to air-conditioned environments." Read More

Natural Touch: Biomaterials in Interior Coatings

Natural Touch: Biomaterials in Interior Coatings

"Amid the ongoing environmental crisis, bioeconomy has gained significance across different domains, particularly in the construction sector, where efforts there is a push to enhance sustainability." Read More

Flexibility and Innovation: Customized Solar Panels for Facade Integration

Flexibility and Innovation: Customized Solar Panels for Facade Integration

"Traditionally relegated to roofs, photovoltaic (PV) panels tend to have a uniform appearance: large black or dark blue rectangular pieces of shiny glass with metal frames." Read More

Breath of an Architect

Breath of an Architect

"From December 9, 2023, to April 21, 2024, the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain presents Breath of an Architect." Read More

How to Create a Cozy Winter-Ready Interior

How to Create a Cozy Winter-Ready Interior

"Lowering our body temperature and metabolism to preserve food and energy during a cold spell is not (yet) a skill humanity has learned." Read More

Solar Panels in Residential Projects: Efficiency Without Compromising the Aesthetics

Solar Panels in Residential Projects: Efficiency Without Compromising the Aesthetics

"Including sustainable strategies in architectural projects is not just a trend, it is a necessity. Each day we become more aware of the importance of responsibly managing natural resources and understanding the environmental factors involved in designing a project." Read More

Designing Urban Blocks for Children

Designing Urban Blocks for Children

"Have you ever considered how spaces are perceived, experienced, and enjoyed from a height of 95 cm? Considering urban design from the child's perspective is essential for fostering inclusive, healthy, and secure cities." Read More

How to Make the Most of Double-Height Ceilings in Residential Architecture: Explore Various Examples

How to Make the Most of Double-Height Ceilings in Residential Architecture: Explore Various Examples

"Double-height ceilings, commonly found in museums and industrial warehouses to accommodate large objects, offer both aesthetic and functional advantages." Read More

Clay or Concrete, Solid or Hollow: Different Types of Bricks and Their Uses

Clay or Concrete, Solid or Hollow: Different Types of Bricks and Their Uses

"The term brick is often used as a synonym for common clay solid blocks, but there's more to it. Bricks are perhaps the most elementary of building materials and can be used to design modular, optimized, and most importantly, versatile buildings." Read More

A New Generation of Ceramics: Anti-Pollution, Antiviral and Self-Cleaning

A New Generation of Ceramics: Anti-Pollution, Antiviral and Self-Cleaning

"When we conceive an architectural project, it is crucial to transcend mere aesthetics and consider all aspects of our material decisions." Read More

Exploring Cutting-Edge Technologies in Bespoke Furniture Design

Exploring Cutting-Edge Technologies in Bespoke Furniture Design

"Within the shifts in architectural movements and styles, furniture design has also evolved throughout the years, transitioning from elaborate curvy lines and opulent materials to simple and functional layouts, and back again, in constant movement." Read More

Participatory Planning: Shaping Cities through Community Engagement

Participatory Planning: Shaping Cities through Community Engagement

"Moving away from top-down approaches, contemporary practices embrace more inclusive and participatory models and design processes." Read More

Reviving Collaboration: Seeking a Place for Artistry in Mass-Produced Building Elements

Reviving Collaboration: Seeking a Place for Artistry in Mass-Produced Building Elements

"Historically, architecture has served as a canvas for artistic expression. Building elements have been adorned with relief-carved garlands, inscriptions, fresco murals, portrait busts, and classicizing figurative sculptures, all of which emphasize the unique and intentional nature of each component." Read More

Utilizing Low-Height Interior Spaces: 19 Creative Solutions for Extra Storage in Attics and Under Stairs

Utilizing Low-Height Interior Spaces: 19 Creative Solutions for Extra Storage in Attics and Under Stairs

"By converting the unused areas hidden in the roofspace, homeowners are able to add extra bedrooms, games rooms, or simply give themselves easier-to-access storage space, without having to move house or apply for planning approval." Read More

The Role of Biomimicry in Disaster-Resilient Architecture

The Role of Biomimicry in Disaster-Resilient Architecture

"The terms resiliency and sustainability, although similar in meaning, refer to different design approaches in the context of architecture and cities." Read More

Designing the Appearance of Rammed Earth Walls: The Interplay Between Natural Clay Colors and Pigmentation

Designing the Appearance of Rammed Earth Walls: The Interplay Between Natural Clay Colors and Pigmentation

"Rammed earth is one of the oldest methods of constructing walls and still holds great potential for modern earth construction." Read More

What Materials Can Promote Health in Interior Architecture?

What Materials Can Promote Health in Interior Architecture?

"Recent statistics suggest that if someone lives until they are 80, around 72 of those years will be spent inside buildings." Read More

Creating Energy-Efficient Buildings: The Role of Human Interaction and Sensory Technology

Creating Energy-Efficient Buildings: The Role of Human Interaction and Sensory Technology

"How do we create buildings that use energy efficiently? Traditionally, efforts to green the built environment have centered on the physical infrastructure, often overlooking the relationships between people and space." Read More

Sliding Pocket Doors Can Help Save Space and Optimize Small Interiors

Sliding Pocket Doors Can Help Save Space and Optimize Small Interiors

"As urban areas around the world continue to experience population growth and increasing demand for housing, the land available for development is becoming both more limited and expensive." Read More

33 Open Homes With Multiple Stories Across a Vertical Open Plan

33 Open Homes With Multiple Stories Across a Vertical Open Plan

"For over half a century, the open floor plan has remained at the cutting edge of interior architecture, with both new-build and renovation clients choosing to splice together rooms and their functions to bring more harmonious connectivity to their homes." Read More

The Decolonization of Architecture Is a Necessary Step in Its Decarbonization

The Decolonization of Architecture Is a Necessary Step in Its Decarbonization

"Imagination and policy development go hand in hand. Before we can create policies that bring about a desirable future, we must first envision what that future looks like, which is particularly significant in Architecture because we see the future as an integral part of the design process." Read More

Sustainability and Innovation in Ephemeral Architecture: 15 Wooden Pavilions

Sustainability and Innovation in Ephemeral Architecture: 15 Wooden Pavilions

"Throughout the modern era, pavilion architecture has consistently reflected cutting-edge architectural trends." Read More

Are We Seeing the End of the Open Floor Plan?

Are We Seeing the End of the Open Floor Plan?

"The layout of interior spaces has been in constant evolution since the very first residential project." Read More

The Digital Divide: Can Technology Support Vernacular Architecture?

The Digital Divide: Can Technology Support Vernacular Architecture?

"The architecture and construction industry has undergone a transformation with the integration of various digital tools, now indispensable to the design process." Read More

What Are the Sustainable Demolition Strategies That Can Decarbonize Architecture?

What Are the Sustainable Demolition Strategies That Can Decarbonize Architecture?

"The built environment is responsible for approximately 42% of annual global CO2 emissions. During a building's lifespan, half of these emissions come from its construction and demolition." Read More

Neutrals in Interior Design: 30 Homes with an Understated Color Palette

Neutrals in Interior Design: 30 Homes with an Understated Color Palette

"The history of 'neutral colors' is a fascinating journey through the evolution of human aesthetics and design sensibilities." Read More

Are Carbon-Neutral Buildings Expensive?

Are Carbon-Neutral Buildings Expensive?

"Decarbonization of the building sector is no longer a choice but a necessity. As nations strive to curb their greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, it is increasingly clear that current building standards do not go far enough to drive tangible change." Read More

Architecture With History: 7 Brazilian Houses That Respect the Layers of Time

Architecture With History: 7 Brazilian Houses That Respect the Layers of Time

"More and more, the field of architecture is shifting its focus towards revitalizing existing spaces. This shift is motivated by various factors, including concerns about sustainability, cost constraints, and the scarcity of available land in rapidly expanding urban areas." Read More

How to Use Alternative Products and Materials to Reduce a Project’s Carbon Footprint

How to Use Alternative Products and Materials to Reduce a Project’s Carbon Footprint

"Working within the restrictions of a limited carbon footprint can be one of the hardest – but also most rewarding – parts of a modern architect’s role." Read More

World Architecture Day 2023: Fostering Resilient Communities through Architecture

World Architecture Day 2023: Fostering Resilient Communities through Architecture

"As has become customary in recent years, on the first Monday of October, we celebrate both World Architecture Day and World Habitat Day, serving as a reminder to the global community of its collective responsibility for the well-being of the built environment." Read More

How Environmental Neuroscience is Shaping Architecture and Urban Planning

How Environmental Neuroscience is Shaping Architecture and Urban Planning

"Environmental neuroscience is an emerging field devoted to studying the impact of social and physical environments on brain processes and behavior." Read More

Pushing Boundaries with Bamboo: A Structural Engineering Case Study

Pushing Boundaries with Bamboo: A Structural Engineering Case Study

"In a world grappling with environmental challenges, forward-thinking architects and engineers are increasingly leaning towards more sustainable solutions." Read More

Cross-Laminated Timber Reaches new Heights: Why use CLT in Construction?

Cross-Laminated Timber Reaches new Heights: Why use CLT in Construction?

"The growth of the world's population has led to an increase in housing and building construction around the globe." Read More

From Tradition to Innovation: How Modern Technologies are Transforming the Potential of Wood

From Tradition to Innovation: How Modern Technologies are Transforming the Potential of Wood

"Wood, one of the oldest building materials, has been continuously reinvented throughout history. As contemporary architecture becomes more and more concerned with sustainability and environmental responsibility, the popularity of the material has also increased." Read More

Natural Roofs: Sustainable Alternatives for Modern Buildings

Natural Roofs: Sustainable Alternatives for Modern Buildings

"Nowadays, when we imagine enclosed spaces, concrete slab roofs often come to mind. However, the use of concrete in construction now raises concerns due to its documented contributions to climate change and environmental harm." Read More

Timber Skyscrapers: A Low-Carbon Typology for the 21st Century

Timber Skyscrapers: A Low-Carbon Typology for the 21st Century

"Wood, an age-old building material, has left its mark on the history of architecture. Structures like townhouses and ancient cathedrals have seen usage and innovation with wood as a primary material." Read More

Direct or Indirect Light? Embedded Systems and Aluminum Profiles Enhanced by LED Technology

Direct or Indirect Light? Embedded Systems and Aluminum Profiles Enhanced by LED Technology

"In the world of interior design and architecture, lighting has evolved from a mere functional necessity into a powerful tool for creating pleasant environments, accentuating design elements, and setting the mood for occupants." Read More

Coil Coating Solutions for Designing Unconventional Building Envelopes

Coil Coating Solutions for Designing Unconventional Building Envelopes

"Building envelopes create a physical boundary or shell integrated to the outer skin of a structure, separating indoor and outdoor environments." Read More

Sustainable Elegance: The Use of Bamboo in Interior Design

Sustainable Elegance: The Use of Bamboo in Interior Design

"In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in the pursuit of sustainability and eco-conscious practices across diverse domains, including interior architecture projects." Read More

Expanding the Architectural Prospects of Timber in Its Natural Form

Expanding the Architectural Prospects of Timber in Its Natural Form

"Timber has been a popular source of construction material for thousands of years. Through sawing, milling, and other engineered wood conversion processes, various wood forms have been created and applied in products, furniture, and architecture." Read More

Handcrafted Design for Minimalist Washbasins and Baths

Handcrafted Design for Minimalist Washbasins and Baths

"In the realm of architectural design and interior furnishings, achieving a balance between form and function is a daily challenge that designers encounter." Read More

How Thermal Modification Can Make Wood in Architecture Last a Lifetime

How Thermal Modification Can Make Wood in Architecture Last a Lifetime

"Wood is a material with unique characteristics –such as its natural warmth and tactile quality– capable of providing a sense of comfort and well-being, evoking emotions and memories, and creating a cozy atmosphere in interior spaces." Read More

Color in Architecture as a Powerful Communication Tool

Color in Architecture as a Powerful Communication Tool

"Contrary to popular belief, Roman buildings were not as monochrome as previously thought." Read More

Circles in Interior Design: 27 Projects that Embrace Roundness

Circles in Interior Design: 27 Projects that Embrace Roundness

"Circles, as a fundamental geometric shape, possess a captivating and harmonious quality that has been seamlessly integrated into architecture and design across various eras and styles." Read More

Bars and Restaurants: 50 Examples in Plan and Section

Bars and Restaurants: 50 Examples in Plan and Section

"The spatial distribution of a restaurant or bar is essential to its success." Read More

The Strategic Use of Color in Environmental Graphic Design

The Strategic Use of Color in Environmental Graphic Design

"Our daily lives involve constant communication with the city. As we move through different spaces, we ask ourselves questions like "Where am I now?", "Where am I headed?", "What am I looking for?", "What is this building for?", and "How do I experience this space?" While spatial encounters may feel intuitive, environmental graphic design (EGD) provides the answers by serving as an important interface between us and the built environment." Read More

Local Colors in Rammed Earth Construction: 50 Projects Revealing Earth's Vibrant Palette

Local Colors in Rammed Earth Construction: 50 Projects Revealing Earth's Vibrant Palette

"With the proper know-how, readily available earth, sand, chalk, lime, or gravel can yield a versatile, strong, and durable construction material." Read More

Top-Down and Bottom-Up Urban Planning: A Synergetic Approach

Top-Down and Bottom-Up Urban Planning: A Synergetic Approach

"From the grid plans of ancient Greek cities to the Renaissance's idealized urban layouts, the history of urban planning is a reflection of evolving power structures and societal priorities." Read More

Fire Trol Launches New Specification Tools

Fire Trol Launches New Specification Tools

"Fire Trol recently debuted game-changing partnerships with ARCAT and RIB SpecLink at A'23 in San Francisco." Read More

Exposed Brick in Interiors: 5 Examples of Rustic Warmth

Exposed Brick in Interiors: 5 Examples of Rustic Warmth

"There is no material more diverse and timeless than brick - which can be seen as a staple in both ancient and modern architecture." Read More

Bucolic Landscapes: 15 Country Houses in Portugal

Bucolic Landscapes: 15 Country Houses in Portugal

"With a population of a little over ten million people, of which almost two-thirds are living in urban areas, Portugal is still one of the most rural countries in Europe to this day." Read More

Infographic: The Evolution of 3D Printing in Architecture, Since 1939

Infographic: The Evolution of 3D Printing in Architecture, Since 1939

"For many years, often spoken in tones of anticipation and excitement, we have heard that 3D printing will revolutionize the architecture industry as we know it." Read More

Durable Timber: Designing for Embodied Carbon Benefits in All Life Cycle Stages

Durable Timber: Designing for Embodied Carbon Benefits in All Life Cycle Stages

"Architects have always adapted their designs for the key building indicators of their time. After decades of focus on energy efficiency, embodied carbon is quickly becoming the key indicator for our next generation of buildings." Read More

Seamless Transitions and Superior Insulation Through Frameless Glass Facades

Seamless Transitions and Superior Insulation Through Frameless Glass Facades

"In the past, glazed surfaces tended to be small and almost opaque; but this began to change throughout the years due to the growing trend of increasingly larger glass panes in construction." Read More

Natural or Artificially Pigmented Materials? Exploring Color Variations and their Effects

Natural or Artificially Pigmented Materials? Exploring Color Variations and their Effects

"Materiality is a determining factor in shaping the character and experience of a building. Playing with the aesthetic and tactile qualities of materials, the design process encompasses their analysis, selection, and arrangement to create purposeful and sensory-rich spaces." Read More

Color in Hospitality Design: 20 Restaurant Interiors that Set the Right Tone

Color in Hospitality Design: 20 Restaurant Interiors that Set the Right Tone

"In the competitive world of restaurants – particularly at a time when influencers are gaining more and more control over the sphere of fine dining –, creating a memorable meal experience is crucial for attracting and retaining customers." Read More

Ceilings for Residential Architecture: Benefits and Disadvantages of Each Material

Ceilings for Residential Architecture: Benefits and Disadvantages of Each Material

"More than just hiding and protecting installations, ceiling lining can transform an environment's perception." Read More

Contemporary Architecture: The Importance of Local Culture in Practice

Contemporary Architecture: The Importance of Local Culture in Practice

"Contemporary architecture does not come from scratch. Today’s projects are based on a series of experiments that have occurred since humanity began to conceive living and coexistence spaces." Read More

Algorithm-based Architecture: Flexible Bricks to Wrap Architectural Spaces

Algorithm-based Architecture: Flexible Bricks to Wrap Architectural Spaces

"There are many building materials that have experienced minimal changes since their initial inception in the field of architecture." Read More

24 Indoor Pools: Bringing the Tranquility of Water to Interior Spaces

24 Indoor Pools: Bringing the Tranquility of Water to Interior Spaces

"Within architecture, water evokes sentiments of calmness and wellbeing. The element has influenced design through its dynamic and fluid nature." Read More

Designing Innovative Small Kitchens With Different Compositions and Materials

Designing Innovative Small Kitchens With Different Compositions and Materials

"Nowadays, homes are built in increasingly smaller spaces in densely populated cities. The kitchens, which today serve not only to prepare meals but also as meeting spaces where we receive guests, are the places that have undergone the most transformations in recent decades." Read More

Delving into the Aesthetics of Rock Salt Crystallization

Delving into the Aesthetics of Rock Salt Crystallization

"Rock salt is a chemical sedimentary rock that forms through the evaporation of water, as minerals dissolve and settle down. When excavated directly from the earth, it maintains a cube-shaped crystalline form." Read More

Public Waterfront Pools : 10 Aquatics Facilities Bordering Rivers and Oceans

Public Waterfront Pools : 10 Aquatics Facilities Bordering Rivers and Oceans

"At first glance, building a pool right beside another body of water seems a little redundant." Read More

Sauna Construction Details: Examples of Small-Scale Wooden Architecture

Sauna Construction Details: Examples of Small-Scale Wooden Architecture

"Due to its specific characteristics, the architecture of the sauna is interesting because it gives us lessons related to efficiency and the beauty of simplicity." Read More

Designing Comfortable and Playful Spaces For Life With a Pet: 31 Homes and Environments

Designing Comfortable and Playful Spaces For Life With a Pet: 31 Homes and Environments

"It’s said that our ability as a species to easily form strong emotional bonds with creatures of another species is one of the unique characteristics that differentiate humans from animals." Read More

Mapping the Future of Hemp Architecture and Construction Materials: Revolutionizing the Industry

Mapping the Future of Hemp Architecture and Construction Materials: Revolutionizing the Industry

"In recent years, the spotlight on sustainable, eco-friendly, and low-carbon materials has intensified across the architecture industry. Amid this interest, a renaissance of hemp architecture is gradually gaining momentum on a global scale." Read More

What to Consider When Choosing Roofing Materials?

What to Consider When Choosing Roofing Materials?

"There are many ways to define architecture, from the most technical to the most poetic. It uses many aspects within its context: space, program, tectonics, and gesture, which refers to the stroke, the drawing, and the design." Read More

Arches in Interior Design: 26 Projects that Reimagine the Classical Shape

Arches in Interior Design: 26 Projects that Reimagine the Classical Shape

"Although the use of arches in architecture dates back to the 2nd millennium B.C., it was the Romans who solidified them as both an engineering element and a symbol of military victories, which we now see excessively as memorial arches." Read More

Four Retractable Shade Solutions for Residential Exteriors

Four Retractable Shade Solutions for Residential Exteriors

"Shade refers to a region or state where sunlight is partially obstructed by objects or structures. This concept plays a crucial role in architectural design, as it significantly impacts comfort and functionality." Read More

The Significance of Seaports in Shaping Cities

The Significance of Seaports in Shaping Cities

"The installation of commercial ports in various locations around the world, especially at the beginning of what we now call globalization, was a preponderant and structuring factor for the foundation of numerous cities." Read More

Water-Saving Strategies for the Bathrooms of the Future

Water-Saving Strategies for the Bathrooms of the Future

"As a major current and future challenge, the climate crisis is defining the way architecture is adapting and designing the built environment." Read More

Integrating Water Into Architecture and Landscaping Consciously and Creatively

Integrating Water Into Architecture and Landscaping Consciously and Creatively

"Integrating water into landscaping in unique and sustainable ways has become an increasingly relevant approach to recent projects." Read More

How to Combine Colors and Textures in Interior Decor

How to Combine Colors and Textures in Interior Decor

"Colors directly influence space perception. Through them, it is possible to stimulate the user's mood - making the environment calmer or more dynamic - and also change our perception of space without changing a centimeter of any wall." Read More

Biophilic Landscaping in Educational Spaces: Stimulating Learning, Well-Being and Creativity

Biophilic Landscaping in Educational Spaces: Stimulating Learning, Well-Being and Creativity

"Environments that inspire, promote well-being and stimulate a connection with nature. Biophilic landscaping in education spaces recognizes the importance of this bond for student development, as it benefits well-being, academic performance, and people's health." Read More

Designing for Water Scarcity: How Architects are Adapting to Arid Environments

Designing for Water Scarcity: How Architects are Adapting to Arid Environments

"An arid environment refers to specific regions characterized by a severe lack of available water and extremely dry weather conditions. More specifically, arid regions by definition, receive less than 25 centimeters of rain per year." Read More

Public Pools as Public Spaces: The Role of Swimming and Bathing in Cities

Public Pools as Public Spaces: The Role of Swimming and Bathing in Cities

"When one thinks of public spaces, the image of a pool rarely comes to mind. Public spaces are the center of civic life, places where most interactions, activities, and behaviors follow strict social and cultural norms to ensure the safety and comfort of all users." Read More

How to Design Common Areas in Residential Buildings? Examples from Brazilian Houses

How to Design Common Areas in Residential Buildings? Examples from Brazilian Houses

"When designing buildings, attention often focuses on residential units, prioritizing apartment comfort and functionality. However, it is equally important to consider common areas, which play a fundamental role in residents' quality of life and in building a community that shares the same space." Read More

How to Improve Natural Lighting in Apartments?

How to Improve Natural Lighting in Apartments?

"Old and compartmentalized plants, small openings, and lower floors receive scarce natural light. Improving natural lighting in an apartment can be challenging." Read More

Interiors with Vaulted Ceilings: 21 Subtle Designs

Interiors with Vaulted Ceilings: 21 Subtle Designs

"The simplest definition of a vaulted ceiling is a self-supporting arched structure to cover a space. This technique was used extensively during the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages but fell into disuse with the advance of other building solutions that became more practical." Read More

Water-Saving Strategies for the Bathrooms of the Future

Water-Saving Strategies for the Bathrooms of the Future

"As a major current and future challenge, the climate crisis is defining the way architecture is adapting and designing the built environment." Read More

Social Housing: 60 Examples in Plan and Section

Social Housing: 60 Examples in Plan and Section

"Social Housing is a principal element for a more democratic city. These housing structures provide decent dwellings for all citizens in urban areas and connect them to the rest of the city and its services." Read More

Designing Naturally Illuminated Learning Environments on a Tight Budget

Designing Naturally Illuminated Learning Environments on a Tight Budget

"As societies evolve, educational facilities also undergo continuous transformation processes to keep up. In terms of their design strategies, they must embrace modern approaches that respond to the changing needs of students and teachers." Read More

How to Design Hidden Kitchens: Innovative Solutions for Space-Saving and Minimalist Aesthetics

How to Design Hidden Kitchens: Innovative Solutions for Space-Saving and Minimalist Aesthetics

"While the kitchen is a ubiquitous part of almost every home—and, in many cases, is considered symbolic of domestic living entirely—it can also take up precious space, produce visual clutter, and detract from the minimalist aesthetic of an otherwise sleek, modern home." Read More

What Is Biophilic Design? Examples of Apartments Integrating These Principles in Mexico

What Is Biophilic Design? Examples of Apartments Integrating These Principles in Mexico

"Since the earliest civilizations, nature has been a mainstay in serving as a natural habitat for humankind, providing shelter, food, and medicine." Read More

The Meteoric Rise of Cross-Laminated Timber Construction: 50 Projects that Use Engineered-Wood Architecture

The Meteoric Rise of Cross-Laminated Timber Construction: 50 Projects that Use Engineered-Wood Architecture

"Timber is a natural, renewable material, easy to fabricate, and with low-carbon emissions. As a construction material, however, when put under enough directional force along its grain, sawn timber is structurally unstable, so deemed unsuitable under higher loads." Read More

Vernacular Elements Applied in Contemporary Housing

Vernacular Elements Applied in Contemporary Housing

"Vernacular architecture is a complex concept that has different meanings depending on where we are, and it is present in various architectural typologies." Read More

What Is Mass Timber?

What Is Mass Timber?

"Wood is the concrete of the future. As timber construction becomes increasingly popular, you have probably heard this phrase. However, we are not talking about traditional construction techniques using timber, but rather about this well-known material combined with cutting-edge technology." Read More

Balancing Form and Function: The Art of Designing a Good Chair

Balancing Form and Function: The Art of Designing a Good Chair

"Designing a good chair is a much more challenging task than we might think. To begin with, several factors must be addressed, such as ergonomics, aesthetics, materials, functionality and durability." Read More

Outdoor Kitchens: A Brief History and 15 Current Examples

Outdoor Kitchens: A Brief History and 15 Current Examples

"The weather across the northern hemisphere is getting warmer, and with rising temperatures comes the urgent need for many of us to spend as much time outside as possible." Read More

Multifunctional Spaces: Integrating Home Environments With Countertops

Multifunctional Spaces: Integrating Home Environments With Countertops

"Flexibility and open spaces are themes in contemporary house design. Multifunctional spaces and creative storage solutions are more than welcome when seeking easily adaptable environments to meet owners' constantly changing needs." Read More

What is Architectural Technology? How Innovation is Changing the Industry

What is Architectural Technology? How Innovation is Changing the Industry

"Professionals in the AEC industry are well aware of the issues that grapple the built environment. That the construction industry is the largest consumer of materials and is responsible for 40% of all carbon emissions is a commonplace fact." Read More

Bamboo in Architecture: Same Material, Different Uses

Bamboo in Architecture: Same Material, Different Uses

"If we were to design an ideal building material, it would look like bamboo. Its tubular shape, vascular bundles, fast growth rate, and ease of manipulation make it ideal for construction." Read More

Making it Pop: 24 Residential Interiors that Embrace Color Blocking

Making it Pop: 24 Residential Interiors that Embrace Color Blocking

"Though it has long been assumed that newborns don't see color at all, more recent studies have shown that they can indeed distinguish between different shades." Read More

Take Off Your Shoes: 5 Floors to Experience Barefoot

Take Off Your Shoes: 5 Floors to Experience Barefoot

"The skin absorbs matter, and the world is contemplated, touched, heard, and measured through our bodily existence." Read More

Vertical Boldness: Transforming Access Doors Into Works of Art

Vertical Boldness: Transforming Access Doors Into Works of Art

"Verticality in architecture conveys aesthetic, symbolic and cultural meanings, representing concepts such as elegance, sophistication, modernity, progress and technological advancement." Read More

Afterlife of Pavilions: Exploring Reuse in Temporary Architecture

Afterlife of Pavilions: Exploring Reuse in Temporary Architecture

"Temporary pavilions and installations, such as those used in events, exhibitions, or festivals, present themselves as a great challenge when addressing the circular economy in architecture due to their ephemeral condition." Read More

Between Architecture and Landscape: Contemporary Collective Housing in Latin America

Between Architecture and Landscape: Contemporary Collective Housing in Latin America

"Considering the incorporation of landscaping from the beginning of the architectural project has become a defining aspect and even a challenge for many architects, aiming to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants and contribute to the protection and care of the environment." Read More

Heating Outdoor Areas Without Compromising on Visual Appeal

Heating Outdoor Areas Without Compromising on Visual Appeal

"Outdoor dining and activities have gained increasing appreciation in recent years. We value the sense of freedom and adventure, and the possibility of socialization that they provide, as well as the connection with nature." Read More

Are Living Rooms Still Relevant? 16 Projects that Explore how these Private Gathering Spaces Adapt to the Contemporary Home

Are Living Rooms Still Relevant? 16 Projects that Explore how these Private Gathering Spaces Adapt to the Contemporary Home

"Today, architecture has become - or is in the process of becoming - more flexible and individualistic to accommodate people's diverse lifestyles and spatial needs." Read More

Improving Acoustics in Shared Spaces with Sound Absorbing Materials

Improving Acoustics in Shared Spaces with Sound Absorbing Materials

"Acoustical comfort is a critical element of interior design that should never be neglected, especially in shared spaces such as restaurants, convention centers, museums, sports halls, and many others." Read More

Evergreen Design Elements that Define Contemporary Interiors: 7 Features that Last the Test of Time

Evergreen Design Elements that Define Contemporary Interiors: 7 Features that Last the Test of Time

"When it comes to forward-thinking interior design, adaptability, and timelessness are two key factors that can guarantee a home will look just as current years from now as it does today." Read More

Using Mirrors to Extend and Transform Interiors

Using Mirrors to Extend and Transform Interiors

"One of the most common decorative objects in projects, mirrors have existed since the Badarian civilization, around 4,000 BC. With several transformations in its material and manufacture, the mirror is a decorative object and can also serve as a design strategy." Read More

When Design Meets Functionality in Façades: High-Tech Aluminium Surfaces

When Design Meets Functionality in Façades: High-Tech Aluminium Surfaces

"The design of a facade defines its architectural identity. Besides being a barrier against diverse weather conditions, providing acoustic comfort, and regulating light penetration, the external skin of a building determines its character and perception." Read More

4 Ways to Bring Biophilia Into the Urban Workspace

4 Ways to Bring Biophilia Into the Urban Workspace

"Biophilic office design is not just a passing trend. It rather represents a seismic shift in how we design and build our office spaces and work environments, with every employer from multi-national giants of the industry to two-person bedroom startups getting on board." Read More

What is Subscription Economy in the Context of Architectural Production?

What is Subscription Economy in the Context of Architectural Production?

"Subscriptions are quickly becoming an integral part of everyday life. For example, streaming platforms have completely replaced the need to own video cassettes, while ride-sharing services partially cover the need to own a private car." Read More

How To Apply Biophilic Design In Contemporary Architecture? A Selection Of Works In The Philippines

How To Apply Biophilic Design In Contemporary Architecture? A Selection Of Works In The Philippines

"Since the first civilizations, nature has been a fundamental pillar to serve humanity as a natural habitat, offering shelter, food, and medicine." Read More

12 Cultural Spaces That Owe Their Power to Adaptive Reuse

12 Cultural Spaces That Owe Their Power to Adaptive Reuse

"When approaching the design of cultural spaces such as museums, performance venues, or places of research and study, architecture and design professionals often have to assemble pieces of a uniquely challenging puzzle in order to make the structure resonate with a variety of visitors and occupants." Read More

Green Interiors Trends From Around The World

Green Interiors Trends From Around The World

"There is not enough that can be said about the benefits of incorporating plants in interiors or Plantscaping." Read More

Bathrooms That Innovate in Materials, Layout, and Openings

Bathrooms That Innovate in Materials, Layout, and Openings

"Within various - if not all - architectural programs, there is a function that is an essential and common requirement: the bathroom." Read More

Brutalism: The Architecture Style We Love to Love

Brutalism: The Architecture Style We Love to Love

"It’s true that all trends are circular, and what was once seen as old and outdated becomes new and modern again- in fashion, music, art, and especially architecture." Read More

Color, Composition, and Scale: Analyzing Brutalist Photography

Color, Composition, and Scale: Analyzing Brutalist Photography

"Sometimes sculptural and expressive, sometimes monolithic and monotonous, the Brutalist architectural style is equal parts diverse and divisive." Read More

Bathrooms Made of Modular Components: Minimalist Aesthetics and Functionality

Bathrooms Made of Modular Components: Minimalist Aesthetics and Functionality

"Bathroom accessories serve various functions, especially when it comes to hygiene, organization and practicality." Read More

What is a Waffle Ceiling? 47 Interiors That Live Life Under the Grid

What is a Waffle Ceiling? 47 Interiors That Live Life Under the Grid

"Hidden in plain sight, ceilings are often the final surface interior designers and architects think about, but the expansive plane of unobstructed plaster or concrete offers mar more creative freedom than we realize." Read More

Building With Recycled Polycarbonate: The SaveEnergy Product Line

Building With Recycled Polycarbonate: The SaveEnergy Product Line

"Sustainability is much more than simply deciding for or against a specific product." Read More

Utilitarian Creativity: Reinventing and Reading the Silo

Utilitarian Creativity: Reinventing and Reading the Silo

"Hulking, imposing, and utilitarian, silos are an enduring urban feature, structures typically used for the storage of materials in bulk." Read More

Glazed Facades: Increasing Access to Natural Light with See-Through Surfaces

Glazed Facades: Increasing Access to Natural Light with See-Through Surfaces

"Sunshine has been an integral part of life ever since the sun and the earth began their merry dance." Read More

The Language of Lighting: How to Read Light and Shadow in Architecture

The Language of Lighting: How to Read Light and Shadow in Architecture

"Imagine if light would not only provide optimum visibility for tasks but convey meanings as well." Read More

How To Take Advantage of the Space Under The Bed

How To Take Advantage of the Space Under The Bed

"Over the last few years, we have explored different ways of taking advantage of small spaces in residential architecture, particularly in the last decade." Read More

Using Waterstruck Bricks as a Design Feature

Using Waterstruck Bricks as a Design Feature

"Identified as small rectangular blocks made of fired or sun-dried clay, bricks have traditionally been used for building pavements, walls and other elements of masonry construction." Read More

What is Regenerative Architecture? Limits of Sustainable Design, System Thinking Approach and the Future

What is Regenerative Architecture? Limits of Sustainable Design, System Thinking Approach and the Future

"A heavily cited fact within the architecture industry is that the built environment accounts for 40% of global carbon emissions." Read More

13 Houses with Pitched Roofs and their Sections

13 Houses with Pitched Roofs and their Sections

"The roof is one of the most essential structural elements of nearly every construction. It is the element that allows a delineated space to transform into one that feels protected." Read More

How Has Modern Architecture Transformed the Farmhouse Style?

How Has Modern Architecture Transformed the Farmhouse Style?

"Some would say it's the fresh air, peace and quiet, and some the constant closeness to nature; nonetheless, we all agree there’s something unique about the countryside." Read More

Living in a Single Room: 25 Unique Loft Designs

Living in a Single Room: 25 Unique Loft Designs

"Lofts can refer to the highest story of a building, such as attics, for example, which have been converted into apartments or studios." Read More

Ideas for Outdoor Spaces: Backyards, Balconies and Patios

Ideas for Outdoor Spaces: Backyards, Balconies and Patios

"In urban centers, houses rarely have a large backyard to create a leisure or living area, that's why we have gathered some examples that have managed to occupy these areas, improving the connection between interior and exterior and enhancing their users' comfort." Read More

Making it Pop: 24 Residential Interiors that Embrace Color Blocking

Making it Pop: 24 Residential Interiors that Embrace Color Blocking

"Though it has long been assumed that newborns don't see color at all, more recent studies have shown that they can indeed distinguish between different shades." Read More

Brazilian Houses: Different Functions for the Backyard

Brazilian Houses: Different Functions for the Backyard

"In tropical countries like Brazil, external areas are highly valued in residential projects. The backyards are used differently and configured according to the architectural project." Read More

Afterlife of Pavilions: Exploring Reuse in Temporary Architecture

Afterlife of Pavilions: Exploring Reuse in Temporary Architecture

"Temporary pavilions and installations, such as those used in events, exhibitions, or festivals, present themselves as a great challenge when addressing the circular economy in architecture due to their ephemeral condition." Read More

What Are Artificial Wetlands and How Do They Work?

What Are Artificial Wetlands and How Do They Work?

"World Wetlands Day is celebrated every February 2nd to raise awareness of wetlands. This day also marks the anniversary of the Wetlands Convention, adopted as an international treaty in 1971." Read More

Sculptural Lighting: Blurring the Lines Between Residential, Corporate and Hospitality Design

Sculptural Lighting: Blurring the Lines Between Residential, Corporate and Hospitality Design

"With a simple flick of a switch, lighting has the ability to completely transform a space, define its ambiance and create a mesmerizing, multi-sensory experience." Read More

Functional And Symbolic: Circular Skylights in Homes and Public Buildings

Functional And Symbolic: Circular Skylights in Homes and Public Buildings

"During the first half of the 2nd century AD, one of the most important buildings in the history of Western architecture was erected in Rome: the Pantheon." Read More

Aesthetics and Durability: Ideas for Exterior Cladding

Aesthetics and Durability: Ideas for Exterior Cladding

"The backyards, outdoor areas usually located at the back of the lot, are spaces dedicated to rest, entertainment and family interaction." Read More

Using Mirrors to Extend and Transform Interiors

Using Mirrors to Extend and Transform Interiors

"One of the most common decorative objects in projects, mirrors have existed since the Badarian civilization, around 4,000 BC." Read More

Biophilic Interiors: 21 Projects that Blend Architecture with Nature

Biophilic Interiors: 21 Projects that Blend Architecture with Nature

"Humans are hard-wired to respond positively to nature; the crackling sound of fire, the smell of fresh rain on soil, the healing characteristics of plants and the color green, being in proximity to animals, etc." Read More

Cooling Interiors Will be the Architectural Challenge of the Future

Cooling Interiors Will be the Architectural Challenge of the Future

"According to the UN, more than 7000 extreme weather events have been recorded since 2000." Read More

Brazilian Interiors That Use Organic Shapes to Challenge Straight Lines

Brazilian Interiors That Use Organic Shapes to Challenge Straight Lines

"The rationality of orthogonal shapes dominates architecture, despite grand gestures that have sought to oppose themselves throughout history." Read More

Andrea Magno of Benjamin Moore - Pro Perspectives - Episode 5

Andrea Magno of Benjamin Moore - Pro Perspectives - Episode 5

"House Tipster's Pro Perspectives series shows real stories about real professionals talking about their career passions." Read More

Gaining Perspective: 15 Projects that Explore Interior Glass Use

Gaining Perspective: 15 Projects that Explore Interior Glass Use

"Despite the initially slow and arduous process of molding glass into shape, mankind has used the material for thousands of years." Read More

15 Open Living Rooms that Connect Inside and Outside

15 Open Living Rooms that Connect Inside and Outside

"The connection between interior and exterior is one of the most desired qualities in architectural projects. Such a feature appears in several memorials, and it is achieved with distinction." Read More

6 Ideas to Create an Amazing Shower Experience

6 Ideas to Create an Amazing Shower Experience

"In a world that increasingly demands more from us, for many people the bath goes beyond a moment of hygiene. It can give you a few minutes to relax after a long day at work and recharge your batteries." Read More

Adding Fresh Hanging Gardens to Residential Architecture

Adding Fresh Hanging Gardens to Residential Architecture

"If ancient Hellenic sources are to be believed, hanging gardens have existed at least since antiquity when the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon were described by writers such as Herodotus and Philo of Byzantium." Read More

What Are Green Corridors?

What Are Green Corridors?

"Green corridors, or biodiversity corridors, are large portions of land that receive coordinated actions to protect biological diversity." Read More

Architecture as Collaboration Between Human and Non-Human Species

Architecture as Collaboration Between Human and Non-Human Species

"Nowadays, much is said about the importance of collaborative design processes that involve joint creation, affirming a context in which there is less and less room for individual work and much more for the logic of collective and co-creation." Read More

Could Salt Be a Material of the Future? Innovating with Crystallized Salt Panels

Could Salt Be a Material of the Future? Innovating with Crystallized Salt Panels

"Sodium chloride, most commonly known as salt, is everywhere. Ancient in its uses and abundant in nature, it preserves local ecosystems, de-ices roads, is vital in a variety of industrial processes, and is likely sitting on your kitchen table as a seasoning for your meals." Read More

How to Use Color to Accentuate Architectural Designs

How to Use Color to Accentuate Architectural Designs

"When organizing the elements, materials and colors of an architectural layout, architects can successfully guide users through a room and its different spaces, therefore creating an easy and seamless trajectory for those inhabiting it." Read More

The Circular Potential of Fiber Cement Cladding

The Circular Potential of Fiber Cement Cladding

"Sustainable cities demand sustainable solutions, which imply the development of a new mindset for the reformulation of conventional creation processes." Read More

The "architecture graveyard" is alive and well


"Poly Canyon, at Cal Poly, is an experimental architecture laboratory. And it's open to the public." Read More

Plants in the Bathroom: Different Ways to Bring Greenery Inside

Plants in the Bathroom: Different Ways to Bring Greenery Inside

"Indoor landscaping can be possible in different ways. Bringing greenery into indoor environments has demonstrated several beneficial factors for the quality of space and its users." Read More

OSB Panels in Interiors: From a Humble Material to a Design Feature

OSB Panels in Interiors: From a Humble Material to a Design Feature

"From its outer skin to its structural framing system, a building is made out of many layers. Just like a human body, many of those layers – which tend to be the most crucial, functional components – remain unseen by the public, covered with aesthetic features." Read More

Healthy Spaces: The Rise of Wellness Design in 2022

Healthy Spaces: The Rise of Wellness Design in 2022

"The year 2022 saw a rise in conversation around health and well-being." Read More

Aging at Home: Preparing Architecture for an Elderly Population

Aging at Home: Preparing Architecture for an Elderly Population

"Aging means learning to live with dependence - physical, social, or spatial - and in this long process, which cannot even be measured in years, it is increasingly understood that aging is closely related to genetics, lifestyle, location, and socioeconomic group." Read More

Living on the Edge: Houses Adapted to Extreme Weather Conditions

Living on the Edge: Houses Adapted to Extreme Weather Conditions

"In each region of the globe, vernacular constructions of the most varied kind emerged, whether buried underground, inside caves or even built with stones, wood and fabrics. Shelter solutions were based on available materials and weather conditions." Read More

Exploring the History and Future of Parking Garage Designs

Exploring the History and Future of Parking Garage Designs

"For every car that drives on the road, we need to find a place to put it- but are parking garages the answer? Parking garages are often seen as the antithesis of people-friendly urban planning." Read More

How to Use Glass in Interior Spaces and Decoration

How to Use Glass in Interior Spaces and Decoration

"Glass is one of the most important discoveries of mankind. Originally used as a cutting tool, it has been around for about 75,000 years. The first records of glass making, however, date back to the Egyptian and Mesopotamian." Read More

Can Architecture and Urban Planning Fight Back Against Climate Change?

Can Architecture and Urban Planning Fight Back Against Climate Change?

"Climate change has been one of the most pressing topics of this year, and for a good reason. Its effects are visible not only in natural habitats but also in urban environments." Read More

The Manifestation of Traditional Chinese Architectural Language in Modern Architecture

The Manifestation of Traditional Chinese Architectural Language in Modern Architecture

"We have never stopped exploring the manifestation of traditional Chinese architectural language in modern architecture, starting with the effort of a modern volume with a traditional paradigm roof." Read More

Cooktop, Gas or Electric Stove: Which One Is Best for Your Kitchen?

Cooktop, Gas or Electric Stove: Which One Is Best for Your Kitchen?

"In many cultures, the kitchen has become not only a workspace, but also a meeting place, a social environment where family and friends gather for conversation and meals." Read More

10 Interior Design Trends of 2022

10 Interior Design Trends of 2022

"As we wrap up 2022, we take a look back at how this year introduced new adaptations to the way we live, work, and interact with our built environment, especially after emerging from years of unprecedented changes." Read More

Biophilic-Inspired Design Takes Center Stage: How Bricks Bring Nature In

Biophilic-Inspired Design Takes Center Stage: How Bricks Bring Nature In

"Largely driven by rural migration to cities and overall population growth, 68% of people worldwide will live in urban areas by 2050. By doing so, many will benefit from greater access to basic services, proximity to public transportation, and better education and employment opportunities." Read More

What is Regenerative Architecture? Limits of Sustainable Design, System Thinking Approach and the Future

What is Regenerative Architecture? Limits of Sustainable Design, System Thinking Approach and the Future

"A heavily cited fact within the architecture industry is that the built environment accounts for 40% of global carbon emissions." Read More

Artificial Lighting Tips to Improve the Kitchen Space

Artificial Lighting Tips to Improve the Kitchen Space

"Over time, the kitchen has ceased to be considered only as a workspace and became a meeting and leisure area. For many, it is the heart of the home." Read More

Beyond Storage: Shelving Systems as Design Elements

Beyond Storage: Shelving Systems as Design Elements

"Shelves have a clear function: to organize, store and display. This simple, yet vital role has made them a must in every household, keeping the place neat and tidy by holding books, clothes, toys or any other items that would otherwise be scattered on the floor." Read More

What Can Be Done to Make Interiors More Sustainable?

What Can Be Done to Make Interiors More Sustainable?

"In interior design – and many other design disciplines – it is much easier to be unsustainable. Buying or developing custom solutions for a room often requires less time and research than purchasing second-hand materials or concern for waste flow and the circular economy." Read More

Questioning the Megalopolis in the Global South

Questioning the Megalopolis in the Global South

"As of today, over 50% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and by 2050, this urban population will almost double in size, and 7 of 10 people in the world will live in cities." Read More

"New Practices" in Architecture are Just an Evolution

"In the last 50 years, things have changed in architectural practice because our culture has changed. It is now conventional wisdom that the traditional “Design” degree is just the central pedagogy in a growing constellation of career directions." Read More

Different Types of Windows and How to Use Them

Different Types of Windows and How to Use Them

"An indispensable item, windows are fundamental to bringing more comfort to a room." Read More

Eco-Capitalism and Architecture: Environmentally Friendly Materials and Technologies

Eco-Capitalism and Architecture: Environmentally Friendly Materials and Technologies

"There was a time when buildings wanted to be mountains, roofs wanted to be forests, and pillars wanted to be trees." Read More

From Frameless to Pivot: 20 Types of Windows for Architectural Design

From Frameless to Pivot: 20 Types of Windows for Architectural Design

"When children first learn to draw a house, there are four basic components they illustrate: a wall, a pitched roof, a door and one or more windows." Read More

The Main Problems in Landscape Design — And How to Avoid Them

The Main Problems in Landscape Design — And How to Avoid Them

"Far beyond its decorative features, landscaping brings with it biological and cultural issues that need to be addressed in projects." Read More

What is Urban Resiliency?

What is Urban Resiliency?

"At a historical moment when industrialization and urbanization are continuing at a fast and predatory pace, we need to design and produce spaces that can adapt to new realities." Read More

Transforming Office Washrooms into Spaces of Wellness and Creativity

Transforming Office Washrooms into Spaces of Wellness and Creativity

"Many associate bathrooms with small, simple and practical rooms with no defining design characteristics." Read More

15 Open Living Rooms that Connect Inside and Outside

15 Open Living Rooms that Connect Inside and Outside

"The connection between interior and exterior is one of the most desired qualities in architectural projects." Read More

What is Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) and its Applications

What is Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) and its Applications

"Recent architectural and structural innovations have produced construction materials with incredible strength and durability properties." Read More

Architectural Wire Mesh for Effective Fall Protection

Architectural Wire Mesh for Effective Fall Protection

"Versatility is the main characteristic of wire mesh. They can be used indoors, as ceilings and walls, but also outdoors, covering railings or wrapping entire buildings." Read More

What Is Sensory Urbanism?

What Is Sensory Urbanism?

"Sensory urbanism is a form of investigation of how non-visual information defines a city's character and affects its livability." Read More

Aluminium Chain Façade Cladding with Endless Creative Possibilities

Aluminium Chain Façade Cladding with Endless Creative Possibilities

"The façade is the only part of the building that can be seen from the outside and has the function of communicating a message derived from its design." Read More

Workspace, Bench and Garden: Some Interventions to Make the Most of Windows

Workspace, Bench and Garden: Some Interventions to Make the Most of Windows

"Usually, a window is an exterior opening that provides lighting and ventilation to the interior of a building." Read More

Environmentally Friendly Materials: 8 New Products To Reduce Carbon Emission

Environmentally Friendly Materials: 8 New Products To Reduce Carbon Emission

"The construction industry's future will undoubtedly include "carbon reduction" as a mandatory task. Aside from locally sourced, virgin materials, an increasing number of new materials are becoming available." Read More

Interiors That Look as Good as They Sound: Acoustic Design to Enhance Comfort

Interiors That Look as Good as They Sound: Acoustic Design to Enhance Comfort

"The noisier the environment, the harder it is to concentrate on the sounds we really want –and need– to hear." Read More

Plants in the Bathroom: Different Ways to Bring Greenery Inside

Plants in the Bathroom: Different Ways to Bring Greenery Inside

"Bringing greenery into indoor environments has demonstrated several beneficial factors for the quality of space and its users." Read More

Building Near the Sea: Façade Solutions for Greater Durability

Building Near the Sea: Façade Solutions for Greater Durability

"When building near the sea, a project’s design strategy must pay special attention to the effects of marine corrosion." Read More

What to Consider When Designing a Kitchen Island?

What to Consider When Designing a Kitchen Island?

"The islands have proved to be the great favorites of contemporary kitchens, appearing in environments of different sizes and styles and with different materials." Read More

Join Us Today for the Color of the Year 2023 Announcement

Join Us Today for the Color of the Year 2023 Announcement

"We can’t wait to share the Color of the Year 2023 with you! Join us at 2PM ET for our biggest announcement of the year." Read More

Aging at Home: Preparing Architecture for an Elderly Population

Aging at Home: Preparing Architecture for an Elderly Population

"Aging means learning to live with dependence - whether physical, social or spatial - and in this long process, which cannot even be measured in years, it is increasingly understood that aging is closely related to genetics, lifestyle, location and socioeconomic group." Read More

Ecological Materials: Towards a New Economy

Ecological Materials: Towards a New Economy

"The world’s most primitive building materials are being used to create the most advanced buildings." Read More

The Future of Green Buildings with Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems

The Future of Green Buildings with Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems

"Construction practices across the world, as well as the types and uses of building materials, have been identified as key factors that impact global warming." Read More

What Materials Can Promote Health in Interior Architecture?

What Materials Can Promote Health in Interior Architecture?

"Recent statistics suggest that if someone lives until they are 80, around 72 of those years will be spent inside buildings." Read More

Ideas for Balconies: Enlarging the Living Area in Apartments

Ideas for Balconies: Enlarging the Living Area in Apartments

"Outdoors, balconies gained even more importance after the period of social isolation we went through." Read More

Good Architecture is Considerate

Good Architecture is Considerate

"Besides denoting a show of careful thought, in architectural terms the word ‘considerate' also suggests an emotional and perhaps even empathetic approach. And why should not it?" Read More

Beyond Storage: Shelving Systems as Design Elements

Beyond Storage: Shelving Systems as Design Elements

"Shelves have a clear function: to organize, store and display. This simple, yet vital role has made them a must in every household, keeping the place neat and tidy by holding books, clothes, toys or any other items that would otherwise be scattered on the floor." Read More

Materials or Labor, What Should Cost More?

Materials or Labor, What Should Cost More?

"Architecture is often an ambitious profession, with many architects hoping to positively contribute to the social life of the communities, create emotional responses, and add moments of delight and solace to our daily experiences." Read More

What is a Good Interior Design?

What is a Good Interior Design?

"The world's recent shift towards prioritizing wellness has influenced people to seek healthier lifestyles by understanding the body and the mind collectively." Read More

Sliding Doors in Houses with Interior Courtyards

Sliding Doors in Houses with Interior Courtyards

"Interior courtyards can be found in various types of traditional architectures around the world, especially in warmer climates." Read More

4 Common Noise Problems and How to Solve Them with Acoustic Panels

4 Common Noise Problems and How to Solve Them with Acoustic Panels

"Hearing – one of the human body’s five senses – enables our interaction with sound, a crucial factor for daily communication and much more." Read More

How to Take Advantage of Stairs for Different Uses?

How to Take Advantage of Stairs for Different Uses?

"Vertical circulation may be just one of the functions of a ladder. Always occupying a reasonable area, this element can serve to bring some other uses when it is thought of in a more integrated way with the entire room, providing living spaces, storage and also a greater aesthetic appeal." Read More

Modular Sofas for Flexible Spaces: Playing with Geometry

Modular Sofas for Flexible Spaces: Playing with Geometry

"Next to a wall or in the corner of a room, most sofas seem relegated to lean against the only available wall in a space, preferably with a TV in front." Read More

How Small Can A Home Be? A Glimpse into the Smallest Houses in the World

How Small Can A Home Be? A Glimpse into the Smallest Houses in the World

"Sheltering is a fundamental issue in Architecture. The ways of living and interacting with the space in which we spend our daily lives is an everlasting debate in the field, which is committed to providing a better quality of life, but also to developing new ways of living." Read More

The Main Problems in Landscape Design — And How to Avoid Them

The Main Problems in Landscape Design — And How to Avoid Them

"Far beyond its decorative features, landscaping brings with it biological and cultural issues that need to be addressed in projects." Read More

What Is Sensory Urbanism?

What Is Sensory Urbanism?

"Sensory urbanism is a form of investigation of how non-visual information defines a city's character and affects its livability." Read More

Brazilian Houses: 10 Residences With Natural Stone Façades

Brazilian Houses: 10 Residences With Natural Stone Façades

"Inherited from ancestral techniques, dealing with natural stone as a building material is, historically, linked more to the structure of a building than to the finishing stage." Read More

Environmentally Friendly Materials: 8 New Products To Reduce Carbon Emission

Environmentally Friendly Materials: 8 New Products To Reduce Carbon Emission

"The construction industry's future will undoubtedly include "carbon reduction" as a mandatory task. Aside from locally sourced, virgin materials, an increasing number of new materials are becoming available." Read More

The Shower Versus Bath Debate

The Shower Versus Bath Debate

"Achieving the perfect bathroom design and layout for each user comes with a lot of very detailed decision-making." Read More

The Future of Architecture: Imagining a World Where Buildings are Constructed from Living Materials

The Future of Architecture: Imagining a World Where Buildings are Constructed from Living Materials

"Can you imagine a world in which the built environment around us is 3D printed from living materials?" Read More

Interior Courtyards in Colombian Houses: 15 Examples of Floor Plans

Interior Courtyards in Colombian Houses: 15 Examples of Floor Plans

"Being a region characterized by its wide variety of landscapes, biodiversity and thermal floors, the design of interior patios in Colombian homes accompanies the living, resting, access, and circulation spaces, being, on many occasions, protagonists and a source of contact with the surrounding nature." Read More

What Are Biomaterials in Architecture?

What Are Biomaterials in Architecture?

"As part of the effort to make the construction sector more sustainable in the face of the climate crisis, the bioeconomy has stood out." Read More

Renovations: Where to Start?

Renovations: Where to Start?

"With the scarcity of open spaces, the high concentration of empty buildings in areas already consolidated in cities, and an awareness of the impact of new constructions on the environment, refurbishments are increasingly part of both the architect's work routine and the client's choice." Read More

Researchers from Flinders University have developed bricks made from waste materials that don't require mortar to bond

Researchers from Flinders University have developed bricks made from waste materials that don't require mortar to bond

"Researchers from Flinders University’s Chalker Research Lab have developed a more sustainable alternative to making bricks by using waste products." Read More

How to Design a Sidewalk? The Key Role of Street Furniture

How to Design a Sidewalk? The Key Role of Street Furniture

"If the pavement of a sidewalk is a key element for the flow organization, the urban furniture chosen to compose the public space is responsible for the qualification of the place, creating more friendly spaces." Read More

What Are Ecological Fireplaces and How Do They Work?

What Are Ecological Fireplaces and How Do They Work?

"Bringing fire indoors is something many people want during winter. In addition to warming the environment, fire creates a unique sensation that goes back to the beginnings of human habitation, leading us to a certain emotional comfort." Read More

Why Circadian-Effective Electric Lighting Matters

Why Circadian-Effective Electric Lighting Matters

"“Counting sheep” is a well-known mental exercise that people use when trying to fall asleep." Read More

What Will the Furniture of the Future Be Made From?

What Will the Furniture of the Future Be Made From?

"In the architectural conversations we are having in today’s world, conversations on materials are widespread." Read More

Schmid Peoplemover

Schmid Peoplemover

"An elevator that can go smoothly from horizontal to vertical isn't possible... right?" Read More

Reused and Recycled Materials in 10 Interior Design Projects

Reused and Recycled Materials in 10 Interior Design Projects

"Recycling and reusing in civil engineering is extremely important, especially when considering the amounts of waste production and energy consumption involved in the processes related to the construction site." Read More

Future Materials: The Architecture of Biocomposites

Future Materials: The Architecture of Biocomposites

"Architecture is born from materials. Between structure, light, movement, and comfort, materials profoundly shape our experiences." Read More

Biophilic Offices: Landscape and the Working Environment

Biophilic Offices: Landscape and the Working Environment

"Biophilic design is capable of improving the well-being of those who use a space through reconnection with nature." Read More

Water and Public Spaces: 19 Pools Around the World

Water and Public Spaces: 19 Pools Around the World

"Often times in architecture, the way that a project's ability of its underscored elements to subtly carry a dialogue with the existing site is one of the most powerful moments in design." Read More

Airspace Architecture: Rethinking the Hangar

Airspace Architecture: Rethinking the Hangar

"Hangar architecture is a relatively new building type. Ever since the Wright brothers stored and repaired their aircraft in a wooden hangar constructed in 1902, designers and builders have continued to rethink what these structures can be." Read More

Concrete Jungles: 6 Cement Alternatives that can Reduce its Impact in Cities

Concrete Jungles: 6 Cement Alternatives that can Reduce its Impact in Cities

"The expression "a perfect storm" refers to an event (typically an unfortunate one) which is exacerbated due to a confluence of negative or unpredictable factors." Read More

Guide to Ceilings: Materials and Uses in Architectural Projects

Guide to Ceilings: Materials and Uses in Architectural Projects

"Depending on the aesthetics of a space, the economy of the materials or even their long-term maintenance, there are various types of ceilings that are capable of meeting the technical and functional needs of architectural projects." Read More

Placemaking through Play: Designing for Urban Enjoyment

Placemaking through Play: Designing for Urban Enjoyment

"Humane cities center around the relationships between people and places. Communities thrive on shared resources, public spaces, and a collective vision for their locality." Read More

Conversation Pits Are Making a Comeback

Conversation Pits Are Making a Comeback

"With all of the strange residential interior design trends that are making a comeback, conversation pits are probably one that you wouldn’t expect." Read More

Finishing Off Floors: Understand What Thresholds Are and What They Are Used For

Finishing Off Floors: Understand What Thresholds Are and What They Are Used For

"The threshold is a constructive element of the floor that serves to finish when there is a notable change in material or level." Read More

Will the Past Dictate the Aesthetics of the Future?

Will the Past Dictate the Aesthetics of the Future?

"The current architectural production faces several paradigms and one of them is aesthetic." Read More

How to Decorate the Living Room Walls?

How to Decorate the Living Room Walls?

"An empty wall is not always a breath of air, at times it can give a cold feeling of missing something." Read More

Interstitial Spaces and Public Life, the Overlooked Interventions that Weave our Built Environment

Interstitial Spaces and Public Life, the Overlooked Interventions that Weave our Built Environment

"Throughout the years, urban settings have been shifting and taking on new forms." Read More

The City as an Organism

The City as an Organism

"Nature has continually played muse to architects. Colors and forms from the natural world find themselves embedded in artificial edifices." Read More

Cities Embrace Climate Action Planning to Mitigate the Adverse Effects of Climate Change

Cities Embrace Climate Action Planning to Mitigate the Adverse Effects of Climate Change

"Cities across the globe are developing comprehensive action plans in order to create a coordinated response to the challenges of climate change." Read More

Enriching Architecture: Stained Glass

Enriching Architecture: Stained Glass

"Predominantly associated with places of worship, stained glass has been used by artisans across the globe for thousands of years in an array of art ventures and installations." Read More

The Ultimate Guide to High-Performance Building Design

The Ultimate Guide to High-Performance Building Design

"High-performance design is a holistic and performance-driven approach to design excellence." Read More

Transforming Clay Into Structure: How Ceramics Are Used in Construction

Transforming Clay Into Structure: How Ceramics Are Used in Construction

"Ceramic is the material that results from the combination of clay, which can have different compositions with metallic and non-metallic materials from the soil, and fire." Read More

Beyond Purely Functional Ceilings: The Possibilities of Modular Felt Systems

Beyond Purely Functional Ceilings: The Possibilities of Modular Felt Systems

"Known as the “fifth wall,” a ceiling is the interior overhead surface that covers the upper limit of a room." Read More

How Can Architecture be Democratic?

How Can Architecture be Democratic?

"Democracy’s essence is the people's self-government and autonomy based on their own rights, and its characteristics are demonstrated in equality and participation." Read More

Sustainable Radiant Cooling Solutions for Cool Summers and Warm Winters

Sustainable Radiant Cooling Solutions for Cool Summers and Warm Winters

"Sustainability and comfort are top priorities in any new build or renovation project these days." Read More

The Sustainable Properties of Natural Slate

The Sustainable Properties of Natural Slate

"There are many myths and misunderstandings around sustainability in construction. First, the belief that what is sustainable must inherently be technological, complicated or out of reach. Or that the products will necessarily be more expensive, will be made of recycled materials or will not be so aesthetically pleasing." Read More

Exclusionary Architecture: How Design Interventions in Public Spaces are Dismissing the Homeless

Exclusionary Architecture: How Design Interventions in Public Spaces are Dismissing the Homeless

"Social responsibility and the desire to improve society has long been influenced by the built environment." Read More

Which Building Construction Materials Are Ecological?

Which Building Construction Materials Are Ecological?

"In the current scenario of a climate crisis, thinking about an architectural project without defining ecological guidelines has become practically unacceptable." Read More

Have Gardens Become a Privilege?

Have Gardens Become a Privilege?

"Whether it is a small balcony, access to green space or a private garden, the outdoor space has become a privilege for many, especially upon the dawn of the Covid-19 pandemic and the multiple lock down periods that followed." Read More

Concrete, Wood, Steel and Glass: How to Choose the Material of a Staircase?

Concrete, Wood, Steel and Glass: How to Choose the Material of a Staircase?

"Most of us use stairways every day, but few times do we stop to contemplate their design or put much thought into their function. With their steps, treads and railing, they are easily one of the most fundamental architectural elements in any home." Read More



"Madison Square Garden Sports announced a marketing partnership with Benjamin Moore, naming North America’s favorite paint, color and coatings brand, the Official Paint Partner of the New York Rangers." Read More

The Importance of Color Palettes in Architectural Design

The Importance of Color Palettes in Architectural Design

"Besides thermal, acoustic and luminous comfort, colors are factors that influence the sensation we feel when in an environment and become a strong device to influence the user's behavior." Read More

The Concept of Architecture in the Chinese Aesthetic Context

The Concept of Architecture in the Chinese Aesthetic Context

"Western aesthetics is based on the mathematical analysis of an object's formal structure, using classical beauty laws such as balance, symmetry, and the golden mean." Read More

Reimagining the Bathroom: Contemporary Bathtubs for Total Relaxation

Reimagining the Bathroom: Contemporary Bathtubs for Total Relaxation

"Throughout the years, bathrooms have been viewed as purely functional spaces strictly programmed for hygiene and privacy." Read More

The Authentic Feel of Rain: New Technologies in Showers

The Authentic Feel of Rain: New Technologies in Showers

"Taking a good shower can be an extremely relaxing and pleasant experience. Far beyond the simple (and important) functions of removing dirt and sweat and balancing the bacteria present on the skin and body, the feeling of well-being that a bath provides can make us think better, come up with ideas to solve problems and relax our muscles." Read More

Towards Sustainable and Affordable Housing: Is 3D Printing the Future or the Present?

Towards Sustainable and Affordable Housing: Is 3D Printing the Future or the Present?

"In recent years, the construction industry has faced unprecedented challenges. A lack of skilled workers is driving up costs of labor, there is a global housing shortage, and the effects of climate change around the world are clearer than ever." Read More

Ceramic Flooring That Can Be Installed 8 Times Faster Than Conventional Tiling

Ceramic Flooring That Can Be Installed 8 Times Faster Than Conventional Tiling

"Flooring can either make or break a space. With the proper design, it can enhance a room’s design, mark a good first impression and positively impact user experience." Read More

How the Renaissance Influenced Architecture

How the Renaissance Influenced Architecture

"After a prolonged period known as the Middle-Ages, a growing desire to both study and mimic nature itself began to emerge, with an inclination to discover and explore the world." Read More

Burnt Cement vs Porcelain Tile: Resignifying Aesthetics in Architecture

Burnt Cement vs Porcelain Tile: Resignifying Aesthetics in Architecture

"The concept of aesthetics goes back to the Greek civilization and refers to perception through the senses." Read More

Interior Design Aesthetics: 22 Projects that Explore Trending Interior Styles

Interior Design Aesthetics: 22 Projects that Explore Trending Interior Styles

"Creating attractive spaces that anticipate the needs of users relies on several factors: scale, circulation, functionality, and comfort." Read More

Minimalist Windows: Erasing the Boundary Between Indoors and Outdoors

Minimalist Windows: Erasing the Boundary Between Indoors and Outdoors

"Like a beautiful painting, windows showcase interiors and frame landscapes that connect users to the outside world, directing our eyes to what really matters." Read More

When the Architect Designs for Communities: 9 Popular Residential Designs

When the Architect Designs for Communities: 9 Popular Residential Designs

"Housing will always be a theme and challenge for architects. Thinking about it in a way that serves the entire population, including the most precarious contexts, is one of the most complex, and perhaps impossible, tasks to be fully consolidated." Read More

A View From the Top: The History of Observation Towers

A View From the Top: The History of Observation Towers

"There’s something magical about seeing a city from the very top. To have a new vantage point, and look across a skyline instead of looking up at it is one of the most powerful and awe-inspiring feelings." Read More

Reading Spaces: The Book as an Architectural Element

Reading Spaces: The Book as an Architectural Element

"Far beyond basic training, reading is a leisure activity that is part of modern society." Read More

The Space Age Aesthetic: Influencing Architecture and Interiors

The Space Age Aesthetic: Influencing Architecture and Interiors

"The dawn of nuclear power, dramatic advances in rocketry and the desire to be the first to put men into space and on the moon, kick-started an era known as the ‘Space Age’." Read More

How to Choose the Most Suitable Window Type for Your Project

How to Choose the Most Suitable Window Type for Your Project

"Windows are the elements that connect us to the outside world. It is from them that views are framed, privacy, lighting and natural ventilation are defined." Read More

Decompression Area: Ideas for Leisure and Rest Environments in the Office

Decompression Area: Ideas for Leisure and Rest Environments in the Office

"Even before we got used to remote work, some offices were already concerned about the well-being of their teams and how to attract new talent to work in their physical spaces." Read More

How to Use Hollow Elements in Home Architecture

How to Use Hollow Elements in Home Architecture

"Visual permeability, ventilation and a strong identity appeal, the hollow elements have increasingly found their place in contemporary architecture." Read More

PVC 3D Panels: Creating Accent Walls in Interior Design Projects

PVC 3D Panels: Creating Accent Walls in Interior Design Projects

"Textures can calm us, bring warmth or even guide us. They elicit our sense of touch and also affect us visually." Read More

Climate-Smart Furniture: The Story Behind a 100% Sustainable Lounge Chair

Climate-Smart Furniture: The Story Behind a 100% Sustainable Lounge Chair

"Since the early 2000s, it has been widely reported that the construction industry accounts for nearly 40% of the planet’s CO2 emissions." Read More



"The American Institute of Architects, Committee on the Environment (AIA COTE), in partnership with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), are pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 AIA COTE Top Ten for Students Competition." Read More

Metal Façades: How to Unite Aesthetics, Performance and Safety?

Metal Façades: How to Unite Aesthetics, Performance and Safety?

"Metal façades give buildings an air of sophistication and modernity. They also bring a cleanness to the façade, due to their precise fabrication and well-resolved connections between other materials and building elements." Read More

Earth Day 2022: The World's Progress towards Achieving Sustainable Architecture

Earth Day 2022: The World's Progress towards Achieving Sustainable Architecture

"Governments and NGO's all over the world have been pushing for green agendas, ensuring that within the next couple of decades, their countries will have achieved universal and thorough sustainable living conditions." Read More

Mix and Step: Looking at Some Multi-Materials Staircases

Mix and Step: Looking at Some Multi-Materials Staircases

"Whether to mark a change of direction, to highlight its first steps or its own presence in a room, stairs that combine two or more materials tend to draw attention by establishing dialogs between particular characteristics of each material." Read More

Outstanding Furniture in 14 Residential Interiors

Outstanding Furniture in 14 Residential Interiors

"Furniture has a direct impact on the quality of interior design projects. Among other features, its presence blends with the function of the spaces, setting a boundary between them." Read More

What Materials Can Be Used for Façade Cladding?

What Materials Can Be Used for Façade Cladding?

"Cladding systems have important functions in buildings. They can confer thermal insulation, protect internal spaces from the weather and–just as important–give the building a "face", improving its appearance and clearly identifying the element of design." Read More

Examples and Ideas on How to Turn Garages Into Other Spaces

Examples and Ideas on How to Turn Garages Into Other Spaces

"Since the beginning of the 20th century, automobiles have been shaping cities and architecture, demanding specific spaces to move and be stored. Cars and motorcycles dictated the organization of spaces and the consequent urban and rural landscape of entire countries." Read More

Natural Pools: Small Ecosystems for Leisure

Natural Pools: Small Ecosystems for Leisure

"At a time when biophilia is highly valued in architecture, natural pools become another element capable of increasing the connection with nature, enabling the creation of a recreational and contemplative space at the same time." Read More

Highway Removals: Restoring the Urban Fabric and Unlocking New Development Opportunities

Highway Removals: Restoring the Urban Fabric and Unlocking New Development Opportunities

"Over the past two decades, urban highways' social and economic ramifications have been brought into focus as a large part of this mid-century infrastructure comes to the end of its lifespan, prompting conversations over its role in contemporary urban planning." Read More

PVC Frames in Residential Projects: Strength and Low Maintenance

PVC Frames in Residential Projects: Strength and Low Maintenance

"PVC, as the synthetic material Polyvinyl Chloride is called, or Polyvinyl Chloride, is one of the most produced plastics in the world, reaching 40 million tons per year." Read More

How Can Greenhouse Design Change Architecture?

How Can Greenhouse Design Change Architecture?

"Few structures are as elegant and ingenious as greenhouses. Largely built with simple and straightforward designs, these minimalist shelters create airy and light-filled spaces that shape indoor climate." Read More

Structures, Finishing and Frames: All the Ways to Use Timber in a Work

Structures, Finishing and Frames: All the Ways to Use Timber in a Work

"One of the first elements used by humans to build shelters, wood is a versatile material that, along with technological advances, remains a protagonist in the construction industry, being used in different ways and moments in a work." Read More

What Does the Future Hold for Coastal Cities Following the Aftermaths of Climate Change?

What Does the Future Hold for Coastal Cities Following the Aftermaths of Climate Change?

"Coastal cities have always been a point of attraction for residents, tourists, and businesses. " Read More

Water Harvesting: The Ancient Typologies That Sustain Us

Water Harvesting: The Ancient Typologies That Sustain Us

"The 22nd of March 2022 saw the twenty-ninth commemoration of World Water Day – as a worldwide water crisis continues to leave populations vulnerable. It is an extremely multi-faceted issue." Read More

50 Shades of Green: The Contradictions of Greenwashing in Architecture

50 Shades of Green: The Contradictions of Greenwashing in Architecture

"Nowadays everything is “painted” green. It's green packaging, green technologies, green materials, green cars and, of course, green architecture." Read More

Integrating Shade and Protection Devices into Open Spaces

Integrating Shade and Protection Devices into Open Spaces

"Comfortable outdoor spaces are more desirable than ever. Over the past couple of years, people have been spending more time at home, connecting with nature from the relative comfort of covered balconies, patios, and pergolas." Read More

Innovative Pedestrian Bridges and Their Construction Details

Innovative Pedestrian Bridges and Their Construction Details

"There has been increasing awareness in recent years of the importance of infrastructure for pedestrians." Read More

The History of Kitchens: From the Great Banquets to the Built-in Furniture

The History of Kitchens: From the Great Banquets to the Built-in Furniture

"The discovery of fire was one of the great events that changed the social organization of human agglomerations, which gradually passed from nomadic to sedentary lifestyle." Read More

Handcrafted Elements: Materials and Textures to Enhance Home Environments

Handcrafted Elements: Materials and Textures to Enhance Home Environments

"Handicraft translate the culture of a people and, therefore, carry a strong presence when placed in residential spaces. Through the most varied techniques, it represents traditional methods and acts in the memory of each person who crosses it." Read More

Sustainability: The Space Debate

Sustainability: The Space Debate

"In the architectural conversations taking place today, sustainability is a key topic of interest. Architecture firms embrace the term as a key part of their design ethos, and architecture schools globally have integrated designing “green” architecture as a core component of their curriculums." Read More

Biotechnology and Green Tech: A New Material World for Sustainable Architecture

Biotechnology and Green Tech: A New Material World for Sustainable Architecture

"Advances in biotechnology and material science are opening new material opportunities, with the potential of fundamentally changing the connection between the built environment and the natural world." Read More

How to Divide Spaces Without Traditional Solid Partitions

How to Divide Spaces Without Traditional Solid Partitions

"Functionality, good ventilation, comfortable lighting, and access to views are some of the important required characteristics that make for human comfort in inhabited or occupied spaces." Read More

Functional and Creative Ways to Integrate Interior Pivot Doors in the Home

Functional and Creative Ways to Integrate Interior Pivot Doors in the Home

"While exterior doors can define first impressions and provide a sense of security, interior doors are capable of generating privacy, buffering noise, separating rooms and enhancing a room’s architecture." Read More

Building the Future: Cross Laminated Timber

Building the Future: Cross Laminated Timber

"Cross-laminated timber (CLT) has been dubbed the concrete of the future. As a highly resilient form of engineered wood made by gluing layers of solid-sawn lumber together, CLT is reshaping how we understand architecture and design today." Read More

What is Net-Zero Architecture? Terms and Design Strategies

What is Net-Zero Architecture? Terms and Design Strategies

"As revolutionary as the construction sector may seem nowadays, it currently accounts for nearly 40% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions, 11% of which are a result of manufacturing building materials such as steel, cement, and glass." Read More

Terraces in Argentina: 10 Examples in Residential Buildings

Terraces in Argentina: 10 Examples in Residential Buildings

"Over the last couple of years, terraces have become an important part of urban life, acting as a refuge, a space for enjoyment and gathering, for contemplation or as an outdoor workspace." Read More

Architecture and Technology Can Promote Greater Autonomy for People with Disabilities

Architecture and Technology Can Promote Greater Autonomy for People with Disabilities

"A corridor that is too narrow, a poorly located switch or a simple unevenness can go completely unnoticed to many, but they can also be insurmountable barriers for someone with a disability." Read More

Architects Beyond the Traditional Practice: ArchDaily Editors Talk

Architects Beyond the Traditional Practice: ArchDaily Editors Talk

"Graduating with an architecture degree is often met with the expectations of working a 9-5 job at an office." Read More

10 Iconic Buildings that Changed Our Perception of Raw Materials

10 Iconic Buildings that Changed Our Perception of Raw Materials

"The history of architecture shows that the use of raw materials has always been somewhat common, whether in ancient vernacular techniques or within the Brutalist movement, to name a few." Read More

Reimagining the Possibilities for Affordable Housing in a Climate Risk Environment

Reimagining the Possibilities for Affordable Housing in a Climate Risk Environment

"Affordable housing has become an increasingly dire global issue. Be it rent or homeownership, the unaffordability of homes has been on the rise. A look at U.S. Census data illustrates a sharp decline in homeownership in recent decades." Read More

Interior Design Elements That Enhance Comfort and Productivity in the Workplace

Interior Design Elements That Enhance Comfort and Productivity in the Workplace

"Having a physical location as a workspace has many inherent benefits, such as bringing employees together in a collaborative environment and giving companies the opportunity to create culture and identity." Read More

What Are Compact Cities?

What Are Compact Cities?

"Compact city refers to the urban model associated with a more densified occupation, with consequent overlapping of its uses (homes, shops and services) and promotion of the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users." Read More

A Modern Personal Retreat: Material Compositions for the Bathroom

A Modern Personal Retreat: Material Compositions for the Bathroom

"As cities become denser and the pandemic continues to shape living and working patterns, people have become well aware that the space they inhabit greatly influences their physical and mental well-being." Read More

Luminaires: Models and Possibilities in Residential Projects

Luminaires: Models and Possibilities in Residential Projects

"The elaboration of an architectural project is a complex process that involves different scales, from structure to small refinements, such as the choice of coatings, paint colors, baseboards, metals, ware and, of course, lighting." Read More

How to Light Interior Spaces for Children? Quantity, Quality, and Types of Lamps

How to Light Interior Spaces for Children? Quantity, Quality, and Types of Lamps

"Many believe that lighting is of little importance beyond its aesthetic function, considering primarily the appearance of light fixtures and ensuring only that they produce at least an adequate amount of light." Read More

As Climate Becomes Extreme, How to Deal with Façades?

As Climate Becomes Extreme, How to Deal with Façades?

"When talking about energy efficiency in buildings, it is inevitable to mention thermal insulation. We rarely see it in a finished building and, even in the technical drawings, the insulating layer appears as a thin hatch." Read More

Light as a Design Statement: Creative Ways to Use Artificial Lighting

Light as a Design Statement: Creative Ways to Use Artificial Lighting

"Light serves an essential purpose in architecture: to help us see. Whether it be through natural or artificial methods, rooms must be illuminated accordingly so occupants can safely inhabit them and fulfill their daily functions." Read More

Has the Influence of Mass Production in Architecture Resulted in an Impoverishment of Design?

Has the Influence of Mass Production in Architecture Resulted in an Impoverishment of Design?

"Digital spaces and fabrication technology have become as prominent as ever within the current state of our post-pandemic society, becoming increasingly more accessible and enabling quick and spontaneous acts of iteration and evolution." Read More

Building Beauty: When Artists Design for Architecture

Building Beauty: When Artists Design for Architecture

"Whether or not architecture is an art, buildings and spaces shape daily life. Pushing the boundaries of architecture and the categorization of art, contemporary investigations between disciplines are rethinking tradition." Read More

Riverside Settlements and the Timeless Dialogue Between Architecture and Nature

Riverside Settlements and the Timeless Dialogue Between Architecture and Nature

"Rivers have long been considered as Earth’s arteries, serving as the essence of urban communities as human settlements developed their shelters and crop beds around them." Read More

What Is the Fibonacci Sequence and How Does It Relate to Architecture?

What Is the Fibonacci Sequence and How Does It Relate to Architecture?

"One of the most famous series of numbers in history, the Fibonacci sequence was published by Leonardo of Pisa in 1202 in the "Liber Abaci", the "Book of Calculus"." Read More

Before and After: How Decorative Surface Finishes can Transform a Project

Before and After: How Decorative Surface Finishes can Transform a Project

"The outer layer of surfaces and buildings is the interface with the world and communicates much of its appearance, characteristics, and conditions." Read More

The Rise of the Design Thinking Movement and its Relation to Architecture

The Rise of the Design Thinking Movement and its Relation to Architecture

" 'Innovation' and 'design thinking' could possibly be two of the most extensively-used phrases both online and offline during the past decade." Read More

The Architecture of Museums: The Evolution of Curatorial Spaces

The Architecture of Museums: The Evolution of Curatorial Spaces

"Across the globe, museums function as cultural landmarks – spaces of significance that quite often become defining symbols of a city’s architectural landscape." Read More

An Architectural Language Shaped by Sustainability

An Architectural Language Shaped by Sustainability

"As architecture is the image of society at one moment in time, how does the focus on sustainability translate into architectural language, further legitimatizing the efforts to establish an equitable relationship with the environment?" Read More

What Is the Difference Between an Architect and a Civil Engineer, After All?

What Is the Difference Between an Architect and a Civil Engineer, After All?

"Architecture and engineering as we know it today are two distinct higher formations, which share similar scopes and which, therefore, have moments of intersection, but also preserve fundamental differences." Read More

Concrete Recycling Is Already a Reality

Concrete Recycling Is Already a Reality

"Much has been said about circularity in the construction industry. Inspired by nature, the circular economy works in a continuous process of production, resorption and recycling, self-managing and naturally regulating itself, where waste can turn into supplies for the production of new products." Read More

Biodiversity in Urban Environments

Biodiversity in Urban Environments

"Biodiversity has become ubiquitous in project descriptions as yet another mark of the design's environmental accomplishments." Read More

How to Choose the Front Door of a House?

How to Choose the Front Door of a House?

"As much as walls, ceilings, and furniture pieces define the character and perception of an architectural project, doors play a critical role in building that style." Read More

Design Ethics: Rethinking Practice in 2021

Design Ethics: Rethinking Practice in 2021

"Ethical practice spans all parts of architecture. From intersectionality and labor to the climate crisis, a designer must work with a range of conditions and contexts that inform the built environment and the process of its creation." Read More

The Rise of Co-Living: Designing for Communal Life

The Rise of Co-Living: Designing for Communal Life

"Communal living is nothing new. Throughout history, housing has long been tied to both shared needs and a concentration of resources." Read More

Deconstruct, Do Not Demolish: The Practice of Reuse of Materials in Architecture

Deconstruct, Do Not Demolish: The Practice of Reuse of Materials in Architecture

"Reform and adaptation of spaces represent a significant parcel of projects ordered to architecture firms, and reuse of preexisting structures is not newness. Functions and needs change over time, therefore adaptations are required to meet new demands." Read More

Steps Taken in 2021 Towards Decarbonizing the AEC Sector

Steps Taken in 2021 Towards Decarbonizing the AEC Sector

"The climate crisis has been one of the focal points of 2021, both within political discourse and the architectural field, accompanied by a newfound acknowledgement of the issue's severity." Read More

The Comeback of Retro Design Trends in Modern Bathrooms

The Comeback of Retro Design Trends in Modern Bathrooms

"Even though white minimalism remains the norm, retro trends are making a serious comeback in modern bathroom designs, with homeowners incorporating pops of color, classic fixtures, and patterned surfaces." Read More

The Potential of Architects in Entrepreneurship

The Potential of Architects in Entrepreneurship

"In today’s globalised, ever-evolving world, the architectural field continues to re-invent itself. Innovation has seen the emergence of new building technologies and new methods of communicating with clients, however, in some ways, a large majority of the architecture industry is still outdated – architects relying on client fees received from projects to run their architecture firms." Read More

Net-Zero Energy & Net-Zero Carbon: Design Strategies to Reach Performance Goals

Net-Zero Energy & Net-Zero Carbon: Design Strategies to Reach Performance Goals

"As the effects of climate change intensify across the world, the AEC industry is shifting toward green building to effectively address the climate crisis." Read More

How to Save Water with a Smart Water-Management System

How to Save Water with a Smart Water-Management System

"Water scarcity will directly affect nearly 20% of the human population by 2025, according to several UN reports, and indirectly influence the rest of the planet’s inhabitants as well as economies and the whole ecosystems." Read More

Off-Site Construction is Radically Changing the Rules of Architectural Design

Off-Site Construction is Radically Changing the Rules of Architectural Design

"The popularity of pre-designed and pre-fabricated homes is growing, moving much of the construction process from the building site into factories." Read More

New Models for Collective Housing

New Models for Collective Housing

"Housing production has been relying on the same spatial configurations for almost a century, catering to a vision of domestic life that no longer constitutes the norm." Read More

Interior Finishes with Natural Textures That Are Easy to Install and Maintain

Interior Finishes with Natural Textures That Are Easy to Install and Maintain

"Textures play a leading role in an interior project. Metals bring integrity and sophistication. Stones and their variations in colors and designs can become focal points in spaces. Different wood types, with their fiber and knot designs, and their characteristic coloring, bring warmth and comfort." Read More

How Can Concrete Construction and Sustainability Truly Coexist?

How Can Concrete Construction and Sustainability Truly Coexist?

"Concrete and sustainability are two words that are often considered incompatible. Used as early as the Roman era, concrete has shaped much of our built environment, being the most widely used manufactured material in the planet thanks to its resistance, versatility, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility, among other inherent benefits." Read More

Framing Indeterminacy: The Incorporation of Uncertainty Into Architecture

Framing Indeterminacy: The Incorporation of Uncertainty Into Architecture

"By definition, architecture and urban planning operate within a certain degree of indeterminacy, using present context to find viable answers for an unknown future. As a result, design is a constant search for a balance between prescribing and taking a step back to make room for alternate yet unforeseeable scenarios." Read More

5 Art Movements that Influenced Architecture

5 Art Movements that Influenced Architecture

"As far as history goes back, art and architecture have always been interrelated disciplines." Read More

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics Can Lead to Net-Positive Construction

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics Can Lead to Net-Positive Construction

"The building construction industry currently accounts for 40% of annual greenhouse gas emissions, due to its high carbon embodiment and carbonated energy demands." Read More

Modular Ceramics that Reproduce the Beauty of Stone, Marble, Cement and Metal

Modular Ceramics that Reproduce the Beauty of Stone, Marble, Cement and Metal

"A rock like marble is usually light in color when formed through a process involving the heat and pressure of limestone." Read More

What is the Future of High Rise Buildings?

 What is the Future of High Rise Buildings?

"Almost a century ago, the world was introduced to a new architectural typology that changed the entire construction industry." Read More

Why Do Architects Insist on Using Flat Roofs?

Why Do Architects Insist on Using Flat Roofs?

"It is a commonly held belief by non-architects (and even some architects) that gabled roofs are inherently better than flat ones." Read More

What is Art Deco Architecture?

What is Art Deco Architecture?

"Art Deco architecture derives from a style of visual arts of the same name that emerged in Europe in the 1920s, which also influenced the movie industry, fashion, interior design, graphic design, sculpture, painting, and other forms of art, in addition to architecture." Read More

Interventions in Pre-existing Architecture: Adaptive Reuse Projects by Renowned Architects

Interventions in Pre-existing Architecture: Adaptive Reuse Projects by Renowned Architects

"Responsible use and consumption of natural resources and the impacts of the building industry have been ongoing concerns in the field of architecture and urban planning." Read More

Parks and Squares: 20 Public Space Designs

Parks and Squares: 20 Public Space Designs

"Designing a public space means contemplating the aspects of everyday life in the city. Creating places for gatherings, conflicts, demonstrations, relaxation, and enjoyment." Read More

How Emerging Practices Approach Sustainability in Architecture

How Emerging Practices Approach Sustainability in Architecture

"The climate crisis has become a staple of the architecture discourse, with the field slowly acknowledging its contribution to environmental issues and seeking to reframe its values and approaches." Read More

15 Architecture Projects for Life in Space

15 Architecture Projects for Life in Space

"The Apollo 11 Mission, departed Earth on July 16, 1969, and touched down on the moon 4 days later. This moment marked a milestone for humanity and, to this day, makes us reflect on how technological progress is bringing us ever closer to life beyond planet Earth." Read More

How Fire Protection Glass Can Save Lives without Compromising Design

How Fire Protection Glass Can Save Lives without Compromising Design

"While glass is generally singled out as the weakest part of a building, it is not always true. With technological advances and the continuous innovations of the industry, there is glass that, even while allowing natural light to enter an environment, can protect the building from fire" Read More

Screened-In: Mastering the Brise-Soleil in France

Screened-In: Mastering the Brise-Soleil in France

"The relationship between building envelope and structure remains a centerpiece of architecture. Understanding a building's skin is how designs become open or closed, controlling environmental conditions, light and views." Read More

Let Light in: 17 Projects Using Polycarbonate

Let Light in: 17 Projects Using Polycarbonate

"Thanks to its strength, lightness, and easy installation, polycarbonate is fast becoming our generation's everyman material. Used to let light in with its translucent properties, buildings built with polycarbonate can appear permeable by day and glow from within by night." Read More

How Models Inspire Architecture

How Models Inspire Architecture

"Models are useful to architects for all sorts of things, from the earliest parts of the design, all the way to marketing a building after it's built." Read More

How to Overcome the Challenges of Designing with Solar Technology

How to Overcome the Challenges of Designing with Solar Technology

"Solar technology has enormous potential, but it has been underutilized. To get an idea of just how underutilized it is, consider that every 24 hours the amount of sunlight that hits the Earth could provide energy for the entire planet for 24 years." Read More

Adaptive Reuse as a Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development and Regeneration

Adaptive Reuse as a Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development and Regeneration

"“New ideas must use old buildings,” said Jane Jacobs in her seminal book The Death and Life of Great American Cities, championing the reuse of existing building stock as a means to catalyze positive change and foster diverse urban environments." Read More

Less Waste or More Value: 8 Architecturally Relevant Interventions at the 2021 Dutch Design Week

Less Waste or More Value: 8 Architecturally Relevant Interventions at the 2021 Dutch Design Week

"Under the theme of 'The Greater Number', the Dutch Design Week (DDW) returns with a physical edition from the 16 until the 24th of October 2021 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands." Read More

Experiencing Design with Real-Time Architectural Visualization

Experiencing Design with Real-Time Architectural Visualization

"Like any other art form, architectural visualization has the power to move your audience, whether it be the design client, potential customers or future tenants." Read More

Brick Houses in Spain: Modern Masonry Design for Home Interiors and Exteriors

Brick Houses in Spain: Modern Masonry Design for Home Interiors and Exteriors

"The ample supply, durability, and affordability of brick makes it one of the most widely used and iconic materials in Spanish architecture, especially within the Mudejar tradition." Read More

Clay or Concrete, Solid or Hollow: Different Types of Bricks and Their Uses

 Clay or Concrete, Solid or Hollow: Different Types of Bricks and Their Uses

"The term brick is often used as a synonym for common clay solid blocks, but there's more to it. Bricks are perhaps the most elementary of building materials and can be used to design modular, optimized, and most importantly, versatile buildings." Read More

How to Incorporate Steel Railings Into the Design

How to Incorporate Steel Railings Into the Design

"Railings play two roles in architectural projects, both as a support and safety component in a building, which involves a great deal of technical detailing and accessibility standards, and as an accent element in the design." Read More

Mike Nuckolls joins ISE Logik as Southeast Regional Manager

Mike Nuckolls joins ISE Logik as Southeast Regional Manager

"Industry veteran Mike Nuckolls has joined ISE Logik to head up sales and client service in the Southeast. Nuckolls started his flooring career with Shaw Industries and held sales management positions in Residential, Commercial, and Shaw Contract. Most recently, he managed sales for FloorFolio Commercial Flooring." Read More

World Architecture Day 2021: Accelerating Urban Action for a Carbon-Free World

World Architecture Day 2021: Accelerating Urban Action for a Carbon-Free World

"Celebrated on the first Monday of every October, World Architecture Day was set up by the Union International des Architects (UIA) back in 2005 to “remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat”, coinciding with UN-Habitat's World Habitat Day." Read More

Canadian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai Reflects on Landscapes and Endangered Ecosystems

Canadian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai Reflects on Landscapes and Endangered Ecosystems

"Designed by Toronto-based practice Moriyama & Teshima Architects and construction company ElisDon, the Canadian Pavilion for Expo 2020 Dubai aims to bridge the two cultures by echoing Canada’s landscapes and incorporating Arabic architectural elements with its wooden lattice facade a reference to the traditional Mashrabiya." Read More

Metl-Span IMPs provide desired aesthetic for new Las Vegas Courthouse

Metl-Span IMPs provide desired aesthetic for new Las Vegas Courthouse

"The new buildings that seem to be always rising as part of an ever-changing Las Vegas skyline are casinos, resorts and hotels. The new City of Las Vegas Courthouse is only two stories tall, but it makes quite an impression." Read More

Singapore's Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai Illustrates the Vision of Architecture in Nature

Singapore's Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai Illustrates the Vision of Architecture in Nature

"The Singapore Pavilion for Expo 2020 Dubai illustrates the city's aspiration towards a sustainable future that merges architecture, nature, technology and culture." Read More

Building Anew: Abu Dhabi's Modern Architectural Projects

Building Anew: Abu Dhabi's Modern Architectural Projects

"Abu Dhabi's history is tied to its development. As the capital and second most populated city of the United Arab Emirates, it has radically transformed in recent decades." Read More

Equitable Cities Through the Lens of Environmental Neuroscience

Equitable Cities Through the Lens of Environmental Neuroscience

"Environmental neuroscience is an emerging field devoted to studying the impact of social and physical environments on brain processes and behaviour." Read More

WorldGBC releases new requirements for the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment

WorldGBC releases new requirements for the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment

"Advancing Net Zero Whole Life Carbon: Offsetting Residual Emissions from the Building and Construction Sector" provides guidance for how the sector should compensate for its total carbon impacts. Read More

BuildTech Futures: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

BuildTech Futures: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

"Artificial intelligence, machine learning and generative design have begun to shape architecture as we know it. As systems and tools to reimagine the built environment, they present diverse opportunities to rethink traditional workflows." Read More

5 Things to Consider When Designing a High-Performance Façade

5 Things to Consider When Designing a High-Performance Façade

"Façade is one of the most important factors in certain building types, that can completely transform the occupant experience and the energy performance of the building." Read More

KCAP Reveals Updated Designs for Mixed-Use Development in Seoul

KCAP Reveals Updated Designs for Mixed-Use Development in Seoul

"KCAP revealed an updated design for the Sewoon Grounds project in Seoul, a redevelopment plan to transform the district into a sustainable mixed-use area." Read More

The Highlights of Concéntrico 07: Sustainability, Spatial Experiences and New Readings of Public Spaces

The Highlights of Concéntrico 07: Sustainability, Spatial Experiences and New Readings of Public Spaces

"The 7th edition of the International Architecture and Design Festival Concéntrico proposed new readings of public space through a series of temporary installations that re-imagined various places throughout the Spanish city of Logroño." Read More

What Bricks Tell Us: A Quest to Survey Chicago's Bricks

What Bricks Tell Us: A Quest to Survey Chicago's Bricks

"In this video, Will Quam of Brick of Chicago takes us around the American city to question Louis Kahn’s adage that all bricks are motivated to be arches." Read More

Aedas Reveals Mixed-Use Urban Development in Shenzhen

Aedas Reveals Mixed-Use Urban Development in Shenzhen

"Aedas has unveiled Shenzhen C FutureCity, a two-phase project in Futian's Shangsha Village, Shenzhen." Read More

BIG Unveils Massive Masterplan that Aims to be the Most Sustainable City in the World

BIG Unveils Massive Masterplan that Aims to be the Most Sustainable City in the World

"Bjarke Ingels Group has released images of a new 150,000-acre masterplan that would be built from scratch on a desert in Western United States." Read More

4 Projects That Show Mass Timber is the Future of American Cities

4 Projects That Show Mass Timber is the Future of American Cities

"As architects face up to the need for ethical, sustainable design in the age of climate change awareness, timber architecture is making a comeback in a new, technologically impressive way." Read More

Temporary Architecture: Innovation, Testing-Ground and Entertainment

Temporary Architecture: Innovation, Testing-Ground and Entertainment

"Beyond "experience tourism" and light entertainment, temporary architecture is a fertile ground for testing ideas, examining places, popularizing new concepts and technologies." Read More

Towards a Sustainable Future: Local Materials and Methods in Contemporary Chinese Architecture

Towards a Sustainable Future: Local Materials and Methods in Contemporary Chinese Architecture

"Over the course of the last decade there has been a growing interest in the handcrafted buildings, as well as in the application of local and renewable materials in building construction." Read More

Using Wood Outdoors Without Worrying About Fire Hazards

Using Wood Outdoors Without Worrying About Fire Hazards

"Wood is an extremely versatile material. It allows for the construction of robust and strong structures, while it can also be used as the raw material for delicate objects such as musical instruments." Read More

The Refurbishment and Adaptive Reuse of Brutalist Architecture

The Refurbishment and Adaptive Reuse of Brutalist Architecture

"Demolition is a waste of many things – a waste of energy, a waste of material, and a waste of history," says Pritzker-winning architect Anne Lacaton." Read More

National Parks: An Architectural Journey

National Parks: An Architectural Journey

"The world is home to thousands and thousands of national parks – spaces allocated for conservation, hosting land usually left in its natural state for people to visit." Read More

5 Reasons Why Your Hotel and Resort Projects Need Antimicrobial Glass Protection

5 Reasons Why Your Hotel and Resort Projects Need Antimicrobial Glass Protection

"HMI understands that microbes can live anywhere, including on the most beautiful showers found in high-end resorts and hotels. With the addition of Microban® technology, our C.10 Glass Protectant is the premium choice for fighting mold, mildew, and bacteria to maintain high-end shower enclosures and other glass products." Read More

Cooling Interiors Will be the Architectural Challenge of the Future

Cooling Interiors Will be the Architectural Challenge of the Future

"According to the UN, more than 7000 extreme weather events have been recorded since 2000. Just this year, wildfires raged across Australia and the west coast of the U.S.; Siberia charted record high temperatures, reaching 100 degrees Fahrenheit before Dallas or Houston; and globally, this September was the world’s hottest September on record." Read More

How to Build with Zero-Kilometer Wood? The Experience of The Voxel in Barcelona

How to Build with Zero-Kilometer Wood? The Experience of The Voxel in Barcelona

"Zero kilometer materials can be purchased locally, do not need to be transformed by large stages of industrial processing or toxic treatments and, at the end of their service life, they can be returned to the environment." Read More

A color explosion: studio animal completes rainbow-hued store in barcelona

A color explosion: studio animal completes rainbow-hued store in barcelona

"Following a bright yellow store in malaga, studio animal shares another dazzling retail space designed for munich sports, this time in barcelona. dubbed ‘spectrum’, the instagramable space is so saturated with color that it looks almost unreal." Read More

Punta Arenas International Antarctic Center Receives Approval in Chile

Punta Arenas International Antarctic Center Receives Approval in Chile

"In 2017 the team led by Chilean architects Alberto Moletto, Cristóbal Tirado, Sebastián Hernández, and Danilo Lagos was selected as the winners of the International Antarctic Center (CAI) design competition, a unique landmark planned for Punta Arenas, a city at the deep south of Chile." Read More

Translucent Sandwich Panels: Producing Healthy Buildings with an Abundance of Natural Light

Translucent Sandwich Panels: Producing Healthy Buildings with an Abundance of Natural Light

"People have fundamental needs that must be met in order to survive, which include: oxygen, water, food, sleep, and shelter." Read More

21 Projects Where Kengo Kuma (Re)Uses Materials in Unusual Ways

21 Projects Where Kengo Kuma (Re)Uses Materials in Unusual Ways

"Kengo Kuma uses materials to connect with the local context and the users of his projects." Read More

Barcelona named UNESCO World Capital of Architecture for 2026

Barcelona named UNESCO World Capital of Architecture for 2026

"Joining Copenhagen and Rio de Janeiro, Barcelona has been named as the UIA's 2026 World Capital of Architecture by UNESCO, and will be hosting the International Union of Architect’s World Congress two years after the event in Copenhagen." Read More

Prix Versailles 2021: World Selections for Airports, Campuses, Passenger Stations and Sports announced

Prix Versailles 2021: World Selections for Airports, Campuses, Passenger Stations and Sports announced

"The annual Prix Versailles awards, created in 2015 to promote a better interaction between the cultural and the economic, announced the 2021 World Selections celebrating 24 projects in the categories of Airports, Campuses, Passenger Stations and Sports." Read More

The County of Santa Clara Animal Services Center reimagines the conventional shelter

The County of Santa Clara Animal Services Center reimagines the conventional shelter

"Animal shelters have evolved quite a bit since the days when adopting a new pet involved a visit to a drab, nondescript building with a cacophonous, kennel-lined central corridor arranged to place the outwardly adoptable pets up front while the less desirables—the infirm, the elderly, the strays—were sequestered in the back unnoticed." Read More

Construction of Moroccan Pavilion at the 2020 Dubai is Underway with Tribute to Traditional Construction

Construction of Moroccan Pavilion at the 2020 Dubai is Underway with Tribute to Traditional Construction

"The Moroccan Pavilion at the 2020 Expo in Dubai explores traditional Moroccan architecture and how it can be reimagined in contemporary construction techniques and urban developments." Read More

ODA Designs New York's Largest Residential Cantilever in Manhattan

ODA Designs New York's Largest Residential Cantilever in Manhattan

"ODA New York have released images of their newest project "Era", Manhattan's largest residential cantilever building." Read More

SOM to Design Convertible Self-Sufficient Milan-Cortina Olympic Village

SOM to Design Convertible Self-Sufficient Milan-Cortina Olympic Village

"Skidmore, Owings & Merrill was selected to design the Olympic Village for the 2026 Milan-Cortina Olympics following an international competition of 71 architecture studios from nine different countries." Read More

Surgical demolition was the key to overhauling this century-old Seattle house

Surgical demolition was the key to overhauling this century-old Seattle house

“When a young couple looking to downsize snatched up a dumpy 1921 bungalow in West Seattle, they knew they wanted a full remodel.” Read More

What Are The Most Used Materials in Social Housing? 15 Diverse Applications and Construction Styles

What Are The Most Used Materials in Social Housing? 15 Diverse Applications and Construction Styles

“Choice of building materials and the inherent continuous reflection about the reach and capabilities of architecture are an interesting alternative way to approach this issue.” Read More

AAU Anastas Aims to Challenge "Imperial Ideas" with Vaulted Stone Pavilion at Venice Architecture Biennale

AAU Anastas Aims to Challenge

"Palestinian studio AAU Anastas has created an installation with a vaulted stone ceiling at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale as part of an ongoing project challenging the origins of stone architecture." Read More

The Newest Maggie’s Centre Dissolves into the Surrounding Garden in Southampton

The Newest Maggie’s Centre Dissolves into the Surrounding Garden in Southampton

"Subtly distinct from one another in design and foliage, each garden was inspired by the rich biodiversity of the woodland glades of New Forest National Park, a nearby 219-square-mile green space." Read More

See the 5 Best Public Libraries from Around the World in 2021

See the 5 Best Public Libraries from Around the World in 2021

"in the digital age, public libraries are no longer just for books, they’re also a place for community interaction, civic engagement, digital literacy, and entertainment." Read More

Piet Oudolf Creates "Ever-Changing" Garden for Vitra's Architecture Park

Piet Oudolf Creates

"Winding paths lead visitors through this landscaped garden at the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein, Germany, which Piet Oudolf designed to complement the site's iconic architecture." Read More

Public Waterfront Pools : 10 Aquatics Facilities Bordering Rivers and Oceans

Public Waterfront Pools : 10 Aquatics Facilities Bordering Rivers and Oceans

"Pools not only provide a controlled, secure space for for people with limited mobility and younger more inexperienced swimmers to enjoy aquatic activities, they also provide a connection with the surrounding landscape.” Read More

Back to Basics: Natural Ventilation and its Use in Different Contexts

 Back to Basics: Natural Ventilation and its Use in Different Contexts

“While automation has noticeably improved the quality of interior spaces with solutions like purified air and temperature control, nothing compares to the natural cool breeze of mother nature.” Read More

Charles Jencks’s Thematic House Will Open as a Museum Later This Year

Charles Jencks’s Thematic House Will Open as a Museum Later This Year

“The renamed Cosmic House will open to the public on 24 September as a museum and library-cum-archive, hosting exhibitions, talks, and residencies.” Read More

Weathered Timber Clads an Angular Holiday Home in New Zealand Designed by Edwards White

Weathered Timber Clads an Angular Holiday Home in New Zealand Designed by Edwards White

"Emerging from the rugged coastal landscape of Bowentown, New Zealand, is a vacation house — or ‘bach’ — realized by Edwards White Architects." Read More

Urban Agency Designs New "Vancouver Forest" Block in Canada

Urban Agency Designs New

"Architecture firm Urban Agency has shared new details of their Vancouver Forest development in Canada." Read More

Off-grid House is a Bushfire Resistant Dwelling in Blue Mountains, Australia

Off-grid House is a Bushfire Resistant Dwelling in Blue Mountains, Australia

"Anderson Architecture was strongly committed to holistic sustainable practice in this project, and humanized contemporary architecture through a connection with nature." Read More

MVRDV Reveals Design of Green Barcode-Inspired Housing Unit in Amsterdam

MVRDV Reveals Design of Green Barcode-Inspired Housing Unit in Amsterdam

"The architecture firm designed seven connected buildings organized around a collective space and shared rooftop. " Read More

Michael Green Architecture Reveals a Mass Timber Tower in Madison, Wisconsin

Michael Green Architecture Reveals a Mass Timber Tower in Madison, Wisconsin

"The project, dubbed Baker’s Place, is backed by developer The Neutral Project, a real estate company that is attempting to establish a more sustainable model for the industry and is located in the Tenny-Lapham neighborhood." Read More

WAA Transforms 1970’s Warehouse in Beijing into Experiential Playscape for Children

WAA Transforms 1970’s Warehouse in Beijing into Experiential Playscape for Children

"WAA (We Architech Anonymous) has transformed a 1970’s warehouse complex in the north of Beijing into ‘the playscape’, an experiential community center for children." Read More

Zaha Hadid Architects to Design New Italian Hyperloop

Zaha Hadid Architects to Design New Italian Hyperloop

"The collaboration aims to merge transformative architecture, engineering, and urban planning with the most efficient and sustainable transport network to improve accessibility, connectivity, and well-being in cities." Read More

World's Tallest Residential Building 'Central Park Tower' Nears Completion in New York City

World's Tallest Residential Building 'Central Park Tower' Nears Completion in New York City

"Designed by Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture, the super tall skyscraper is expected to complete later this year after initial plans were unveiled in late 2018 and its topping out in 2019." Read More

Poorly Designed Acoustics in Schools Affect Learning Efficiency and Well-being

Poorly Designed Acoustics in Schools Affect Learning Efficiency and Well-being

"Acoustic discomfort can harm the process of knowledge acquisition, interfering with attention and worsening student-teacher communication." Read More

Grand Circular Aperture Within Square Brick Screen Dominates AKDA's Family House in India

Grand Circular Aperture Within Square Brick Screen Dominates AKDA's Family House in India

"The architects sought to promote the fore-going modernity in order to achieve sustainability and traditional craftsmanship." Read More

Heatherwick Studio's Little Island Creates an Artificial Landscape above the Hudson River

Heatherwick Studio's Little Island Creates an Artificial Landscape above the Hudson River

"Designed by Heatherwick Studio, together with landscape architecture firm MNLA, the long-awaited Little Island project is New York’s newest major public space, showcasing a richly-planted piece of topography above the Hudson River." Read More

The Architecture Billings Index Continued to Rise in April

The Architecture Billings Index Continued to Rise in April

"The AIA was quick to mention that the Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index, which tracks the price of consumer goods, was rapidly rising due to supply chain constraints, and that inflation was quickly increasing as well." Read More

Natural Cork Panels and Bioclimatic Strategies Build a House in a Barcelona Forest

Natural Cork Panels and Bioclimatic Strategies Build a House in a Barcelona Forest

"The project was commissioned for a retired couple who dreamt of living in the middle of nature in a dwelling with low energy consumption." Read More

How Do Architectural Booms Sometimes Become Economic Downturns?

How Do Architectural Booms Sometimes Become Economic Downturns?

"The cyclical nature of the design field, paired with the pressure to meet the spatial needs for a growing global population in a time where the value of land has continued to sky-rocket means that architecture is naturally subjected to economic impacts in a significant way. " Read More

A Nest for Stargazing and a Hidden Hillside House: 9 Unbuilt Projects Submitted to ArchDaily

A Nest for Stargazing and a Hidden Hillside House: 9 Unbuilt Projects Submitted to ArchDaily

"From cabins in woods to oceanfront villas, this article explores private residential retreats and presents projects submitted to us from all over the world." Read More

Manuel Herz Works with Local Community in Senegal to Build Hospital with lattice Brickwork

Manuel Herz Works with Local Community in Senegal to Build Hospital with lattice Brickwork

"Herz’s structure comprises a two-story building in a curvilinear form, which brings two clinics — paediatrics and maternity — together under the same roof, and offers approximately 150 hospital beds." Read More

See a First Look of the World’s Biggest Greenhouse at Venice Architecture Biennale 2021

See a First Look of the World’s Biggest Greenhouse at Venice Architecture Biennale 2021

"At this year’s venice architecture biennale, visitors will be able to take a first look at tropicalia — what is set to be the world’s largest tropical greenhouse under a single dome." Read More

12 Key Principles for an Effective Urban Response During COVID-19

12 Key Principles for an Effective Urban Response During COVID-19

"Although the pandemic has drastically changed our relationship with the public realm, due to all the imposed but necessary restrictions, from physical distancing to limiting access, the demand for public space has not decreased." Read More

Chipperfield Architects Completes Careful Renovation of Mies’s Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin

Chipperfield Architects Completes Careful Renovation of Mies’s Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin

"Completed in 1968, the Neue Nationalgalerie is the modern art-focused arm of Berlin’s National Gallery and one of the most celebrated of Mies’s completed works in his native Germany." Read More

Dutch Couple Moves into Europe's First 3D Printed House in Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Dutch Couple Moves into Europe's First 3D Printed House in Eindhoven, the Netherlands

The project marks Europe's first legally habitable property with load-bearing walls made using 3D-printing technology. read our previous coverage here." Read More

SOM’s revamped Skydeck Chicago at Willis Tower reopens 103 floors above the Windy City

SOM’s revamped Skydeck Chicago at Willis Tower reopens 103 floors above the Windy City

"“Willis Tower is synonymous with Chicago’s skyline. Envisioned in our studios more than 50 years ago, its design continues to inspire us today." Read More

All Good Architecture Leaks: A Five Point Guide

All Good Architecture Leaks: A Five Point Guide

"There is a saying that ‘all good architecture leaks’. While likely not intended as an endorsement for water damage, this video takes the phrase seriously by playfully sorting through some of architecture’s greatest leaks." Read More

Layering of Realities: VR, AR, and MR as the Future of Environmental Rendering

Layering of Realities: VR, AR, and MR as the Future of Environmental Rendering

"Working remotely throughout the past year has accelerated the introduction of new approaches to real-time rendering, and with it, a new necessity was born: how can a person feel physically present inside a space, without actually being there?" Read More

New York’s Center for Architecture Launches a Residency Lab to Broaden Diversity

New York’s Center for Architecture Launches a Residency Lab to Broaden Diversity

"Manhattan’s Center for Architecture may still be closed to visitors as AIA offices weather the pandemic, but that hasn’t stopped the AIANY from ramping up their online initiatives. Read More

As Architects and Planners Theorized New Ways of Citymaking, Military Analysts Were Right Behind

As Architects and Planners Theorized New Ways of Citymaking, Military Analysts Were Right Behind

"As suburbanization and low-density development diversified urban morphologies around the world, architects and planners worked to establish disciplinary tools and perspectives capable of keeping up with the new urban forms." Read More

Views and Vegetation Take Center Stage in Tobias Partners' Australian Garden House

Views and Vegetation Take Center Stage in Tobias Partners' Australian Garden House

"Designed by Sydney-based studio, Tobias partners, ‘garden house’ is a laidback holiday home that lets its stunning location do all the talking." Read More

SPACE10, IKEA's Innovation Lab, on Designing 'the Ideal City'

SPACE10, IKEA's Innovation Lab, on Designing 'the Ideal City'

"For its latest project, SPACE10 brought together a host of world-renowned experts as part of a new 256-page publication." Read More

"Architecture not Exclusively for Architects": Ole Bouman on Finding Measure

"“We can all be designers” states Ole Bouman, one of the most influential figures in the world of Architecture." Read More

Installing a Digitally Fabricated Pavilion from an Ocean Away is the New COVID Normal

Installing a Digitally Fabricated Pavilion from an Ocean Away is the New COVID Normal

"One morning in July 2020, architectural designer Aaron Schiller was in his New York offices directing a project installation in London." Read More

Mexico's Esrawe Studio and Denmark's Superflex Collaborate on Colorful Façade of Miami Showroom

Mexico's Esrawe Studio and Denmark's Superflex Collaborate on Colorful Façade of Miami Showroom

"Color and meaning, design and art—all are on display outside a Miami showroom by Mexico’s Esrawe Studio and Denmark’s Superflex." Read More

Strategic Design Should Reflect a Post-Pandemic Workforce Culture

Strategic Design Should Reflect a Post-Pandemic Workforce Culture

"More than a year into this worldwide experiment of working from home, we have not yet landed on the perfect formula for the workforce being once again in the workspace." Read More

Op-ed: The AIA Should Link Awards to Energy Performance

Op-ed: The AIA Should Link Awards to Energy Performance

"Why isn’t energy performance given more importance as a central part of the criteria for any AIA award?" Read More

10 Awe-Inspiring Project Winners from NYCXDESIGN 2020

10 Awe-Inspiring Project Winners from NYCXDESIGN 2020

The annual design competition honors the best products and projects in New York City, and is a celebration of creativity, innovation, talent, and humanity. Read More

Natural Light and Ventilation: 17 Remarkable Courtyards

Natural Light and Ventilation: 17 Remarkable Courtyards

“These spaces bring many advantages to a design such as increased natural light and improved ventilation conditions, while providing occupants with direct access to the outside and to nature.” Read More

Ana Smud's Sucre 812 Apartments Are Wrapped in a Shifting, Translucent Facade

Ana Smud's Sucre 812 Apartments Are Wrapped in a Shifting, Translucent Facade

"The design of the plan serves to enhance shared, communal experiences and encourage new opportunities for engagement between neighbors." Read More

Specifying Tropical Timber Can "Play a Key Role In the Climate Change Battle" Says Timber Trade Federation

Specifying Tropical Timber Can

"Speaking in a live Dezeen talk, Hopkins said that the Timber Trade Federation (TTF) wants to challenge negative associations surrounding tropical wood and promote it as "valuable feedstocks for the design world"." Read More

Hayri Atak Envisions A Huge Floating Hotel That Revolves Around A Central Axis In Qatar

Hayri Atak Envisions A Huge Floating Hotel That Revolves Around A Central Axis In Qatar

"Designed to minimize energy loss and with a zero waste principle, the scheme includes a rotating system that moves the building around to generate electricity." Read More

ICON Goes “Mainstream” With Production of 3D-Printed Single-Family Homes for New Austin Development

ICON Goes “Mainstream” With Production of 3D-Printed Single-Family Homes for New Austin Development

"With ICON’s 3D printing technology, we anticipate more high-velocity progress in the years ahead to help bring housing and construction into the modern world and in-line with humanity’s highest hopes.” Read More

Conserve Resources and Plan for Demolition With Digital Construction

Conserve Resources and Plan for Demolition With Digital Construction

“The construction industry is traditionally one of the most resource-intensive sectors, but with rigorous planning and digital tools, the construction process can instead make an active contribution to environmental protection.” Read More

World’s First Space Hotel Expected To Open In 2027

World’s First Space Hotel Expected To Open In 2027

“Set inside the voyager station — a new space station that could be operational as early as 2027 — the hotel will host restaurants, a cinema, spa, and rooms for 400 people.” Read More

The Restoration Of The Air Force Academy Chapel Is The U.S.’S Most Complex Modernist Preservation Project Ever

The Restoration Of The Air Force Academy Chapel Is The U.S.’S Most Complex Modernist Preservation Project Ever

“Built at the peak of the high-stakes Cold War era, the campus was arguably the most expensive federal project in American history.” Read More

Ten Upcoming Supertall Skyscrapers from the World's Best-Known Architects

Ten Upcoming Supertall Skyscrapers from the World's Best-Known Architects

“Buildings that reach over 300 meters tall are classified by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat as supertall skyscrapers.” Read More

From Farm to Fork: How Architecture Can Contribute to Fresher Food Supply

From Farm to Fork: How Architecture Can Contribute to Fresher Food Supply

“New outlooks on consuming and eating habits have, obviously, reflected on city planning and architecture.” Read More

Catenary Arches Define 'Venecia 20' Housing Complex by Inca Hernández in Mexico City

Catenary Arches Define 'Venecia 20' Housing Complex by Inca Hernández in Mexico City

"Hernández notes, this is inspired by a fragment of a poem by Octavio Paz, which reads: ‘an edifice made of time: what was, what will be, what is.’" Read More

Populous Reveals a Monolithic Esports and Entertainment hub for Toronto

Populous Reveals a Monolithic Esports and Entertainment hub for Toronto

"The theatre architecture creates a merger of the old and the new.” Read More

The Possibilities of Pigmented Concrete: 20 Buildings Infused With Color

The Possibilities of Pigmented Concrete: 20 Buildings Infused With Color

"The traditional mixture of concrete, which comprises cement, gravel, sand, and water may vary in color depending on elements and admixtures but naturally varies from light to dark gray. " Read More

Agnes Hansella Hangs Massive Macramé Wall Trio on a Seaside Structure in Bali

Agnes Hansella Hangs Massive Macramé Wall Trio on a Seaside Structure in Bali

"Jakarta-based fiber artist Agnes Hansella has completed a massive wall-hanging trio titled mountain, ocean, and sunset in Bali, Indonesia." Read More

RSHP Cantilevers The 'Richard Rogers Drawing Gallery' Above The Grounds Of Château La Coste

RSHP Cantilevers The 'Richard Rogers Drawing Gallery' Above The Grounds Of Château La Coste

“Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) has completed the final project that Richard Rogers began before his retirement from practice in June 2020." Read More

More Details And Design Refinements Revealed For Frank Gehry’s Twin Toronto Supertalls

More Details And Design Refinements Revealed For Frank Gehry’s Twin Toronto Supertalls

“In its current iteration, the western tower will be the tallest Gehry-designed building in the world at just over 1,000 feet tall.” Read More

Ten Welcoming Living Rooms Where the Fireplace Takes Centre Stage

Ten Welcoming Living Rooms Where the Fireplace Takes Centre Stage

“With spring still a few months away in the northern hemisphere, this is the season to snuggle up in front of an open fire.” Read More

Industrial or Natural Future: Is It Possible to Create Organic Cities Shaped by Technology?

Industrial or Natural Future: Is It Possible to Create Organic Cities Shaped by Technology?

“As for the promises of architecture and, consequently, of our cities, it is not an easy task to predict future developments clearly either.” Read More

G&A Evripiotis Carves the Island Shoreline of Greece With its 'Elements House'

G&A Evripiotis Carves the Island Shoreline of Greece With its 'Elements House'

"Embedded into the gently sloping terrain and overlooking The Bay of Molos, the view and the rigid landscape are the two primary driving factors of the natural stone design." Read More

NBBJ’s spiraling glass Helix will anchor Amazon’s HQ2 in Arlington

NBBJ’s spiraling glass Helix will anchor Amazon’s HQ2 in Arlington

"Altogether, 2.8 million square feet of office space will be shared between three towers and Amazon expects them all to hit LEED Platinum certification." Read More

2020 Grand Prix Award: Lenka Petráková Designs a Floating Research Station to Clean Oceans

2020 Grand Prix Award: Lenka Petráková Designs a Floating Research Station to Clean Oceans

"Slovak designer Lenka Petráková has won the 2020 Grand Prix Award for an ocean-cleaning research facility in the Pacific." Read More

AIA New York reveals winners of 2021 Design Awards

AIA New York reveals winners of 2021 Design Awards

"The New York chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIANY) announced the winners of its 2021 Design Awards earlier this month, recognizing a variety of projects and firms based in New York City." Read More

Heatherwick Studio Reveals Twisted, Tree-Inspired Towers for Vancouver’s West End

Heatherwick Studio Reveals Twisted, Tree-Inspired Towers for Vancouver’s West End

“London-based Heatherwick Studio has shared design plans for a pair of “curvaceous, light-filled” residential towers jointly commissioned by Bosa Properties and Kingswood Properties for Vancouver’s West End neighborhood.” Read More

AMAA's 'Pleonastic is Fantastic' Stair Floats Within a Derelict Brickwork Ruin

AMAA's 'Pleonastic is Fantastic' Stair Floats Within a Derelict Brickwork Ruin

“With respect for the tension between old and new, Italian architecture studio AMAA introduces its work, ‘pleonastic is fantastic.’” Read More

2021 Outlook: 6 Trends That Will Influence Construction This Year

2021 Outlook: 6 Trends That Will Influence Construction This Year

"Several factors – some positive, some less so – are poised to shape the industry this year." Read More

Reading Architecture: How "Looking" Becomes "Making" Through Techniques of Analysis

Reading Architecture: How

"There are different ways to understand how to analyze architecture, through the use of diagrams, patterns, relationships, and proportions to name a few." Read More

AIA Forecasts Another Year of Recessed Demand for 2021

AIA Forecasts Another Year of Recessed Demand for 2021

"The AIA is predicting another slide in construction and design demand through 2021, until counting on a recovery in 2022." Read More

Experts: Construction Material Shortages to Continue in 2021

Experts: Construction Material Shortages to Continue in 2021

“The difficulty in procuring some construction materials and the cost associated with shortages won’t go away anytime soon, experts say.” Read More

“Expanding the Biennial in Time and Space”: In Conversation With Mariana Pestana, Curator of the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial

“Expanding the Biennial in Time and Space”: In Conversation With Mariana Pestana, Curator of the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial

“Launched on October 15, 2020, the event brought together, with its new structure, different formats under the theme of Empathy Revisited.” Read More

Stefano Boeri reveals a pavilion and marketing campaign to get Italians excited about COVID-19 vaccination

Stefano Boeri reveals a pavilion and marketing campaign to get Italians excited about COVID-19 vaccination

“The namesake Milan-based design practice of Italian architect Stefano Boeri has shared its proposal for an architectural and communicative campaign for Italy’s national COVID-19 vaccination program.” Read More

2021 Construction Projects to Watch

2021 Construction Projects to Watch

“With a new year comes a new round of project completions, or at least the meeting of project milestones." Read More

'Home During Sickness' Integrates Intimate Domestic Environments Within Hospital Facilities

'Home During Sickness' Integrates Intimate Domestic Environments Within Hospital Facilities

"Instead of keeping the existing isolation cell layout of the ICUs, the design by Yue Xin Yu and Dessery Dai turns them into the middle ground between temporary living units and the rest of the hospital facilities." Read More

RAW Architecture Uses Recycled Plastic + Bamboo for Workshop and Residence in Indonesia

RAW Architecture Uses Recycled Plastic + Bamboo for Workshop and Residence in Indonesia

"The residence is contained within a circular, three-story building with a 3 x 3 m footprint." Read More

What Makes a Home and How Do We Plan for its Future?

What Makes a Home and How Do We Plan for its Future?

"A home is one of the most significant architectural typologies that we experience throughout our lives." Read More

From Climate Crisis to How Will We Live Together: 2020's Most Relevant Topics in Architecture

From Climate Crisis to How Will We Live Together: 2020's Most Relevant Topics in Architecture

"Facing the current and accentuated global challenges, we ask ourselves: What should we address first?" Read More

EX FIGURA Designs Modular System to Recreate the Experience of Living on Trees

EX FIGURA Designs Modular System to Recreate the Experience of Living on Trees

"The treehouse proposal by EX FIGURA has been shaped to create a constant feeling of adventure, held by structural ladders that, in the image of branches, support places of living, while creating multiple paths around it." Read More

The AIA Comes Out Swinging Against Trump’s Modern Architecture-Shunning Federal Building Mandate

The AIA Comes Out Swinging Against Trump’s Modern Architecture-Shunning Federal Building Mandate

"The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has released a strong denunciation of a new executive order." Read More

Pantone’s Color of the Year 2021: Yellow and Grey in Architecture

Pantone’s Color of the Year 2021: Yellow and Grey in Architecture

"Selecting two colors for only the second time in 22 years, Pantone described the chosen yellow and gray as independent but complementary, representing a theme of unity and mutual support." Read More

Welcome to the New Normals of Outdoor Dining

Welcome to the New Normals of Outdoor Dining

"The economy and culture of New York as we know it are inconceivable without restaurants, of which the city had 23,650 in 2019 according to the state Comptroller’s office." Read More

Parisians Will Grow their Own Food Along the 'Green Line' Garden Footbridge by VCA

Parisians Will Grow their Own Food Along the 'Green Line' Garden Footbridge by VCA

"With structure designed by Bollinger + Grohmann, green and MEP by Greenaffair, and landscape by Sempervirens, The Green Line will be a truly edible landscape dedicated to ‘Parisculteurs (Paris farmers). It aims to make citizens aware of eco-gastronomy and alternative consumption." Read More

What Are the Megatrends Reshaping the Architecture Field and the Construction Industry?

What Are the Megatrends Reshaping the Architecture Field and the Construction Industry?

"Before the pandemic, the world was already facing a series of global transformations in the field of construction, where emerging countries were at the forefront of a powerful economic shift." Read More

London’s Coffey Architects opens a Luminous, Lightweight Office Building at King’s Cross

London’s Coffey Architects opens a Luminous, Lightweight Office Building at King’s Cross

"Press materials from Coffey Architects don’t shy from describing the 36,000-square-foot building as “gallery-like” and the comparison seems apt inside and out." Read More

Balancing Preservation and Resiliency in Miami Beach

Balancing Preservation and Resiliency in Miami Beach

“During the 20th century, Miami Beach reinvented itself several times, from Gilded Age mecca to Art Deco capital, to glamorous 1950s destination, only to become a faded has-been resort by the 1970s.” Read More

Drones Captured the Moment Arecibo’s Dish was Destroyed

Drones Captured the Moment Arecibo’s Dish was Destroyed

"Thanks to the National Science Foundation (NSF), which owns the observatory in Arecibo, we can now see the exact moment that the 900-ton instrument platform came crashing down, falling 450 feet and smashing the dish below." Read More

One Fine Day Studio Inserts 'Fragments of the past' within Furniture Retail Interior in China

One Fine Day Studio Inserts 'Fragments of the past' within Furniture Retail Interior in China

“By installing a variety of sculptural spatial elements and custom made decoration, the firm has created an environment, playing with the idea of time as an intangible concept, while also highlighting the various furniture merchandise.” Read More

3xn, B+H, and Zhubo Design Will Design the Sinuous Shenzhen Natural History Museum

3xn, B+H, and Zhubo Design Will Design the Sinuous Shenzhen Natural History Museum

"The new museum will be “dedicated to interpreting the laws of natural evolution, showing the geographies of Shenzhen and its ecology in a global perspective, and actively advocating science.”" Read More

Stuart Shanks & B^Space Studio Insert Pops of Color within Suburban House in New York

Stuart Shanks & B^Space Studio Insert Pops of Color within Suburban House in New York

"Since the house is situated at the corner of a busy intersection, the design by stuart shanks architecture and b^space studio starts from the interior, moving towards the external areas." Read More

BIG-designed observation helix revealed for Denmark’s Wadden Sea National Park

BIG-designed observation helix revealed for Denmark’s Wadden Sea National Park

"The spiraling 82-foot-tall edifice, the Marsktårn or Marsh Tower, was designed by Copenhagen-founded Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG)." Read More

Brazilian Houses: 15 Projects with Gable Roofs

Brazilian Houses: 15 Projects with Gable Roofs

"The gable roof house is not only a children's drawing of a home, it is also one of the most popular solutions in Brazilian residential architecture." Read More

Amdl Circle and Michele de Lucchi Design Two Modular and Transportable 'Stations'

Amdl Circle and Michele de Lucchi Design Two Modular and Transportable 'Stations'

“As part of this research, the studio has designed two modular and transportable pieces of architecture: ‘atelier station’ and ‘sweet suite station’.” Read More

Gg-Loop Clads Biophilic Housing Proposal in Amsterdam with Parametric Timber Facade

Gg-Loop Clads Biophilic Housing Proposal in Amsterdam with Parametric Timber Facade

"Architectural studio GG-loop proposes the ‘mitosis’ collective housing complex in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, designed to highlight the importance of biophilic architecture as an answer to the current environmental crisis." Read More

Students and Adults grow, Learn, and Eat at the Hackney School of Food in East London

Students and Adults grow, Learn, and Eat at the Hackney School of Food in East London

"In East London, the Hackney School of Food has opened its doors." Read More

New York Design Firms and Cultural Organizations Help the City Get Back on its Feet

New York Design Firms and Cultural Organizations Help the City Get Back on its Feet

" According to data gathered from SANDOW sister brand ThinkLab, 57 percent of projects are on hold there, while nationwide, the figure is 33 percent. But if there’s one thing New Yorkers can handle—maybe even thrive on—it’s adversity." Read More

O2 Design Atelier Imagines a 'Post-pandemic City of Tomorrow' Elevated above Nature

O2 Design Atelier Imagines a 'Post-pandemic City of Tomorrow' Elevated above Nature

"Called ‘the post-pandemic city of tomorrow’, the project proposes to ‘set nature free’ by elevating the towers high above the ground, allowing the forests and rivers below to thrive." Read More

Snøhetta’s Fourth Powerhouse Office Building Was Designed to Be Energy-Positive

Snøhetta’s Fourth Powerhouse Office Building Was Designed to Be Energy-Positive

“In the industrial city of Porsgrunn, Norway, Snøhetta has completed the fourth addition to its Powerhouse initiative, which aims to design the next generation of office buildings.” Read More

The 2000 Ocean Interior Design Showcase Kicks Off in Miami

The 2000 Ocean Interior Design Showcase Kicks Off in Miami

“In a nod to its surroundings, 2000 Ocean, a 38-story luxury apartment building being developed by KAR Properties and designed by Enrique Norten of TEN Arquitectos, launched a virtual designer showcase Oct. 2 to put the best of Miami residential design on display.” Read More

O2 Design Atelier Imagines a 'Post-pandemic City of Tomorrow' Elevated above Nature

O2 Design Atelier Imagines a 'Post-pandemic City of Tomorrow' Elevated above Nature

"Called ‘the post-pandemic city of tomorrow’, the project proposes to ‘set nature free’ by elevating the towers high above the ground, allowing the forests and rivers below to thrive.' Read More

OMA / Reinier de Graaf's Residential Towers, Norra Tornen, Wins the International Highrise Award 2020

OMA / Reinier de Graaf's Residential Towers, Norra Tornen, Wins the International Highrise Award 2020

"Granted every 2 years, to architects and developers for buildings of minimum 100 meters in height, completed in the last two years, Norra Tornen was selected from 31 projects from 14 countries." Read More

Aegean Teal Announced as Benjamin Moore’s 2021 Color of the Year

Aegean Teal Announced as Benjamin Moore’s 2021 Color of the Year

"Leaning into the notion of the home as a haven, Aegean Teal is designed to radiate wellbeing and encourage people to settle in." Read More

Get an Early Glimpse of the New Timber-Topped Main Terminal at Portland International Airport

Get an Early Glimpse of the New Timber-Topped Main Terminal at Portland International Airport

"The influence of the region’s natural landscapes will be most evident in the terminal’s vast timber roof, which will be studded with massive skylights and stretch across enlarged lobby and ticketing areas." Read More

Rad+AR Tops Tropical Residence in Indonesia with Green Steep Pitch Roof

Rad+AR Tops Tropical Residence in Indonesia with Green Steep Pitch Roof

“Situated in Indonesia, with the intent to respond to the regional climate, as well as human needs and experiences, the ‘micro-tropicality’ house by RAD+ar sparks a meaningful dialogue between architecture and tropical environments.” Read More

Gensler Reveals Baltimore’s New Central Train Station

Gensler Reveals Baltimore’s New Central Train Station

“More than a century after Kenneth MacKenzie Murchison designed a Beaux-Arts train station for Baltimore, Amtrak is moving in a different direction.” Read More

Menarco Tower in Southeast Asia Achieves Unprecedented WELL Health-Safety Rating in the Region

Menarco Tower in Southeast Asia Achieves Unprecedented WELL Health-Safety Rating in the Region

"Carmen Jimenez-Ong never expected to collaborate on the design of a 32-story tower given her aversion to working with more traditional materials such as cement, steel, and glass, which she feels lack a sense of warmth." Read More

Orthogonal Grids and Their Variations in 17 Cities Viewed from Above

Orthogonal Grids and Their Variations in 17 Cities Viewed from Above

"There is evidence that the orthogonal grid plan, which is one of the most common types of urban planning today, dates back to antiquity." Read More

KUDHVA Expands off-Grid Glamp-Site with the 'Danish Cabin' by New British Design

KUDHVA Expands off-Grid Glamp-Site with the 'Danish Cabin' by New British Design

"This latest installation, known as the ‘Danish Cabin’, joins four futuristic cabins, also designed by NBD — an architecture studio led by Ben and Hannah Huggins." Read More

Aston Martin Teams with s3 Architecture for Its First “Secret Lair” Home

Aston Martin Teams with s3 Architecture for Its First “Secret Lair” Home

"At the end of August 2019, British carmaker Aston Martin Lagonda revealed its ambitious “Aston Martin Automotive Galleries and Lairs” initiative, a service for designing customized garages (and homes) for Aston Martin customers looking to show off their high-end automobiles." Read More

Health and Wellness Week on DesignTV by SANDOW

Health and Wellness Week on DesignTV by SANDOW

"Last week, DesignTV by SANDOW focused exclusively on updating and upgrading built environments dedicated to health and wellness." Read More

Fallout from Firing AIA Chicago Executive Vice President Zurich Esposito Points to Wider Crisis of Professional Culture

Fallout from Firing AIA Chicago Executive Vice President Zurich Esposito Points to Wider Crisis of Professional Culture

"Esposito’s abrupt dismissal left many questions in its wake, foremost among them what motivated the board’s decision. Some answers are only coming to light now, after the board hosted a September 25 call with AIA members." Read More

World Architecture Day: Designing for the Future of the Human Habitat

World Architecture Day: Designing for the Future of the Human Habitat

"World Architecture Day, celebrated on the first Monday of every October, was set up by the Union International des Architects (UIA) back in 2005 to “remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat”, coinciding with UN-Habitat's World Habitat Day." Read More

Luminous, Undulating Brickwork Defines Wallmakers' Pirouette House in India

Luminous, Undulating Brickwork Defines Wallmakers' Pirouette House in India

"The dwelling, constructed of undulating brickwork, is sited along a small plot that had been suffocated by other residential projects from all four sides." Read More

Construction Wraps up on Mvrdv’s Mirrored Art Depot in Rotterdam

Construction Wraps up on Mvrdv’s Mirrored Art Depot in Rotterdam

"Construction on Dutch firm MVRDV’s latest highly idiosyncratic hometown commission, Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen, has been completed on the grounds of OMA‘s Museumpark in Rotterdam." Read More

Tiny Offices: Extensions Separating Home from Workspaces

Tiny Offices: Extensions Separating Home from Workspaces

"Distractions can make working from home inefficient. It becomes critical to separate the spaces used for living from the ones used for working. Building an addition is, in most cases, the perfect solution." Read More

Katerra and Michael Green Architecture Complete the Catalyst Building in Spokane, Washington

Katerra and Michael Green Architecture Complete the Catalyst Building in Spokane, Washington

“The Catalyst Building, a new mass timber educational structure by MGA | Michael Green Architecture and built by Katerra, opened last week in Spokane, Washington.” Read More

Behive Architects Designs Shanghai Hotel around a 7 Storey Triangular Atrium

Behive Architects Designs Shanghai Hotel around a 7 Storey Triangular Atrium

“Designed for cozy stays and moments of reflection, the hotel features a range of intriguing spatial experiences, from a low-ceilinged ‘time tunnel’ entrance to a soaring atrium reception.” Read More

Public Spaces and Urban Areas: 12 Squares Viewed from Above

Public Spaces and Urban Areas: 12 Squares Viewed from Above

"Some of the most characteristic features of city squares are related to the presence of people in the space and the purposes they are given, such as places for socializing, sports, tourism, and demonstrations." Read More

15 Design Highlights from London Design Festival 2020

15 Design Highlights from London Design Festival 2020

"Both the London Design Fair, which was to be held in Old Truman Brewery, and Design London, the fair formerly known as 100% Design, will not take place this year—design marches on with virtual launches, public art projects, installations, and tightly-controlled, socially-distanced exhibitions throughout the British capital." Read More

Dive into the Winning Design for the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics Aquatic Center

Dive into the Winning Design for the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics Aquatic Center

"While the winning design for a facility that will serve as a permanent aquatics center for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris was first (quietly) announced in late April, the two firms behind said designhave now formally shared images and further details about the planned structure." Read More

KAAN Architecten Seeks to Transform Amsterdam into a Resilient City with a Series of Architectural Projects

KAAN Architecten Seeks to Transform Amsterdam into a Resilient City with a Series of Architectural Projects

"Working closely and experimenting primarily with the city of Amsterdam, the firm’s projects have been focusing on developing a healthy design and finding alternative possibilities to high-density architecture." Read More

Living and Working Together, Reflections on Productivity and Empathy Post-Covid 19

Living and Working Together, Reflections on Productivity and Empathy Post-Covid 19

“ArchDaily's theme of August 2020, How We Will Live Together, invited readers to contemplate the way we inhabit spaces with those around us.” Read More

Studio mk27 Hides 'Sand House' within the Tropical Coastline of Northeastern Brazil

Studio mk27 Hides 'Sand House' within the Tropical Coastline of Northeastern Brazil

“Surrounded by tropical trees in the state of Bahia, the beach house is elevated on a wooden deck that supports five enclosed volumes.” Read More

15 Product Highlights from 3daysofdesign 2020

15 Product Highlights from 3daysofdesign 2020

"From September 3-5, in showrooms across the Danish capital, the postponed 3daysofdesign 2020 proved with dozens of furniture launches that this is an industry that will fight back." Read More

Disney’s Net-Zero Flagship McDonald’s Is a Feat of Climate-Responsive Efficiency

Disney’s Net-Zero Flagship McDonald’s Is a Feat of Climate-Responsive Efficiency

"It all started in 2018 with the LEED Platinum McDonald’s flagship location in Chicago’s North River neighborhood." Read More

The Tiny “Spite Triangle” That Marks a Century-Old Grudge Against New York City

The Tiny “Spite Triangle” That Marks a Century-Old Grudge Against New York City

"The tiny plot—barely big enough for one person to stand on—is still there at 110 Seventh Avenue, sitting in front of what is now a cigar shop outside a subway entrance." Read More

How Does a Trombe Wall Work?

How Does a Trombe Wall Work?

"Named after engineer Felix Trombe, the system combines glass and a dark, heat-absorbing material to conduct heat slowly into the house." Read More

IKEA and Lego Group Partner to Launch Bygglek

IKEA and Lego Group Partner to Launch Bygglek

"IKEA and LEGO Group have launched the result of the long-awaited outcome of their collaboration." Read More

Hawkins\Brown is Bringing a Dusky Mixed-Use Complex to L.A.

Hawkins\Brown is Bringing a Dusky Mixed-Use Complex to L.A.

"Right at the corner of Vine Street and La Miranda Avenue in Los Angeles will soon rise 1235 Vine Street, a mixed-use complex with a robust street-level colonnade courtesy of the (originally) U.K.-based Hawkins\Brown. " Read More

NCARB Launches Destination Architect Campaign for Aspiring Architects

NCARB Launches Destination Architect Campaign for Aspiring Architects

"The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) has launched Destination Architect, a new educational STEAM resource for aspiring architects. " Read More

Structure and Translucent Cladding: How to Design a Greenhouse

Structure and Translucent Cladding: How to Design a Greenhouse

"Though they were invented hundreds of years ago, greenhouses continue to be the most popular means of controlled environment agriculture today, with innovations in technology and design having improved both the beauty and efficacy of this typology." Read More

Baranowitz + Kronenberg Transforms '80s Balearic Structure into W Ibiza Beachfront Hotel

Baranowitz + Kronenberg Transforms '80s Balearic Structure into W Ibiza Beachfront Hotel

"When a 1980s beachfront Balearic structure in Ibiza, Spain, caught the eye of the Marriott's W Hotels team, architects Alon Baranowitz and Irene Kronenberg rose to the challenge of creating a modern resort." Read More

Europe's Largest 3d-Printer Prints an Entire Two-Story House

Europe's Largest 3d-Printer Prints an Entire Two-Story House

"The idea behind the project is to use the achievement to encourage the construction industry to implement 3D concrete printing in their construction techniques." Read More

LEO A DALY-designed VA Ambulatory Care Center opens in Omaha

LEO A DALY-designed VA Ambulatory Care Center opens in Omaha

"The expansive new facility’s northern facade is meant to resemble a flag rippling in the wind." Read More

10 Actions to Improve Streets for Children

10 Actions to Improve Streets for Children

"Last week, the Global Designing Cities Initiative (GDCI) released Designing Streets for Kids to set a new global baseline for designing urban streets." Read More

Architects, Now’s Your Chance to Shape the Future of New York City Public Buildings

Architects, Now’s Your Chance to Shape the Future of New York City Public Buildings

"Attention architects: New York City is looking for your help to design its newest public buildings. Read More

Cooler Gallery and Concrete Collaborative Team Up on Trippy Tile Series

Cooler Gallery and Concrete Collaborative Team Up on Trippy Tile Series

"Brooklyn-based Cooler Gallery teamed with encaustic specialist Concrete Collaborative to realize an artist-designed tile series." Read More

MMV Arquitectos Elevates a Corten Steel Clad Volume for Events Space in Porto

MMV Arquitectos Elevates a Corten Steel Clad Volume for Events Space in Porto

“An existing restaurant in Felgueiras, Portugal, has been transformed into an extensive events space by Lisbon based practice, MMV Arquitectos.” Read More

Zaha Hadid Architects Reveals a Modular Housing Platform for Honduras

Zaha Hadid Architects Reveals a Modular Housing Platform for Honduras

Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) has teamed with International engineering consultants AKT II and Hilson Moran Partnership to develop a residential kit-of-parts for the Caribbean island of Roatán, off the coast of Honduras. Read More

Zaha Hadid Architects Creates Residential Project for the Island of Roatán, Honduras in the Caribbean

Zaha Hadid Architects Creates Residential Project for the Island of Roatán, Honduras in the Caribbean

"Zaha Hadid Architects has just unveiled Roatán Próspera Residences, its latest project with AKT II and Hilson Moran." Read More

Where Will Innovation in Architecture Come from Next?

Where Will Innovation in Architecture Come from Next?

"Now more than ever, architecture is in need of innovation." Read More

New sculpture by Steven Holl installed at the Art Omi Sculpture and Architecture Park

New sculpture by Steven Holl installed at the Art Omi Sculpture and Architecture Park

"The new sculpture, called Obolin, uses cross laminated timber (CLT) to create three cutouts subtracted from a spherical geometry to mark the location of the sun's vector based on its Hudson Valley location at noon on the Summer and Winter Solstices, and at 2:00pm on the Equinox." Read More

The 'Anthenea' Pod Is a Floating, Eco-hotel Suite Running on 100% Electric Energy

The 'Anthenea' Pod Is a Floating, Eco-hotel Suite Running on 100% Electric Energy

"Made in France, the ‘Anthenea’ pod is a floating eco-hotel suite that runs only on solar power." Read More

Futuristic Architecture of the 70s: Photographs of a Modern World with a Twist of Science Fiction

Futuristic Architecture of the 70s: Photographs of a Modern World with a Twist of Science Fiction

"Recently, photographer Stefano Perego documented a series of works that exemplify the legacy left behind by the radical architects of the 1970s." Read More

Five Ways to Overcome COVID-19 Challenges in the Asphalt Industry

Five Ways to Overcome COVID-19 Challenges in the Asphalt Industry

"Asphalt paving and construction operations are essential to keeping our economy running. From face coverings to social distancing, workers need to protect themselves and their co-workers from the Coronavirus." Read More

Off-Site Manufacturing and the Outdoor Living Industry

Off-Site Manufacturing and the Outdoor Living Industry

"For generations, outdoor living projects have been handled with an on-site, make it happen, strategy. A set of plans and a team of skilled builders made it all come together. However, times have changed and the number of skilled craftspeople available for any particular project has dwindled to a point of near extinction." Read More

Design for Distancing Aims to Bring Life Back to Public Spaces Left Dormant in Lockdown

Design for Distancing Aims to Bring Life Back to Public Spaces Left Dormant in Lockdown

"Design for Distancing is a planning initiative in Baltimore that has brought architects and public health experts together to develop tactical solutions for modifying city streets and sidewalks so they work better for the restaurants, stores, and services that are seeking to reopen after the long government-imposed lockdown." Read More

The 50 Best Houses of 2020 (So Far)

The 50 Best Houses of 2020 (So Far)

"In a year marked by the worst health crisis that humanity has experienced in the last century, the Covid-19 pandemic, the house has gained new meanings and values, reiterating that no matter how diverse its program, a home's purpose is to shelter its inhabitants." Read More

11 Playful and Uplifting Designs

11 Playful and Uplifting Designs

"11 playful and uplifting pieces give a boost of energy." Read More

SHoP Reveals World’s Tallest Commercial Hybrid Timber Tower for Sydney

SHoP Reveals World’s Tallest Commercial Hybrid Timber Tower for Sydney

"An ultra-sustainable “hybrid timber” tower designed by SHoP Architects in collaboration with prolific Australian firm BVN that will be the world’s tallest commercial tower of its kind at 590 feet when completed." Read More

Design for an Absurd Future

Design for an Absurd Future

"A digital exhibition responds to the coronavirus pandemic with furniture designed by independent makers." Read More

RIBA Releases COVID-19 Recovery Guidance

RIBA Releases COVID-19 Recovery Guidance

"The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has published guidance to help practices navigate recovery from the COVID-19 crisis." Read More

The Importance of Color Palettes in Architectural Design

The Importance of Color Palettes in Architectural Design

"Besides thermal, acoustic and luminous comfort, colors are factors that influence the sensation we feel when in an environment and become a strong device to influence the user's behavior." Read More

Arts University Bournemouth Graduates Challenge Contemporary Architecture Industry

Arts University Bournemouth Graduates Challenge Contemporary Architecture Industry

"From the role of the architect to the use of materials, this VDF school show of work from Arts University Bournemouth graduates questions how the industry should function in order to contribute to the greater social and environmental good." Read More

San Francisco Design Week Kicks Off Online

San Francisco Design Week Kicks Off Online

"Billed as the largest design festival on the West Coast, San Francisco Design Week, an annual citywide design fête anchored by studio visits, parties, and robust event programming, has officially begun." Read More

The Story of How Medellin Turned its Water Reservoirs into Public Parks

The Story of How Medellin Turned its Water Reservoirs into Public Parks

"In a project that was featured in the 2016 Venice Biennale of Architecture, EPM applied participatory design strategies that would emphasize their role, not only as a utility company, but citizens of Medellin." Read More

Basket-Inspired, Passive Social Housing Could be Coming to Vancouver

Basket-Inspired, Passive Social Housing Could be Coming to Vancouver

"A new social housing development for indigenous First Nations peoples has just been revealed for Vancouver, and it draws cues from what might be AN’s favorite design typology: the big basket." Read More

"Warchée" Demolishes Gender Inequality in the Construction Field

"Warchée is an organization that has the purpose of integrating women into the construction field." Read More

USGBC Launches New Indoor Environmental Quality Guidance in Response to COVID-19

USGBC Launches New Indoor Environmental Quality Guidance in Response to COVID-19

According to USGCB, "The strategy is guided by the idea that prioritizing the health of people, communities and the planet is the fastest way to rebuild a healthier, more sustainable economy." Read More

A Minimalist Glass Cabin Hovers Over a Cliff Edge, by Yakusha Design

A Minimalist Glass Cabin Hovers Over a Cliff Edge, by Yakusha Design

"With a 270-degree glass structure, the idea behind ‘the air’ cabin is to create a feeling of weightlessness and provoke a sense of impossible architecture." Read More

How to Choose Glass that Prevents Birds from Colliding with Buildings

How to Choose Glass that Prevents Birds from Colliding with Buildings

"From mid-rise buildings to skyscrapers, the structures we create can become a death trap for hundreds of bird species around the world." Read More

How Are Construction Materials Produced and How Does This Contribute to the Climate Crisis? Arch Daily Readers Answered

How Are Construction Materials Produced and How Does This Contribute to the Climate Crisis? Arch Daily Readers Answered

ArchDaily invited their readers to weigh in on this issue and were overwhelmed by the number of responses that they received. Read More

Meet the World's First Living Building Challenge Certified Winery

Meet the World's First Living Building Challenge Certified Winery

"Located in Healdsburg, California, the 100,000-square-foot complex was completed in 2018 and is now the world's first LBC-certified winery. " Read More

An Overview of Digital Fabrication in Architecture

An Overview of Digital Fabrication in Architecture

" The revolution in architecture might not have arrived yet, but research projects, experiments and the dedication of several architects and universities already opened a new realm of possibilities for architectural expression." Read More

Designers Postulate the Future of Residential Design

Designers Postulate the Future of Residential Design

"Over the past two months, Interior Design has spoken with architects and designers around the world, from São Paulo to Shanghai, about life during the time of COVID-19." Read More

Architecture post COVID-19: he Profession, the Firms, and the Individuals

Architecture post COVID-19: he Profession, the Firms, and the Individuals

"A casual conversation between two editors at ArchDaily generated this collaborative piece that seeks to investigate the current trends, predict the future, and offer insights to everyone/everything related to the architectural field." Read More

10 Fresh Examples Of Brick And Stone In Architecture

10 Fresh Examples Of Brick And Stone In Architecture

"Architect and industrial design firm Marc Thorpe Design has unveiled renderings for a 5,000-square-foot home in Los Angeles that is topped with a wide, flat roof studded with scrubby brushes and sand." Read More

Perkins&Will Creates Guideline For A Safe Return To The Office During COVID-19

Perkins&Will Creates Guideline For A Safe Return To The Office During COVID-19

"Perkins and Will have generated a set of strategies, grounded in public health guidance, to help offices resume their work during COVID-19. Focusing on the transition phase, the guideline helps employers draw a road map for safe return." Read More

Freshly Launched NYC Design Festival Seeks To Give ‘Voice To Those Who Create’

Freshly Launched NYC Design Festival Seeks To Give ‘Voice To Those Who Create’

"Initially envisioned as a four-day event, has been reimagined during the coronavirus pandemic as “an ongoing, socially distant celebration of the independent, vibrant, and enduring spirit of New York City’s professional design industries.” Read More

This Is Your Brain on Architecture

This Is Your Brain on Architecture

"Sarah Williams Goldhagen presents scientific evidence for why some buildings delight us and others—too many of them—disappoint." Read More

Copenhagen Named 2023 World Capital Of Architecture

Copenhagen Named 2023 World Capital Of Architecture

"The designation is a relatively new one established in 2019 by UNESCO in partnership with the UIA to coincide with the long-running global event, held triennially by the United Nations-recognized, nongovernmental organization." Read More

Modern Egypt: New Architecture in an Ancient World

Modern Egypt: New Architecture in an Ancient World

"Home to some of the earliest urban developments and centralized governments, Egypt is defined by its geography and its multicultural background." Read More

Sidewalk Labs Pulls The Plug On Its Toronto Waterfront Smart City

Sidewalk Labs Pulls The Plug On Its Toronto Waterfront Smart City

"The project, which would have transformed a 12-acre stretch of disused former dockland on Lake Ontario just east of Toronto’s downtown core, was first initiated by Waterfront Toronto in 2017. Sidewalk Labs, an organization headed by Bloomberg alum Doctoroff and funded by Google parent company Alphabet." Read More

Liang Architecture Inserts A Light-Filled Atrium Into Apartment Renovation In China

Liang Architecture Inserts A Light-Filled Atrium Into Apartment Renovation In China

“Redesigned to enhance openness and natural light, ‘a desired home’ aims to accommodate the personality of the residents in an intimate and serene home.” Read More

Butterfly Effect: 4 Principles for Fighting Global Issues Through Architecture

Butterfly Effect: 4 Principles for Fighting Global Issues Through Architecture

"Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time and it is urgent that we find ways to slow down the process, at the very least." Read More

The 6 Feet Office: Helping You Adjust To A New Normal

The 6 Feet Office: Helping You Adjust To A New Normal

Across the globe, we’re in different stages of experiencing the pandemic. But, as we begin visualizing life after COVID-19, we must begin to think about the new normal and how we will adjust." Read More

Spaceworkers Designs A 'House For Books' With A Monolithic Roof In Rural Portugal

Spaceworkers Designs A 'House For Books' With A Monolithic Roof In Rural Portugal

"After fleeting notions of classical libraries with sliding stairs to reach high bookshelves, the team followed this idea to create a tall volume capable of generating the necessary composition and hierarchy of interior spaces." Read More

BIG’s Spiraling Audemars Piguet Extension Rises From The Swiss Landscape

BIG’s Spiraling Audemars Piguet Extension Rises From The Swiss Landscape

"Part museum and part watch workshop, the Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet was intended both as a place to highlight the company’s 200-year culture, as well as let guests watch artisans restore historic timepieces." Read More

LEGO Campus / C.F. Møller Architects

LEGO Campus / C.F. Møller Architects

" Located in a large park that is open to the public, the bright and flexible office spaces come together around a spectacular atrium with features and colours inspired by the LEGO Group’s products." Read More

Koichi Takada Architects Reveals Tree-Like Skyscraper For Downtown Los Angeles

Koichi Takada Architects Reveals Tree-Like Skyscraper For Downtown Los Angeles

“Australian firm Koichi Takada Architects, in collaboration with MVE + Partners as the architect of record, has unveiled its latest design for Sky Trees, a 43-story tower set for the corner of 11th Street and Hill Street in Downtown Los Angeles.” Read More

Free Architectural Photography Resources to Explore During the Lockdown

Free Architectural Photography Resources to Explore During the Lockdown

"Architectural and fine art photographer Pygmalion Karatzas is presenting a number of free online architectural photography resources for readers to explore in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic." Read More

Naturehumaine Sets Monochrome 'Poisson Blanc' Cabin Within Forest In Canada

Naturehumaine Sets Monochrome 'Poisson Blanc' Cabin Within Forest In Canada

“Naturehumaine‘s Poisson Blanc is a monochrome square cabin set within a forest in Laurentides, Canada.” Read More

How Architecture Is Exacerbating The Coronavirus Crisis For Minorities And Black Americans

How Architecture Is Exacerbating The Coronavirus Crisis For Minorities And Black Americans

“While the coronavirus pandemic continues to pummel the entire country, it is hitting certain populations harder than others, particularly black, Latino, and Native American people.” Read More

Curved Glass Façades Articulate Eldridge London's 'House In Coombe Park'

Curved Glass Façades Articulate Eldridge London's 'House In Coombe Park'

"Taking inspiration from the contours of the landscape and an ancient oak tree, Eldridge London has designed a new residence that curves around a site in South West London." Read More

Worried About a Possible Recession? Here Are 6 Tips From Designers Who Weathered the Last One

Worried About a Possible Recession? Here Are 6 Tips From Designers Who Weathered the Last One

“While today’s financial crisis is still developing—it’s not entirely clear how the current slump will play out—and the circumstances are unparalleled, it’s a wise idea to tweak your business model to prep, just in case the economy doesn’t bounce back quickly.” Read More

Snøhetta, Marcio Kogan and Juan Herreros in ArchDaily Instagram Live Interviews

Snøhetta, Marcio Kogan and Juan Herreros in ArchDaily Instagram Live Interviews

“As David Basulto, CEO of ArchDaily, wrote last week, the quarantine implies not just working online, but "staying connected and support each other." Read More

Danish Architecture Center Launches New Design Podcast

Danish Architecture Center Launches New Design Podcast

"The Danish Architecture Center (DAC) in Copenhagen has launched a free podcast series called Let’s Talk Architecture." Read More

OMA's Galleria In Gwanggyo With Opal Stone-Like Façade Is Realized In Korea

OMA's Galleria In Gwanggyo With Opal Stone-Like Façade Is Realized In Korea

“Surrounded by tall residential towers, the new galleria provides a welcome contrast to the existing urban context thanks to the dynamic use of glazing and stone on the elevational treatment. Read More

OMA's Galleria In Gwanggyo With Opal Stone-Like Façade Is Realized In Korea

OMA's Galleria In Gwanggyo With Opal Stone-Like Façade Is Realized In Korea

“Surrounded by tall residential towers, the new galleria provides a welcome contrast to the existing urban context thanks to the dynamic use of glazing and stone on the elevational treatment. Read More

7 Movies in Which the Interiors Take on the Leading Role

7 Movies in Which the Interiors Take on the Leading Role

"The recent success of Parasite, the award-winning film directed by South Korean director Bong Joon Ho, has created a conversation around the emphasis of architecture and interior spaces in movies." Read More

3D-Printed Houses Completed For Austin’s Homeless Population

3D-Printed Houses Completed For Austin’s Homeless Population

"ICON, a robotics and advanced materials startup based in Austin, Texas, made headlines on the grounds of the 2018 South by Southwest Festival when it presented a prototype for a 3D-printed home created under 24 hours at a cost of $10,000.” Read More

Fabian Tan Designs Bewboc House As Concrete Barrel Vault In Malaysia

Fabian Tan Designs Bewboc House As Concrete Barrel Vault In Malaysia

“Owned by a young family who requested for a minimal intervention, the project is an addition to an existing corner house, while the brief also included the re-purposing of the living spaces on ground level.” Read More

David Chipperfield Architects Wins Competition to Transform Former Industrial Site in Berlin

David Chipperfield Architects Wins Competition to Transform Former Industrial Site in Berlin

“Located in Berlin’s Marzahn district, the project situated on a 9-hectare site is surrounded by urban infrastructure, commercial industry and an ensemble of heritage buildings.” Read More

Indonesia’s new capital city will be master-planned by AECOM, McKinsey & Company, Nikken Sekkei

Indonesia’s new capital city will be master-planned by AECOM, McKinsey & Company, Nikken Sekkei

“Last August, the Indonesian government announced that the city of Jakarta will no longer be a viable capital city in the near future, given increasing flood risks attributable to sea-level rise.” Read More

A Conic Roof Of Complex Timber Tops Frans Masereel Centrum Pavilion In Belgium

A Conic Roof Of Complex Timber Tops Frans Masereel Centrum Pavilion In Belgium

“A conic roof and complex timber beams feature in this Belgium art center, designed by Paris-based studio LIST and Japanese architect Hideyuki Nakayama Architects.” Read More

The Largest Open-Air Venue for Events and Concerts in Europe is Under Construction in Italy

The Largest Open-Air Venue for Events and Concerts in Europe is Under Construction in Italy

“Designed by Iotti + Pavarani Architetti, Tassoni & Partners, Lauro Sacchetti Associati, the RCF Arena, currently under construction, is set to become Europe’s largest events and concerts venue.” Read More

Frank Gehry-Designed Luma Arles Tower Nearing Completion

Frank Gehry-Designed Luma Arles Tower Nearing Completion

“Luma Arles Tower, a centerpiece of the Luma Arles arts center established by Swiss collector Maja Hoffmann, is a scaly, shimmering beacon on the edge of the city that is nearing completion.” Read More

Wood-clad gabled volumes form Grove House on Long Island by Roger Ferris + Partners

Wood-clad gabled volumes form Grove House on Long Island by Roger Ferris + Partners

“American studio Roger Ferris + Partners has created a trio of wood-clad volumes with pitched roofs for a family relocating from New York City to the Hamptons.” Read More

Renzo Piano Unveils Images of First Completed Residential Building in Miami

Renzo Piano Unveils Images of First Completed Residential Building in Miami

“The Pritzker Prize winner, known for his cultural interventions around the globe, imagined an architecture that creates the illusion of a floating building above the ocean and park.” Read More

Wingårdhs Designs Sandqvist’s New Nature-Inspired Paris Boutique

Wingårdhs Designs Sandqvist’s New Nature-Inspired Paris Boutique

The shop is a sophisticated and contemporary interpretation of “Nordic nature.” Read More

Space Popular Vaults Brick And Wraps A Thin Steel Grid For A Modular House In Spain

Space Popular Vaults Brick And Wraps A Thin Steel Grid For A Modular House In Spain

““We’ve never built anything in concrete; I doubt we ever will,” Space Popular cofounder Fredrik Hellberg”. Read More

Barozzi Veiga Clads Tanzhaus Zürich In Façade Of Repetitive Triangular Openings

Barozzi Veiga Clads Tanzhaus Zürich In Façade Of Repetitive Triangular Openings

“Barozzi Veiga has reactivated the promenade along the Limmat river in Zürich, Switzerland, with Tanzhaus Zürich, a new cultural center for contemporary dance performances, workshops, and lessons.” Read More

Does The Hollywood Hard Rock Hotel Rock, Or Is It A One-Hit Wonder?

Does The Hollywood Hard Rock Hotel Rock, Or Is It A One-Hit Wonder?

“Speeding down the asphalt behemoth of the Florida Turnpike, it’s impossible to miss the latest addition to the swampy peninsula’s flat horizon.” Read More

'Container Atlas' Charts The Evolution Of Shipping Container Architecture

'Container Atlas' Charts The Evolution Of Shipping Container Architecture

“In 2010 Gestalten first published container atlas in response to the boom in projects, and now, in 2020, the architectural guide is back for a second edition, documenting the innovative ways containers have been used in the past decade.” Read More

Bricks Alive! Scientists Create Living Concrete

Bricks Alive! Scientists Create Living Concrete

“An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Colorado, Boulder, has created a rather different kind of concrete — one that is alive and can even reproduce.” Read More

Critics Speak Out Over The Draft Federal Architecture Mandate

Critics Speak Out Over The Draft Federal Architecture Mandate

“Everyone from critics to commentators to professional organizations came out swinging this week in reaction to President Trump’s draft executive order to impose a neoclassical style (now publicly available) on all future federal architecture.” Read More

ArchDaily Building of the Year 2020 Awards: The Finalists

ArchDaily Building of the Year 2020 Awards: The Finalists

“Following an exciting week of nominations, ArchDaily’s readers have evaluated over 4,000 projects and selected 5 finalists in each category of the Building of the Year Award.” Read More

UAE's Venice Architecture Biennale Pavilion Proposes Equivalent Of Cement From Crystalized Salt

UAE's Venice Architecture Biennale Pavilion Proposes Equivalent Of Cement From Crystalized Salt

“The national pavilion UAE has unveiled its proposal for the upcoming 2020 Venice Architecture Biennale.” Read More

Product and Installation Highlights at IDS 2020 in Toronto

Product and Installation Highlights at IDS 2020 in Toronto

“The Interior Design Show (IDS20), Canada’s largest design conference, took place in Toronto from January 16-19 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.” Read More

Innovative, Car Free and Green: Images of the New IKEA Austria Store Revealed

Innovative, Car Free and Green: Images of the New IKEA Austria Store Revealed

“IKEA Austria is establishing a car-free city center store, in the heart of Vienna.” Read More

Green Roofs And Timber Façades Articulate Mono Architekten's School Extension In Berlin

Green Roofs And Timber Façades Articulate Mono Architekten's School Extension In Berlin

“The new center and later extensions were designed by mono in a completely different style to the existing architecture.” Read More

Experts Weigh In on 2020 Color Projections

Experts Weigh In on 2020 Color Projections

"As we settle into a new decade, projected design trends for 2020 are being put to the test. What will stick and what won't in the coming year?" Read More

Burning Man's Radiant 2020 Temple Is Revealed

Burning Man's Radiant 2020 Temple Is Revealed

“This year, Burning Man will be getting an eight-pointed star structure called Empyrean as their official temple.” Read More

Stoss Unveils New Chouteau Greenway Plan for St. Louis

Stoss Unveils New Chouteau Greenway Plan for St. Louis

“Stoss Landscape Urbanism is leading a 13-firm team creating the new Chouteau Greenway Framework Plan for St. Louis.” Read More

Norman Foster's Original Two World Trade Center Will Replace BIG's Tower

Norman Foster's Original Two World Trade Center Will Replace BIG's Tower

“Bjarke Ingels’ planned design for Two World Trade Center (2 WTC) is out.” Read More

Experts Explain How User-Centric Design Will Play Out in 2020

Experts Explain How User-Centric Design Will Play Out in 2020

“What hot topic will replace the buzz of millennial pink and modern maximalism? What design trend will top every client’s must-have list?” Read More

Valentino Gareri Designs A Low Cost Modular Prototype For Schools In Africa

Valentino Gareri Designs A Low Cost Modular Prototype For Schools In Africa

“Architect Valentino Gareri has developed a low cost and modular prototype for an educational building in African regions, inspired by Vernacular architecture.” Read More

Boston's Largest Carbon-Neutral Building Breaks Ground

Boston's Largest Carbon-Neutral Building Breaks Ground

“KPMB Architects and Suffolk recently broke ground on Boston University’s new Center for Computing and Data Sciences.” Read More

DAZARCHITECTS Designs A Family House To Step Into A Cliffside In Lebanon

DAZARCHITECTS Designs A Family House To Step Into A Cliffside In Lebanon

“In a small Lebanese village called Chnaniir, DAZARCHITECTS has built ‘CH730 Villa’ to step into the surrounding topography.” Read More

Architect Dan Brunn Builds His Eco-Chic Bridge House in Los Angeles

Architect Dan Brunn Builds His Eco-Chic Bridge House in Los Angeles

“In 2015, architect Dan Brunn invited Interior Design to visit his site in the Hancock Park section of Los Angeles. What we encountered in this tony, mostly traditional neighborhood was an empty quarter-acre lot with a brook running through it.” Read More

BIG Designs Toyota Woven City, the World’s First Urban Incubator

BIG Designs Toyota Woven City, the World’s First Urban Incubator

“BIG unveiled his latest intervention, the Toyota Woven City, his first venture in Japan.” Read More

Bjarke Ingels Group + Field Operations Draw Up River Street Masterplan For NYC Waterfront

Bjarke Ingels Group + Field Operations Draw Up River Street Masterplan For NYC Waterfront

“Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) and James Corner Field Operations have teamed up to masterplan a stretch of land along the new york waterfront.” Read More

How Architecture Responded to Climate Change in 2019

How Architecture Responded to Climate Change in 2019

How has the architectural community responded to the Climate Emergency over the past year? Read More

HOME Competition Released their Results for the 2019 Edition

HOME Competition Released their Results for the 2019 Edition

“The HOME competition 2019, organized by architectural initiative arch out loud, has released its winning projects.” Read More

LEVER Architecture Elevates Regional Materials To New Levels Of Innovation

LEVER Architecture Elevates Regional Materials To New Levels Of Innovation

“People connect to wood differently than other materials,” said Thomas Robinson, founder and principal of Portland-based LEVER Architecture. Read More

HOK Will Bring A Ship-Like Office Complex To San Francisco

HOK Will Bring A Ship-Like Office Complex To San Francisco

“The tightly-packed SoMa (South of Market) neighborhood of San Francisco will soon have a new addition in the form of an arresting mixed-use tower that’s likely to set a new cultural direction for the area.” Read More

NAN Architects Adds A Peeling Translucent Facade To Community Center In China

NAN Architects Adds A Peeling Translucent Facade To Community Center In China

“Shanghai-based firm NAN Architects designed a community center in the Yubei District in Chongqing, China, that seems to peel out of the ground to invite visitors in.” Read More

Partisans Imagines Master Plan for the Next Generation Community in a Small Town in Canada

Partisans Imagines Master Plan for the Next Generation Community in a Small Town in Canada

“The award-winning Toronto-based architecture studio imagined a new urban fabric that inspires citizens.” Read More

Studio Gang Explores Solar Carving With Residential Tower In Chicago

Studio Gang Explores Solar Carving With Residential Tower In Chicago

“Standing 272 ft. tall in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood is a residential tower designed by Studio Gang. Named ‘solstice on the park’ the project explores the concept of ‘solar carving’, in other words shaping architecture to maximize sunlight in winter and minimize solar gain in summer.” Read More

2019 Best of Design Awards winners for New Materials

2019 Best of Design Awards winners for New Materials

“On April 2+3, Facades+ is returning to New York in a robust two-day dialogue focused on the materials and techniques driving the next generation of enclosure design and engineering.” Read More

Benjamin Mooe Introduces "First Light" as 2020 Color of the Year

Benjamin Mooe Introduces

“As 2020 approaches, designers already are considering the palettes and patterns that will shape the look of interiors in the coming year. And selecting just the right hue of paint is vital to this process.” Read More

RIBA Announces World’s Best Student Architecture Projects of 2019

RIBA Announces World’s Best Student Architecture Projects of 2019

“To showcase these achievements, an exhibition will be held in London, from the 4th of December 2019 till the 1st of February 2020, before touring throughout the UK and internationally.” Read More

Interstellar Lab Designs 'Mars Village' In Mojave Desert To Help Us Survive Climate Change

Interstellar Lab Designs 'Mars Village' In Mojave Desert To Help Us Survive Climate Change

“The closed-loop terrestrial village, called EBIOS, stands for experimental bio-regenerative station and is described as having ‘regenerative life support technologies.’” Read More

35th Annual Interior Design Hall Of Fame Awards Inductees

35th Annual Interior Design Hall Of Fame Awards Inductees

Interior Design has announced the honorees of its 35th annual Hall of Fame (HoF) Awards. Read More

Adam Richards Builds His Own Home, Nithurst Farm, In Sussex With Arched Brick Windows

Adam Richards Builds His Own Home, Nithurst Farm, In Sussex With Arched Brick Windows

“British architect Adam Richards of his eponymous firm, Adam Richards Architects, has built a home for himself and his family in the south downs national park, Sussex, UK, shortlisted for RIBA House of the Year 2019. Read More

Determine Which Sustainable Building Rating Systems are Best for You

Determine Which Sustainable Building Rating Systems are Best for You

The variety of sustainable building rating systems promoting health and wellbeing can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. Read More

Basic Principles of Acoustics: Why Architects Shouldn’t Leave It All To Consultants

Basic Principles of Acoustics: Why Architects Shouldn’t Leave It All To Consultants

“Indoor acoustic quality is dependent on how well sound sources are controlled.” Read More

Olson Kundig's Jordan Schnitzer Museum Reflects its Surroundings with Red Mirrored Glass

Olson Kundig's Jordan Schnitzer Museum Reflects its Surroundings with Red Mirrored Glass

“A key design challenge was balancing the museum’s dual needs for transparency and security,” said Olson Kundig design principal Jim Olson. Read More

SOM Reveals Design for Walt Disney's New Headquarters in New York

SOM Reveals Design for Walt Disney's New Headquarters in New York

“The new Manhattan headquarters will rise, above the 19-story, “in a series of graceful setbacks, which culminate in two, 320-foot towers and several terraces matching the scale of Hudson Square”.” Read More

OMA's Greenpoint Landing Towers Break Ground on the Brooklyn Waterfront

OMA's Greenpoint Landing Towers Break Ground on the Brooklyn Waterfront

“‘Brookfield and park tower group have been working together to connect Greenpoint with its waterfront, and we are thrilled to be collaborating with them on our first project in Brooklyn,’ explains OMA partner Jason Long.” Read More

1,000 Trees Cover Heatherwick Studio's Development in Shanghai's Arts District

1,000 Trees Cover Heatherwick Studio's Development in Shanghai's Arts District

“Now towering over Shanghai’s Suzhou Creek is Heatherwick Studio’s latest landscape-heavy development: a veritable mountain of trees populating a sprawling, mixed-use facility made for the city’s burgeoning M50 arts district.” Read More

Luca Curci Architects Proposes a Modular and Sustainable 'Vertical City' for the Knowledge Summit in Dubai

Luca Curci Architects Proposes a Modular and Sustainable 'Vertical City' for the Knowledge Summit in Dubai

“Architecture firm Luca Curci architects presents Vertical City, a project proposal for a vertical city-building of 25,000 people settled in the water.” Read More

MU Architecture Designs a Paleo-Futuristic Tower for Remote Canadian Forest

MU Architecture Designs a Paleo-Futuristic Tower for Remote Canadian Forest

“The site literally inspired the stacking; it was the only relevant solution for the project. As if the structure had always been there and nature, in time, only took back its place.” Read More

Dorte Mandrup Chosen to Build 'The Whale' Visitor Attraction Inside The Arctic Circle

Dorte Mandrup Chosen to Build 'The Whale' Visitor Attraction Inside The Arctic Circle

“Dorte Mandrup has been selected ahead of BIG, Snøhetta, and Reiulf Ramstad to build ‘the whale’, a major new visitor attraction in Norway. Read More

“Architecture is about Human Experience”: Diego Cano-Lasso on Designing with Nature in Los Angeles

“Architecture is about Human Experience”: Diego Cano-Lasso on Designing with Nature in Los Angeles

“Contemporary architecture is increasingly created as a product of the market. Human experience and natural systems are traded for convenience and the bottom dollar, resulting in buildings that become commodities rather than spaces for daily life.” Read More

Stu/D/O Combines Interlocking Masses + Green Pockets in the Macrocare Office in Bangkok

Stu/D/O Combines Interlocking Masses + Green Pockets in the Macrocare Office in Bangkok

“In designing the office headquarters of Thai technology company Macrocare in Bangkok, Stu/D/O architects has developed a building of interlocking masses and tilting planes with various green pockets that visually connect nature with interior spaces.” Read More

Cross Ventilation, the Chimney Effect and Other Concepts of Natural Ventilation

Cross Ventilation, the Chimney Effect and Other Concepts of Natural Ventilation

“Architects and engineers are turning to this more passive system to improve thermal comfort.” Read More

Updated Visuals Revealed For Chicago's Obama Center

Updated Visuals Revealed For Chicago's Obama Center

“The Obama Presidential Center is arguably the tallest museum they’ve ever designed; the building houses vertically-stacked galleries inside a textured, granite-clad massing. “We design from the inside out,” Williams told the Chicago Tribune.” Read More

Tesla's New Solar Roof Tiles are Hydrographically Printed to Resemble French Slate

Tesla's New Solar Roof Tiles are Hydrographically Printed to Resemble French Slate

Tesla has launched the third version of its solar roof tile. Read More

Global $100,000 Prize in Architecture Goes to Toronto’s Hariri Pontarini Architects

Global $100,000 Prize in Architecture Goes to Toronto’s Hariri Pontarini Architects

“The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) is pleased to announce the Baha’i Temple of South America in Santiago, Chile as the winner of the 2019 RAIC International Prize. The architects are Hariri Pontarini Architects of Toronto, Canada.” Read More

MCA and WASP Design TECLA, a 3D Printed Sustainable Habitat

MCA and WASP Design TECLA, a 3D Printed Sustainable Habitat

“The innovative model creates future housing solutions and re-questions the idea of living in the city.” Read More

Hamonic + Masson Envisions Limassol Tower with 'Independent Island' Swimming Pools

Hamonic + Masson Envisions Limassol Tower with 'Independent Island' Swimming Pools

“French architecture firm Hamonic + Masson & Associés generates a visionary residential tower concept to capture the atmosphere and beauty of Cyprus.” Read More

Leaked Visuals Show The Future Of 270 Park Avenue...And It's Tall

Leaked Visuals Show The Future Of 270 Park Avenue...And It's Tall

Since the announcement in February 2018 to demolish the building details of the replacement have been scarce. Read More

10 Innovative Outdoor Benches Shaping Public Spaces

10 Innovative Outdoor Benches Shaping Public Spaces

“The most basic urban design component can take many forms and can be created from different materials, always generating a statement and serving its purpose.” Read More

What is the Architecture of Degrowth?

What is the Architecture of Degrowth?

“After a successful 2016 exhibition themed around migration and identity in the face of hyper-globalization, the program returned in 2019, this time examining climate change, resource allocation, and economic systems under the theme of “degrowth” with Enough: The Architecture of Degrowth.” Read More

Pittsburgh Launches its Own International Center of Excellence on High Performance Buildings

Pittsburgh Launches its Own International Center of Excellence on High Performance Buildings

“Last month on September 12, the United Nations Economic Council on Europe (UNECE) and the Green Building Alliance (GBA) signed an agreement launching the Greater Pittsburgh International Center of Excellence on High Performance Buildings.” Read More

What is the Architecture of Degrowth?

What is the Architecture of Degrowth?

“After a successful 2016 exhibition themed around migration and identity in the face of hyper-globalization, the program returned in 2019, this time examining climate change, resource allocation, and economic systems under the theme of “degrowth” with Enough: The Architecture of Degrowth.” Read More

Frank Gehry on Hand to Mark Collaborative Restoration of Philadelphia Museum of Art

Frank Gehry on Hand to Mark Collaborative Restoration of Philadelphia Museum of Art

“For the first time in some four decades, visitors to the Philadelphia Museum of Art walked through its historic street-level North Entrance, a 22,000-square-foot space previously used as a loading dock and now the initial step in the Core Project, a monumental collaboration between the museum and Gehry Partners.” Read More

Foster + Partners reveals a lush green-roofed design for a hospital in Shanghai

Foster + Partners reveals a lush green-roofed design for a hospital in Shanghai

“The design promises to challenge the “traditional hospital model” in order to provide patient-centric healthcare that ultimately will help “improve recovery times”, according to a September 19 press release.” Read More

AIRLAB 3D Prints A Delicate Stainless Steel Pavilion In Singapore's Gardens By The Bay

AIRLAB 3D Prints A Delicate Stainless Steel Pavilion In Singapore's Gardens By The Bay

“Commanding a prominent site in Singapore’s Gardens by the bay, the team at AIRLAB has 3D printed a new temporary pavilion.” Read More

Arquitectonica Wins 2019 American Prize for Architecture

Arquitectonica Wins 2019 American Prize for Architecture

“The firm, known for its “Trendsetting Modernist Miami Style”, was launched back in 1977.” Read More

Architecture Office Reimagines The Cubicle For A New Co-Working Flagship In Syracuse

Architecture Office Reimagines The Cubicle For A New Co-Working Flagship In Syracuse

“From the sublime sea of Judd-like boxes in Jacques Tati’s Playtime (1967) to the endless adaptable furniture systems of today, the cubicle has long been at the center of the office environment.” Read More

AEC Daily Is In Paris at ARCHITECT@WORK Paris

AEC Daily Is In Paris at ARCHITECT@WORK Paris

AEC Daily is at ARCHITECT@WORK Paris; a unique variation of the trade show world where all exhibitors have the same amount of space and each display must present innovation from a technical, aesthetic, environmental, or manufacturing aspect. Read More

Tallest Office Tower in Midtown Manhattan Tops Out

Tallest Office Tower in Midtown Manhattan Tops Out

“The tower’s spire was recently raised and upon its completion, the building will offer a new type of experience in the Grand Central District.” Read More

Historic Rockefeller Orangerie Will Become A Net-Zero Art Center

Historic Rockefeller Orangerie Will Become A Net-Zero Art Center

After more than a century since being built by in 1908 by Architect Williams Welles Bosworth, “New York-based architecture firm FXCollaborative wants to give ‘The Orangerie,’ a building on the estate, a new purpose, with plans to adapt it into a public arts center with net-zero carbon emissions.” Read More

PHAEDRUS Stacks Tapering Volumes For Private Residence In Toronto

PHAEDRUS Stacks Tapering Volumes For Private Residence In Toronto

“The studio’s self-initiated design-develop-build project is located in the city’s lakeside streetcar suburb stands out from the surrounding architecture, proposing a new, more contemporary aesthetic for the residential style.” Read More

SBP Creates Two Winning Bridge Designs for China's Tianfu Airport City

SBP Creates Two Winning Bridge Designs for China's Tianfu Airport City

Featuring elegant and futuristic forms, the bridges are made to be beacons for the city as they rise above the Jiangxi River. Read More

Shimmering, Shuddering Tower Revealed for 450 Eleventh Avenue at Hudson Yards

Shimmering, Shuddering Tower Revealed for 450 Eleventh Avenue at Hudson Yards

“Renderings for the latest skyscraper at Hudson Yards have been unveiled—again.” Read More

Government Threatens To "Name And Shame" Owners That Do Not Replace Grenfell-style cladding

Government Threatens To

"Let me be clear, inaction will have consequences and I will name and shame those who do not act during the course of the autumn," said Jenrick. Read More

Superfuturegroup Surrounds Floating Wooden Bungalow With Wide Veranda In Austria

Superfuturegroup Surrounds Floating Wooden Bungalow With Wide Veranda In Austria

“Superfuturegroup uses the functional walls not only to separate the rooms from the central living space, but also to host activity areas. Cutouts in the surfaces provide views through the spaces, connecting them to each other and the surroundings.” Read More

Taller KEN Infuses Color Into Costa Rican Fashion Brand Hija De Tigre’s New San José Boutique

Taller KEN Infuses Color Into Costa Rican Fashion Brand Hija De Tigre’s New San José Boutique

“Evoking the label’s ethos and business structure—being run by women of different generations—the architecture and interiors project incorporates a full-color spectrum.” Read More

Behnisch Architekten Completes The Adidas World Of Sports Arena In Germany

Behnisch Architekten Completes The Adidas World Of Sports Arena In Germany

“In a balanced interplay between transparency, landscape, and a modern concept of work, Behnisch Architekten has built a striking landmark within the Adidas world of sports campus, formed by an abstract volume that houses three workspace floors and hovers above a modelled landscape.” Read More

ODA Designs New Detroit Book Tower Rehabilitation Project

ODA Designs New Detroit Book Tower Rehabilitation Project

"Working with real estate company Bedrock, the team will create a mix of residential, hospitality, retail and office space in the tower." Read More

Ivan Marin Arquitectura + Doho Build Mexico's Morelos Cultural Center Entirely In Brick

Ivan Marin Arquitectura + Doho Build Mexico's Morelos Cultural Center Entirely In Brick

“During the design process, the team presented schoolchildren with the questions: ‘How did they imagine the cultural center? What elements would they like to include in order to enjoy it more?‘” Read More

IKEA And The Queen Of Sweden Update The Retirement Home For Dementia

IKEA And The Queen Of Sweden Update The Retirement Home For Dementia

“The project, called SilviaBo, is an offshoot of the furniture giant’s affordable housing arm, BoKLok, and extends its same principles of wooden, prefab architecture for the masses to the world’s aging population.” Read More

Woods Bagot Creates Stacked Design for New Melbourne Business School

Woods Bagot Creates Stacked Design for New Melbourne Business School

“The proposal aims to build a new campus in the heart of Melbourne's emerging knowledge district.” Read More

New Architecture and Design Books to Add to Your Summer Reading List

New Architecture and Design Books to Add to Your Summer Reading List

Metropolis Magazine has released its spring/summer edition roundup of architecture’s newest and most exciting publications. Read More

5 Trends Shaping Interior Design Right Now

5 Trends Shaping Interior Design Right Now

There are some big design ideas changing the face of commercial interiors. Read More

How Lighting Affects Mood

How Lighting Affects Mood

“The amount and type of lighting directly affect concentration, appetite, mood, and many other aspects of daily life.” Read More

Bay Huynh Architects Design Rooftop Waterway for Notre Dame

Bay Huynh Architects Design Rooftop Waterway for Notre Dame

“Called the Flowing Fish, the project aims to break the traditional notion of a church to create a "new ecosystem" for worship.” Read More

8 Kitchen and Bath Products with Blush Tones and Soft Silhouettes

8 Kitchen and Bath Products with Blush Tones and Soft Silhouettes

Looking for inspiration? Read More

Architects Sign on for the Global Climate Strike

Architects Sign on for the Global Climate Strike

Architects Advocate are encouraging widespread industry participation, stating, “we share responsibility for creating healthy and safe communities for all.” Read More

Mohammad Hassan Forouzanfar Brings Contemporary Architecture To Ancient Iran

Mohammad Hassan Forouzanfar Brings Contemporary Architecture To Ancient Iran

“For his latest project, designer Mohammad Hassan Forouzanfar has created a series of photomontages that fuse icons of contemporary architecture with ancient sites in Iran.” Read More

Buro Ehring Envisions A Bike Path Network That Would Span All Of NYC

Buro Ehring Envisions A Bike Path Network That Would Span All Of NYC

“It’s not a far-reaching proposal. In fact, some of want they want to actualize is very doable.” Read More

Odile Decq Unveils Her First Residential Skyscraper in Barcelona

Odile Decq Unveils Her First Residential Skyscraper in Barcelona

“Called Antares, the project will be sited along the Mediterranean Sea.” Read More

Red Wooden Curtain Surrounds Nature Reserve Entrance Pavilion By Sandellsandberg

Red Wooden Curtain Surrounds Nature Reserve Entrance Pavilion By Sandellsandberg

It’s "textile look" is “intended to evoke a theatrical curtain opening up to reveal the nature reserve, and is the first of a series of structures that the studio will design for the park.” Read More

Kengo Kuma Will Build Off Of A Historic Facade In Seattle

Kengo Kuma Will Build Off Of A Historic Facade In Seattle

“Kengo Kuma & Associates has gone to great lengths to preserve and highlight a century-old Gothic Revival building in Seattle‘s Belltown neighborhood, proposing a mixed-use skyscraper that accentuates the ornate frontage of the five-story structure.” Read More

Hayri Atak Envisions a Boutique Hotel Suspended Over a Cliff Edge in Norway

Hayri Atak Envisions a Boutique Hotel Suspended Over a Cliff Edge in Norway

“The idea sees the hotel built into the side of the rock, appearing almost as an extension of the cliff itself.” Read More

Winning Designs for Abu Dhabi Flamingo Observation Tower

Winning Designs for Abu Dhabi Flamingo Observation Tower

“Requirements included a limited floor area of 400 square meters, and a height of 12 meters, and a budget of $200,000.” Read More

Pelli Clarke Pelli's Massive Tower Complex Will Transform the Toronto Skyline

Pelli Clarke Pelli's Massive Tower Complex Will Transform the Toronto Skyline

“A 4.3-million-square-foot, multi-tower development by Pelli Clarke Pelli could reshape the Toronto skyline as it is expected to become the largest mixed-use project in the city.” Read More

WilkinsonEyre Design Tropical Biodome in Iceland

WilkinsonEyre Design Tropical Biodome in Iceland

“WilkinsonEyre has gained planning permission for a major biodome complex in the Reykjavik region of Iceland, designed in collaboration with a local design team.” Read More

CLAP studio designs hong kong fashion cafe HER to be like landing on a 'new planet'

CLAP studio designs hong kong fashion cafe HER to be like landing on a 'new planet'

“Situated in the center of Hong Kong’s Fashion District, CLAP studio has taken inspiration from Mars to form the interior of ‘HER’ cafe.” Read More

Shigeru Ban Designs Temporary Notre-Dame Pavilion

Shigeru Ban Designs Temporary Notre-Dame Pavilion

“The structure is intended to be built at pace using second-hand shipping containers, paper tube columns, and a standard membrane roof.” Read More

The International Code Council Goes To Court Over Free Access To Building Codes

The International Code Council Goes To Court Over Free Access To Building Codes

“Potential productivity benefits for architecture, engineering, and construction may depend on the outcome of copyright litigation by the International Code Council (ICC) against San Francisco-based start-up UpCodes.” Read More

Sunland Reveals Futuristic Towers and $1 Billion Masterplan in Australia

Sunland Reveals Futuristic Towers and $1 Billion Masterplan in Australia

“Sited in a former 42-hectare dairy farm, the project is designed to create a new urban village.” Read More

Barcelona Facade Generated From Combined Non-Binary Gender Flags Expresses Diversity

Barcelona Facade Generated From Combined Non-Binary Gender Flags Expresses Diversity

“Spanish architecture practice ERA Architects adorns its residential renovation with a vibrant facade inspired by the diversity of its context.” Read More

WAF World Building Of The Year 2019 Shortlist Revealed

WAF World Building Of The Year 2019 Shortlist Revealed

“The 2019 shortlist for the WAF awards features 534 entries from across 70 countries and includes numerous projects by world-leading architecture studios.” Read More

How Can New Technologies Make Construction Safer?

How Can New Technologies Make Construction Safer?

“Construction remains one of the most dangerous careers in the United States. Some solutions come with the looming specter of workplace surveillance in the name of safety, with all of the Black Mirror-esque possibilities.” Read More

Odami Celebrates "Earthly Minimalism" At Sara Restaurant In Toronto

Odami Celebrates

“A roughly plastered wall curves over the dining area of this restaurant in Toronto, designed by local studio Odami.” Read More

New York State to go carbon neutral by 2050

New York State to go carbon neutral by 2050

“The New York State legislature has passed a wide-sweeping climate mobilization bill, that, if signed by Governor Cuomo as expected, would mandate that New York State goes totally carbon-neutral by 2050.” Read More

Highway and Bridge Construction Employment Up for Fifth Month in 2019

Highway and Bridge Construction Employment Up for Fifth Month in 2019

This is also the fifth consecutive month that employment in construction’s transportation sector surpassed 2007 pre-recession levels. Read More

Studio Gang Breaks Ground On Sculptural Expansion Of American Museum Of Natural History

Studio Gang Breaks Ground On Sculptural Expansion Of American Museum Of Natural History

“Designed inspire visitors of all ages to explore the world of science, the spectacular 230,000-square-foot project will add exhibition galleries, state-of-the-art classrooms, an immersive theatre, and a redesigned library.” Read More

2020 A' Design Award And Competition Early Call For Entries

2020 A' Design Award And Competition Early Call For Entries

“The annual A’ Design Award and Competition aims to recognize, reward and promote good design, creators and brands. Crafted for architects, designers and entrepreneurs, the platform offers the opportunity to gain worldwide recognition and publication of their work.” Read More

Congress Square Splits Past And Present With Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic

Congress Square Splits Past And Present With Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic

“For the design team, one of the greatest challenges of the project was how to structurally support the seven-story glass addition, and its 24-foot cantilever, without visually disrupting historic elements. Read More

Jakob + Macfarlane's Winning Entry For The Reinventing Cities Competition

Jakob + Macfarlane's Winning Entry For The Reinventing Cities Competition

“Launched in December 2017, the reinventing cities competition is an initiative for local innovators to transform underutilized urban spaces in their communities into carbon neutral and resilient urban projects.” Read More

Heavy Hitters Of U.K. Architecture Declare A “Climate Emergency”

Heavy Hitters Of U.K. Architecture Declare A “Climate Emergency”

“The group declared that as the construction and maintenance of buildings account for 40 percent of the world’s energy-derived carbon dioxide production, the architecture and construction industries have a responsibility to change their practices.” Read More

World's First 360-Degree Infinity Pool Proposed For London Skyline

World's First 360-Degree Infinity Pool Proposed For London Skyline

“Compass Pools has unveiled a concept for a four-sided infinity pool atop a London skyscraper, accessed via a submarine-style door.” Read More

Palladio And His Architecture Come Alive In New Film

Palladio And His Architecture Come Alive In New Film

Shot across both the United States and Europe, with students and scholars at Yale and Columbia talking about Palladio’s legacy intercut with footage of major sites like the Villa Foscari, Villa Capra, and other locations in Italy the film will expose the impact of 16th-century architect Andrea Palladio and his architecture. Read More

Creative Crews Clads Classroom With Interactive Braille Walls In A Thai School

Creative Crews Clads Classroom With Interactive Braille Walls In A Thai School

“The client’s social responsibility plan asked the firm to develop aid for children with disabilities, tackling issues of visual impairment within the Thai society. The project results in a colorful, dynamic strategy to encourage students to learn through play.” Read More

Carney Logan Burke Wraps Dogtrot Residence In Weathering Steel To Blend With Wyoming Terrain

Carney Logan Burke Wraps Dogtrot Residence In Weathering Steel To Blend With Wyoming Terrain

For the main dwelling, the architects conceived a long, low-slung volume topped with an asymmetrical gabled roof. Read More

Jendretzki Proposes Off-Grid Eco Retreat for New York's Rat Island

Jendretzki Proposes Off-Grid Eco Retreat for New York's Rat Island

“Designed with zero-energy buildings, the site would run on solar and wind power with rainwater collection systems.” Read More

Bridge House By Bio-Architects Hovers Over Creek In Russian Forest

Bridge House By Bio-Architects Hovers Over Creek In Russian Forest

“The Russian architects created ‘bridge house’ as the second residence located in the client’s open lot. This new house features the traditional gable roof found in neighboring houses, including the client’s first house a few meters away.” Read More

Christian Bauer Suspends Pedestrian And Cycle Path Beneath Pont Adolphe In Luxembourg

Christian Bauer Suspends Pedestrian And Cycle Path Beneath Pont Adolphe In Luxembourg

"A four-metre-wide path now hangs underneath the Pont Adolphe bridge in Luxembourg, with a lightweight steel system that acts like a "well-controlled spider's web". Read More

Van Alen Institute and City of Miami Seek to Transform Flood-Prone Vacant Sites

Van Alen Institute and City of Miami Seek to Transform Flood-Prone Vacant Sites

In collaboration between the Van Alen Institute and the City of North Miami to announce a request for qualifications for transforming the city’s flood-prone vacant lots, asking how underutilized communal spaces can be reimagined and utilized. Read More

'House Inside A Rock' Expresses Minimal Concrete Slabs Cutting Through Organic Geometries

'House Inside A Rock' Expresses Minimal Concrete Slabs Cutting Through Organic Geometries

“Amey Kandalgaonkar took influence from the rock-cut tomb architecture of Saudi Arabia’s Madain Saleh. This ancient archaeological site expresses classical facades carved into a mass of sandstone, rationalizing the organic geometry.” Read More

I.M. Pei, Acclaimed Architect Of Buildings Known Around The World, Dies At 102

I.M. Pei, Acclaimed Architect Of Buildings Known Around The World, Dies At 102

Architect I.M. Pei's iconic designs transformed cities around the world, and he will forever be remembered for his contribution to the architectural world. Read More

Construction Job Openings Hit Post-Great-Recession High

Construction Job Openings Hit Post-Great-Recession High

“The estimated number of job openings in the construction sector increased to 360,000 in March; 54% greater than openings estimated in March 2018.” Read More

Diller Scofidio + Renfro creating new five-kilometre-long park in London's Greenwich

Diller Scofidio + Renfro creating new five-kilometre-long park in London's Greenwich

"The first section of a five-kilometre-long, looping park is set to open in London's Greenwich this summer, designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, the architecture studio behind the High Line." Read More

Trahan Transforms Atlanta’s Alliance Theatre with Advanced Fabrication

Trahan Transforms Atlanta’s Alliance Theatre with Advanced Fabrication

“Led by founder Victor F. “Trey” Trahan and partner Leigh Breslau, the renovation has created a signature piece of cultural architecture for Atlanta.” Read More

Social Housing Revamp In Bordeaux Wins Mies Van Der Rohe Award 2019

Social Housing Revamp In Bordeaux Wins Mies Van Der Rohe Award 2019

“Demolition was ruled out so the studios instead designed subtle interventions to make the homes brighter, with more outdoor space at every level.” Read More

Kengo Kuma Transforms Japanese Nursing Home Into The WE Hotel Toya Using Fabric And Wood

Kengo Kuma Transforms Japanese Nursing Home Into The WE Hotel Toya Using Fabric And Wood

“Kengo Kuma has transformed a nursing home located by the lake Toya, in Hokkaido, Japan, into a boutique hotel.” Read More

Carmody Groarke's Hill House Box Celebrates Public Debut in Scotland

Carmody Groarke's Hill House Box Celebrates Public Debut in Scotland

“London-based firm Carmody Groarke and the National Trust for Scotland have celebrated the public launch and debut of The Box in Helensburgh.” Read More

Vincent Callebaut Envisions Waves Of Green Terraces For Multi-Purpose Complex In France

Vincent Callebaut Envisions Waves Of Green Terraces For Multi-Purpose Complex In France

“After winning a competition to redesign ancient thermal baths in the French town of Aix-les-Bains, Vincent Callebaut unveils his proposal entitled ‘Ecume des Ondes’ (Foam of Waves).” Read More

New York Mayor Bill De Blasio's Green New Deal Includes A Ban On New Glass Skyscrapers

New York Mayor Bill De Blasio's Green New Deal Includes A Ban On New Glass Skyscrapers

“De Blasio says the bill would require existing glass buildings to be retrofitted to meet new stricter carbon-emissions guidelines.” Read More

Laura Álvarez Architecture Transforms Stone Ruin Into Zero-Energy Villa Slow

Laura Álvarez Architecture Transforms Stone Ruin Into Zero-Energy Villa Slow

“This holiday home in Spain by Laura Álvarez Architecture is built from the walls of a stone ruin and generates more energy than it consumes.” Read More

BIG's Vortex-Shaped Glasir College Opens in the Faroe Islands

BIG's Vortex-Shaped Glasir College Opens in the Faroe Islands

“Bjarke Ingels Group.'s vortex-shaped education center has opened in the Faroe Islands. The design features glass façades that are mounted in a sawtooth shingle to form the building's circular shape.” Read More

Architrend Tops House B In Malta With See-Through Swimming Pool

Architrend Tops House B In Malta With See-Through Swimming Pool

“Italian studio Architrend Architecture has completed house B in the seaside town of St. Julian’s, Malta, in the place of a terrace house which was demolished and reconstructed to fit the needs of the clients.” Read More

Alex Chinneck unzips a building in Milan's Tortona district

Alex Chinneck unzips a building in Milan's Tortona district

"Through the repeated use of the zipper, we have opened up the fabric of a seemingly historic Milanese building to playfully re-imagine what lies behind its facade, floors and walls," said Chinneck. Read More

Steven Holl Unveils Curved Mixed-Use CIFI Building in Beijing

Steven Holl Unveils Curved Mixed-Use CIFI Building in Beijing

The design for the hybrid building is centered on five principles: light, structure, urban porosity, open offices, and ecology. Read More

Jewel Changi Airport, And The World's Tallest Indoor Waterfall, Completes In Singapore

Jewel Changi Airport, And The World's Tallest Indoor Waterfall, Completes In Singapore

Designed by Safdie Architects and opening on April 17, 2019, Jewel Changi Airport serves as a vibrant center of community activity, combining an immense indoor garden with retail and operational facilities to create a new destination for the airport. Read More

Grand Parc Bordeaux Wins 2019 EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award

Grand Parc Bordeaux Wins 2019 EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award

“Transformation of 530 Homes – Grand Parc Bordeaux by Lacaton & Vassal Architects, Frédéric Druot Architecture and Christophe Hutin Architecture has been awarded the 2019 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award.” Read More

OMA, Morphosis, And Johnston Marklee Present Concept Designs For Arts Centre In Chicago

OMA, Morphosis, And Johnston Marklee Present Concept Designs For Arts Centre In Chicago

“Planned for Chicago’s near west side, the project aims to provide radically accessible spaces for all users, including students, faculty, staff, and audiences.” Read More

Tropical Space Builds Brick Coffee Shop With A House Perched Above

Tropical Space Builds Brick Coffee Shop With A House Perched Above

“Built entirely from local clay bricks, the coffee shop forms a single-storey base, while the two-storey home sits on top and cantilevers out over the green space below.” Read More

Benthem Crouwel Designs the Netherlands’ Most Sustainable Office Renovation

Benthem Crouwel Designs the Netherlands’ Most Sustainable Office Renovation

“Dutch firm Benthem Crouwel Architects have transformed an office building in Amsterdam into the most sustainable renovated property in the Netherlands.” Read More

John Wardle's Southbank Centre Conservatory Opens in Australia

John Wardle's Southbank Centre Conservatory Opens in Australia

“John Wardle Architects' Ian Potter Southbank Centre for the University of Melbourne's Conservatorium of Music has opened to faculty and students. The $109 million project was designed as part of the larger Southbank campus transformation in Australia.” Read More

Norman Foster unveils plans for The Unicorn tower to rival The Tulip

Norman Foster unveils plans for The Unicorn tower to rival The Tulip

“The soon-to-be-approved Tulip may be superseded as the tallest building in the City of London before it's even built now that Norman Foster has revealed plans for a super-tall co-working and living space suspended above Bloomberg HQ.” Read More

Studio Fuksas to build "largest conference centre in the Middle East"

Studio Fuksas to build

“The International Congress Center Jerusalem (ICC Jerusalem) will form the centrepiece of a 270,000-square-metre scheme designed by Studio Fuksas, which will be built within the city's new central business district.” Read More

GMP Wins Competition for Shenzhen Bay "Culture Tower"

GMP Wins Competition for Shenzhen Bay

“Contributing significantly to the area’s skyline, the GMP proposal features three distinct volumes: a 250-meter-high office tower, a 36-meter-high conference center, and an 80-meter-high “culture tower.” Read More

THE DESIGN PRIZE 2019 nominations are...

THE DESIGN PRIZE 2019 nominations are...

“The unique program, curated by designboom, recognizes both the extraordinary achievements and little sparks of beauty and delight that have emerged over the past 12 months.” Read More

FLEXSE By SA Lab Is A Compact Living Module Made From 100% Recyclable Materials

FLEXSE By SA Lab Is A Compact Living Module Made From 100% Recyclable Materials

“The module is customizable inside and outside with numerous types of finishing materials are available for choosing. Overall, FLEXSE aims to provide a very adaptable space that can be tailored to the requirements of the end-user.” Read More

Jean Nouvel's National Museum of Qatar to Open on March 28th

Jean Nouvel's National Museum of Qatar to Open on March 28th

“The museum has been constructed around the original palace of former Emir of Qatar Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Al Thani, one of the most recognizable landmarks in Doha.” Read More

Self-Supporting Perforated Limestone Facade Has Given Full-Bodied Form To A Winery In Provence

 Self-Supporting Perforated Limestone Facade Has Given Full-Bodied Form To A Winery In Provence

"The 47,000-square-foot Domaines Ott Winery rises from a stepped concrete foundation set into a hillside and includes two adjacent elevations, one of which has a gentle curve." Read More

Belzberg Architects Clads Mexican Office Building In Perforated Carbon-Steel Façade

Belzberg Architects Clads Mexican Office Building In Perforated Carbon-Steel Façade

“Designed to increase the visibility of the structure from a variety of perspectives and create a memorable experience for occupants and passers-by, the outer skin features a variety of apertures that are optimized for ventilation and light.” Read More

Illuminating The Future: How Bluetooth Mesh Will Fundamentally Change Lighting Systems

Illuminating The Future: How Bluetooth Mesh Will Fundamentally Change Lighting Systems

“Switches, HVAC, sensors, light fixtures, and shades can communicate with each other by forwarding a message, or command, across all the devices in that Bluetooth chain until reaching the destination to perform said operation.” Read More

Researchers Re-Engineer Cob Into Sustainable New Building Material Cobbauge

Researchers Re-Engineer Cob Into Sustainable New Building Material Cobbauge

"Ancient building material cob has been brought up to contemporary standards by a team of British and French researchers, who see it as an environmentally friendly option for homes." Read More

Winner Declared in Competition for Sydney's First Luxury Hotel in 20 Years

Winner Declared in Competition for Sydney's First Luxury Hotel in 20 Years

“The unanimous choice of a six-person jury, the Woods Bagot scheme was praised for “a masterful architectural clarity and precision throughout the scheme,” forming an elegant and coherent anchor at the heart of the city.” Read More

OMA Unveils Greenpoint Landing Towers For Brooklyn

OMA Unveils Greenpoint Landing Towers For Brooklyn

“OMA's New York office has revealed the design for its first project in Brooklyn: a pair of residential towers shaped like "a ziggurat and its inverse". Read More

Peter Pichler Architecture Envisions Sustainable Tree Houses In The Italian Dolomites

Peter Pichler Architecture Envisions Sustainable Tree Houses In The Italian Dolomites

“The project is conceived as a ‘slow down’ form of tourism where the integration of architecture within nature plays a primary role. Far from the conventional idea of a hotel, the tree houses by Peter Pichler Architecture offer guests a unique experience.” Read More

Why Rocky Mountain Green 2019 Is The Place To Be In April

Why Rocky Mountain Green 2019 Is The Place To Be In April

Rocky Mountain Green (RMG), hosted by the USGBC mountain region communities, is a unique opportunity for collaboration and networking as hundreds of building professionals, sustainability leaders and change-makers to discussion today’s most critical sustainability and green building issues. Read More

Insulated Panels - QuadCore™ Technology

Insulated Panels - QuadCore™ Technology

“QuadCore™ Technology is Kingspan’s next generation of self-blended hybrid insulation core using gray microcells.” Read More

Studio Precht Proposes High-Rises of Vertical Farms and Modular Homes

Studio Precht Proposes High-Rises of Vertical Farms and Modular Homes

"I think we miss this physical and mental connection with nature, and this project [the farmhouse] could be a catalyst to reconnect ourselves with the life-cycle of our environment," says Chris Precht. Read More

70-Story Tower Inspired by Marilyn Monroe’s 'Flying Skirt' Planned for Downtown LA

70-Story Tower Inspired by Marilyn Monroe’s 'Flying Skirt' Planned for Downtown LA

“Dubbed Sky Trees, the project will include clustered towers clad in timber mullions that transformed into free-flowing wooden awnings at the base of the project.” Read More

AIA Supports Green New Deal Framework

AIA Supports Green New Deal Framework

“We applaud the efforts of Congress and its committees this week to find new ways to support achieving a carbon neutral future by 2030, which is critical to our global future." - William Bates, AIA 2019 President Read More

Mecanoo Completes Linear Cultural Center In Shenzhen With Curved Edges And Tilting Façades

Mecanoo Completes Linear Cultural Center In Shenzhen With Curved Edges And Tilting Façades

“‘By sharing the same formal language, height and material, the volumes form a visually cohesive whole without an apparent front or back façade,’ explain the architects.” Read More

SOM Breaks Ground on Alárò City in Nigeria

SOM Breaks Ground on Alárò City in Nigeria

“The mixed-use model community will feature an international trade gateway with a new seaport and airport. The project is made to boost foreign direct investment to create an economic and cultural hub for West Africa.” Read More

A Little Design creates 17.6-square-metre micro flat in Taiwan

A Little Design creates 17.6-square-metre micro flat in Taiwan

“Formerly a piano studio, the apartment measures just 17.6 square metres and has a ceiling height of 3.4 metres.” Read More

Chicago Architecture Biennial Announces Title And Curatorial Focus Of 2019 Edition

Chicago Architecture Biennial Announces Title And Curatorial Focus Of 2019 Edition

“Opening on September 19, 2019, and remaining on view until January 5, 2020, the event promises to form an expansive and multi-faceted exploration of the field of architecture and the built environment globally.” Read More

ENSSO launch "Scale Ruler Fountain Pen" made from Black Aluminum

ENSSO launch

“Design group ENSSO has launched a “scale ruler fountain pen” for architects, featuring 12 imperial and metric scales.” Read More

FORMZERO Introduces Urban Farming In Malaysia With The Planter Box House

FORMZERO Introduces Urban Farming In Malaysia With The Planter Box House

“The project employs multiple passive design strategies, the structure, comprised of clustered concrete planter boxes, houses the growth of over 40 types of edible plants. These boxes introduce a lush, urban landscape while offering the house a system of storm water retention and an irrigation reservoir.” Read More

Final Design Of MVRDV's Koolkiel Complex Will Be Determined By The Community

Final Design Of MVRDV's Koolkiel Complex Will Be Determined By The Community

“MVRDV has released visuals of KoolKiel, a mixed-use complex in Kiel, Germany, which will have its final form determined in consultation with the community.” Read More

Moira Gemmill Prize Shortlist Announced for Emerging Female Architects

Moira Gemmill Prize Shortlist Announced for Emerging Female Architects

“The shortlist has been announced for the Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture, recognizing excellence in design with an emphasis on achievements and completed projects.” Read More

Bureau Proberts Wraps Brisbane Tower In A Slatted Screen

Bureau Proberts Wraps Brisbane Tower In A Slatted Screen

A 14-storey riverside residential block in Brisbane, named Walan, is conceived as a stack of traditional Queenslander residences with characteristic 360-degree verandas. Read More

27 Projects Win 2019 AIANY Design Awards

27 Projects Win 2019 AIANY Design Awards

“The New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects has presented 27 projects with 2019 Design Awards. AIANY announced the results after two days of deliberations by a jury of independent architects, educators, critics, and planners.” Read More

World's Longest Bridge Nears Completion in Kuwait

World's Longest Bridge Nears Completion in Kuwait

“Running a total length of over 30 miles, the bridge will connect Kuwait City on the south of the bay with Subiya New Town to the north.” Read More

Moshe Safdie Awarded 2019 Wolf Prize

Moshe Safdie Awarded 2019 Wolf Prize

“As one of Israel’s most prestigious international awards, the prize is bestowed upon luminaries for their accomplishments in advancing science and art for the benefit of humanity.” The award recognizes a winner for either a focus in painting, music, sculpture, or architecture. Read More

Le French Design By VIA Launches Le FD100 List Of Influential Designers Sharing French Design

Le French Design By VIA Launches Le FD100 List Of Influential Designers Sharing French Design

“Selected by an international jury, Le French Design 100 highlights one hundred of the most successful designers either from France or working in France.” Read More

Tomohiro Hata Blurs Boundaries Between Interiors And Courtyard Of The Loop Terrace House

Tomohiro Hata Blurs Boundaries Between Interiors And Courtyard Of The Loop Terrace House

“The structure’s form follows that of the Katsura Rikyu Villa, one of the country’s most important cultural venues, using it as a point of reference due to its rich, multifocal relationship with its surrounding landscape.” Read More

15 Simply Amazing Wood Interiors

15 Simply Amazing Wood Interiors

“These projects—which range from a movie theater and a wine shop to a noodle house and corporate headquarters—make exceptional use of wood elements.” Read More

OPEN Architecture Designs a Village for Learning in Shanghai

OPEN Architecture Designs a Village for Learning in Shanghai

“The project was designed as a model for new educational buildings and campuses in Shanghai and beyond.” Read More

DKO + SLAB Add Black Metal Screen Façade To Vertical Dwellings In Australia

DKO + SLAB Add Black Metal Screen Façade To Vertical Dwellings In Australia

“The ‘Campbell Street’ residence by DKO Architecture and SLAB sees a pair of urban townhouses that result from a case study in compact, high-quality inner city architecture. Transforming “a 76-square-meter parcel of land into two light-filled, three-bedroom vertical dwellings.” Read More

Dutch Pavilion at Dubai Expo 2020 Will Use Plant Tower to Create its Own Microclimate

Dutch Pavilion at Dubai Expo 2020 Will Use Plant Tower to Create its Own Microclimate

"We've designed a pavilion, which is more a biotope than a building," said the design team in a video preview, "a miniature world, where the climate is controlled naturally. Where water, energy and food are intrinsically linked." Read More

"Architecture Will Change Completely in the Next Ten Years": Fran Silvestre of Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

"Spanish architect Fran Silvestre is well known for his portfolio of nuanced, clean, and decidedly modern works. Each project is as stunning as the next, the type of home that shows up in Bond films and populates the Pinterest boards of aspiring homeowners." Read More

12 Buildings to Look Forward to in 2019

12 Buildings to Look Forward to in 2019

Beijing's Zaha Hadid-designed airport and the M+ museum of visual culture in Hong Kong are among Dezeen editor Amy Frearson's picks of the most exciting new buildings opening in 2019. Read More

The Electric Automated Cities of the Future, According to Jaguar and Barr Gazetas

The Electric Automated Cities of the Future, According to Jaguar and Barr Gazetas

"Car manufacturer Jaguar has teamed up with architect Tom Barton of Barr Gazetas to imagine the consequences of an electrified automotive future on cities." Read More

MSDL Architects Converts Montréal's Dow Planetarium Into Circular

MSDL Architects Converts Montréal's Dow Planetarium Into Circular

“Drawing from the building’s former function and iconic circular shape, the architects have developed the project around the concepts of revolution (about an axis) and the circle, transforming it into a dynamic place that becomes a generator, accelerator and source of inventions.” Read More

Architects and the New iPadPro: Should You Buy One?

Architects and the New iPadPro: Should You Buy One?

“Beyond their utility as lightweight, untethered screens, what can tablets offer the professional architect?” Read More

UN17 Village To Be Built In Copenhagen With Recycled Materials

UN17 Village To Be Built In Copenhagen With Recycled Materials

“A 35,000-square-metre eco-village is going to be built in Copenhagen using recycled concrete, wood and glass.” Read More

Project Eleven Builds Contemporary Yet Retro-Futuristic Rainbow Pavilion In Russia

Project Eleven Builds Contemporary Yet Retro-Futuristic Rainbow Pavilion In Russia

“Designed by project eleven, this temporary pavilion for PIK group is a reinterpretation of a living room. With its semi-transparent walls constructed out of rainbow-colored plastic tubes, the pavilion stood not only as an art object, but as well for its inviting nature.” Read More

Dezeen's Top 10 Architecture And Interiors Trends Of 2018

Dezeen's Top 10 Architecture And Interiors Trends Of 2018

Dezeen’s deputy editor, Tom Ravenscroft, looks at the year's biggest trends in architecture and interior design. Read More

Mcelroy Metal Plant In Adelanto, CA, Adds Solar Panels Attached With S-5!® Clamps To Its Second Manufacturing Facility

Mcelroy Metal Plant In Adelanto, CA, Adds Solar Panels Attached With S-5!® Clamps To Its Second Manufacturing Facility

It was all about function. “Being a roofing manufacturer, we are obviously concerned about the overall roof performance for the long-term,” said Ken Gieseke, Vice President of Marketing at McElroy. And as a long-time convert to S-5! products, it was, “for us, the obvious, and frankly only, solar attachment solution to consider.” Read More

Studio Weave Builds Viewing Tower That Looks Like A Terraced House In London's Greenwich

Studio Weave Builds Viewing Tower That Looks Like A Terraced House In London's Greenwich

“Studio Weave has unveiled a pavilion in the form of a "typical terraced house", offering views over the construction site of a new design district on the Greenwich Peninsula in London.” Read More

Archi-Union Uses "Cyborg Fabrication" To Build Venue B Conference Centre In 100 Days

Archi-Union Uses

“Archi-Union Architects has completed a conference centre on Shanghai's West Bund in just 100 days, using robot-assisted design and construction.” Read More

15 Simply Amazing Gathering Spaces

15 Simply Amazing Gathering Spaces

Looking for inspiration? Read More

10 of the Best Swimming Pools Featured on Designboom

10 of the Best Swimming Pools Featured on Designboom

"Riffing on a feature that traces back to ancient civilisations, over time places to swim or bathe have been used to conduct religious ceremonies, offered a place to socialise, and of course, contained many a famous athlete, not to mention revolutionising a sense of hygiene that has developed over centuries." Read More

NPDA Studio’s Red Brick Retirement Home Presents Open Facade Towards Coconut Trees In Thailand

NPDA Studio’s Red Brick Retirement Home Presents Open Facade Towards Coconut Trees In Thailand

"Thailand-based architecture firm NPDA Studio designed an elongated private home for a retired couple within the coconut trees in Koh Phangan, Thailand. The one-storey home features partially fragmented volumes which are clad by locally sourced red brick and polished concrete. " Read More

Flat Vs. Profiled, Embossed Vs. Smooth: How To Select A Wall System That’s Right

Flat Vs. Profiled, Embossed Vs. Smooth: How To Select A Wall System That’s Right

“There are several different options to consider when selecting a wall system. These variations impact the appearance, spanning abilities, texture and even thermal properties of the architectural panels. This article explains how to select a wall system that’s right for your project.” Read More

Nike Opens Immersive Flagship Store In NYC With Wavy Glass Façade

Nike Opens Immersive Flagship Store In NYC With Wavy Glass Façade

The flagship is prominently located on New York’s Fifth Avenue and “the aesthetics of the store were inspired by the fluidity of sport and have been created to ignite the next evolution of Nike retail.” Read More

Glossier Flagship in New York includes soft-pink plasterwork and a Boy Brow Room

Glossier Flagship in New York includes soft-pink plasterwork and a Boy Brow Room

"Located at 123 Lafayette Street in the city's SoHo neighbourhood, the three-storey Glossier Flagship is designed by local interiors firm Gachot Studios in collaboration with architecture practice PRO." Read More

Solidsprout Reimagines Bangkok's Shopping Malls As Mountains Of Greenery

Solidsprout Reimagines Bangkok's Shopping Malls As Mountains Of Greenery

Solidsprout latest conceptual project has reimagined the landscape of Bangkok, Thailand. Read More

Have You Heard of the New On-Trend Heater Colors

Have You Heard of the New On-Trend Heater Colors

Infratech has long been a top choice for comfort heating solutions among architects, designers and builders of upscale properties because of the design versatility offered. Now, when you choose Infratech, you can expand your design possibilities with two new standard color options. Read More

In New Renders Arquitectonica Reveals Tower of Pools for Downtown L.A.

In New Renders Arquitectonica Reveals Tower of Pools for Downtown L.A.

"Arquitectonica has revealed new renderings of its proposal for a 53-story tower of cantilevered pools in Downtown Los Angeles." Read More

Looking for Your Next Design or Architecture Job?

Looking for Your Next Design or Architecture Job?

Dezeen Jobs this week is showcasing five interests roles, including positions with Swedish furniture brand IKEA and architecture firm HOK! Read More

The Golden Soria Moria Sauna Echoes Both Landscape And Local Mythology

The Golden Soria Moria Sauna Echoes Both Landscape And Local Mythology

"Sitting on the shore of Bandak Lake in Norway, local practice Feste Landscape / Architecture’s design for a sauna that echoes the surrounding landscape is suitably picturesque." Read More

McElroy Metal Publishes E-Book On Economic Benefits Of Roof Recover With Metal Roofing

McElroy Metal Publishes E-Book On Economic Benefits Of Roof Recover With Metal Roofing

The title of the E-book is ‘Need a New Roof? How Building Owners Reduce Cost with a Metal Roof.’ Read More

Is the Data in Your Conference Room Safe?

Is the Data in Your Conference Room Safe?

Is what’s said and presented in your conference room safe from hackers? Read More

Cutting-Edge Designs in the Education Sector

Cutting-Edge Designs in the Education Sector

"Striking architectural forms spark collaborative learning and intellectual growth." Read More

An elementary school façade in Spain becomes a radical representation of electronic music

An elementary school façade in Spain becomes a radical representation of electronic music

"The 2018 edition of Avant Garde Tudela brought together an international roster of artists to beautify, restore and rejuvenate the towns Tudela, Arguedas and Peralta in Spain. One of the most colorful contributions to Avant Garde Tudela this year is ‘parallel minds’, a sprawling mural by artist Kenor." Read More

10 Step For Building A Home With Insulated Foam Blocks

10 Step For Building A Home With Insulated Foam Blocks

"Building an ICF home saves energy, money, and improves the safety and comfort of its occupants." Read More

Who cares whether you use a pen, a pencil, or a stylus?

Who cares whether you use a pen, a pencil, or a stylus?

"We need to render humanly, we need to render humanity, with whatever tools we have at our disposal." Read More

Paul Cocksedge Designs 'Impossible' Living Watercolor Pavilion For Expo 2020 Dubai

Paul Cocksedge Designs 'Impossible' Living Watercolor Pavilion For Expo 2020 Dubai

"Described as a living watercolor, at the heart of the pavilion a sculptural centrepiece envelops visitors in color and light." Read More

Benjamin Moore's 2019 Color of the Year Has Been Revealed

Benjamin Moore's 2019 Color of the Year Has Been Revealed

Described as calm, composed, effortlessly sophisticated, the 2019 color of the year exudes glamour, beauty and balance. Read More

3 Ways the Right Drones Can Reduce Labor Demand

3 Ways the Right Drones Can Reduce Labor Demand

“It’s really cool, but will I use it enough to justify the cost?” Read More

Autumn Colors and Finishes That Make Homes Warm and Comfortable

Autumn Colors and Finishes That Make Homes Warm and Comfortable

Have you considered using seasonal colours for your interior design project? Read More

Anti-Flood Greenery-Boosting Climate Tile Installed In Copenhagen Street

Anti-Flood Greenery-Boosting Climate Tile Installed In Copenhagen Street

Have you heard about the new anti-flood climate tile that was installed in Copenhagen? Read More

Archtober Combines Architecture Events Across New York City All Month

Archtober Combines Architecture Events Across New York City All Month

"Archtober 2018 celebrates architecture and design in our city," said Benjamin Prosky, executive director of AIA New York and the Center for Architecture. "As New Yorkers, we are lucky to have such a vibrant ecosystem of organizations highlighting the importance of design in everyday life." Read More

Seven Examples of How You Can Use Colour Blocking in the Kitchen

Seven Examples of How You Can Use Colour Blocking in the Kitchen

Have you ever used colour blocking in your design? Read More

New 3D Cementations Panel Designed to Protect Homes Against Natural Disasters

New 3D Cementations Panel Designed to Protect Homes Against Natural Disasters

With over $300 billion in damages according to the NOAA, 2017 was the costliest year on record for climate disasters in the U.S.! A new 3-D panel design will offer protection to homes during natural disasters. Read More

UK Study Shows Waste Plastic Can Replace Sand in Concrete

UK Study Shows Waste Plastic Can Replace Sand in Concrete

“Research from Bath University has demonstrated that some of the sand used in concrete can be swapped out for waste plastic, potentially leading to more sustainable construction.” Read More

ODOS Architects Designs Monochrome London Office for Slack Instant-Messaging App

ODOS Architects Designs Monochrome London Office for Slack Instant-Messaging App

"This is a space of contrasts," said architects. "An all-black and highly reflective gallery space with perimeter light bands serves to create a space with a somewhat otherworldly quality and one which contrasts and compliments the brighter spaces at either end." Read More

7 Installations to Watch Out For at the 2018 London Design Festival

7 Installations to Watch Out For at the 2018 London Design Festival

"The 2018 London Design Festival is now underway, having returned for its 16th year. Running from 15th to 23rd September, and spread across the city, the Festival features works such as Snøhetta’s rotating book pavilion and a series of installations at the V&A celebrating the venue’s 10th year as the Festival’s official hub." Read More

SHoP Architects' skinny New York Tower Passes Supertall Height

SHoP Architects' skinny New York Tower Passes Supertall Height

Have you seen SHoP Architects' skinny New York tower? Read More

Dezeen Awards 2018 - Interiors Shortlist Spotlights the best Indoor Spaces on the Planet

Dezeen Awards 2018 - Interiors Shortlist Spotlights the best Indoor Spaces on the Planet

There are 41 projects across eight categories on the Dezeen Awards interiors shortlist, spotlighting the best new interior design from around the globe. Read More

50 Instagram Feeds for Architecture Students, And Everybody Else)

50 Instagram Feeds for Architecture Students, And Everybody Else)

Instagram has had a powerful impact on architecture "from allowing designers to showcase their work, to influencing the very design of buildings themselves." This is why ArchDaily compiled a list of 50 Instagram feeds that, although are aimed at offering inspiration, support, and references for students finding their feet in the architecture world, they are also applicable for all designers. Read More

US military 3D prints concrete barracks on site

US military 3D prints concrete barracks on site

"This is the first-in-the-world on-site continuous concrete print." - Captain Matthew Friedell, Project Officer, Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) Additive Manufacturing Team Read More

Facebook expands its campus with additional Frank Gehry-Designed building

Facebook expands its campus with additional Frank Gehry-Designed building

Have you seen the new expansion on Facebook's campus? The offices are topped with a beautiful 3.6-acre roof garden that features over 200 trees and a half-mile pathway! Read More

Dubai Plans for One Quarter of Buildings to be 3D Printed by 2025

Dubai Plans for One Quarter of Buildings to be 3D Printed by 2025

"Dubai has launched 3D Printing Strategy, a global initiative to make the city the world's leader in 3D printing. The initiative is designed to promote the status of the UAE and Dubai as a leading hub of 3D printing technology." Read More

Morphosis Clads Kolon R&D Facility in Seoul with a Façade that Resembles Woven Fabric

Morphosis Clads Kolon R&D Facility in Seoul with a Façade that Resembles Woven Fabric

"Morphosis has completed a 820,000-square-foot research and development facility for one of South Korea’s leading textile manufacturers. The design features flexible laboratory facilities, administrative offices, and active social spaces that encourage greater interaction and exchange across the company departments. Meanwhile, a striking façade is intended to demonstrate the company’s commitment to innovation, technology, and sustainability." Read More

The 10 Buzzing Design Cities of 2018, as Selected by Metropolis Magazine

The 10 Buzzing Design Cities of 2018, as Selected by Metropolis Magazine

"In a follow-up to their 10 Powerhouse Design Cities, Metropolis Magazine also reveals their choices for the "buzziest" design cities of 2018. Unlike the big-hitters of the Powerhouse category, these are a bit smaller - even scrappier - but punch far above their expected weight." Read More

Smart Cement Mixture Turns Buildings into Batteries

Smart Cement Mixture Turns Buildings into Batteries

“To make cement you have to mix the flyash with an alkaline solution, in this case we use potassium hydroxide and potassium silicate, when you mix them together they form a cement material, containing potassium ions that act as the electrolyte.” - Mohamed Saafi, Professor from Lancaster University’s Engineering Department Read More

Sidewalk Labs unveils design for neighbourhood in Toronto "future city"

Sidewalk Labs unveils design for neighbourhood in Toronto

Located at Parliament Slip – east of the city's Downtown area on the edge of Lake Ontario. The new neighbourhood, called Quayside is being designed by Sidewalk Labs who's design is proposes 'unprecedentedly' tall timber buildings, sprawling public spaces, and heated pavements to melt snow. Read More

UNStudio selected to build australia's tallest skyscraper

UNStudio selected to build australia's tallest skyscraper

UNStudio has won the ‘Southbank by Beulah’ competition to build a new skyscraper in Melbourne, Australia. Read More

How a Good Hand Drying Solution Can Swirl in Benefits

How a Good Hand Drying Solution Can Swirl in Benefits

"The bigger the crowd, the bigger the mess…XLERATE maintenance benefits for your large venue." Read More

Barke Ingels Group elevates residential blocks on stilts for planned Miami development

Barke Ingels Group elevates residential blocks on stilts for planned Miami development

"Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) has revealed plans to build a mixed-use complex in miami’s allapattah neighborhood. the proposal, dubbed ‘miami produce’, will comprise eight buildings that contain a mix of residential, office, hotel, school, retail, and parking." Read More

Are you ready for the new era of digital construction?

Are you ready for the new era of digital construction?

"Digitalisation has penetrated virtually every aspect of design and engineering, but in many ways physical construction itself has remained a stubbornly analogue process, centuries of accumulated human expertise resisting the allure of ones and zeroes, and human hands still doing much of the heavy lifting." Read More

Iconic World Announces 2018 Innovative Architecture Award Winners

Iconic World Announces 2018 Innovative Architecture Award Winners

ICONIC WORLD has announced the winners of the 2018 Innovative Architecture Awards. Read More

Eight Stone Furnishings With Earthy Elan

Eight Stone Furnishings With Earthy Elan

Modish pieces with earthy elan Read More

Vancouver House twisty tower not leaning or sinking despite rumours

Vancouver House twisty tower not leaning or sinking despite rumours

The odd design was not an attempt at challenging gravity, or to be on the cutting edge of design, but rather adapting to the limits of the space at the north end of the Granville Street bridge. “It really was a direct result of the constraints that were on the site,” said Westbank Corp. founder Ian Gillespie. Read More

MAD architects has just recently revealed its proposal for the ‘Southbank by Beulah’ tower competition

MAD architects has just recently revealed its proposal for the ‘Southbank by Beulah’ tower competition

In contrast to Melbourne’s typical glass, box-like buildings, MAD's design clearly focuses on bringing nature back to citizens and flawlessly incorporates into this stunning architecture design. Read More

Senior Living Interior Design Evolves to Meet Boomers’ Tastes

Senior Living Interior Design Evolves to Meet Boomers’ Tastes

“Well-traveled, tech-savvy, affluent baby boomers will choose communities that target their goals and dreams and demonstrate flexibility to keep the lifestyle current and interesting,” LuAnn Holec told Senior Housing News. “Interiors will need to reflect the diversity of this group, and provide a multitude of amenities that offer convenience, challenge and extreme comfort.” Read More

Now this is a tree house!

Now this is a tree house!

"Shanghai-based Monoarchi architects built this bamboo treehouse based on three non-concentric circles and a fluctuating roof that defines its visual communications." Read More

The Canadian National Arts Centre’s Hexagonal Ceiling Coffers

The Canadian National Arts Centre’s Hexagonal Ceiling Coffers

A mesmerizing array of geometries constructed in glulam timber greets visitors entering a new expansion by Diamond Schmitt Architects of the historical Brutalist structure in Ottawa. Read More

Vo Trong Nghia plans tropical tower of hanging gardens for chicland hotel

Vo Trong Nghia plans tropical tower of hanging gardens for chicland hotel

Plans for a hotel on the Vietnamese coastline designed by Vo Trong Nghia architects has been shortlisted in the category of leisure-led development at the world architecture festival 2018. Read More

Disabled Community Advocates Todd and Karen Stabelfeldt Choose Infratech Voice Controlled Heaters

Disabled Community Advocates Todd and Karen Stabelfeldt Choose Infratech Voice Controlled Heaters

Technology is making independence and accessibity at home a reality Read More

20 Beautiful Wooden Deck Ideas by Humbolt Redwood

20 Beautiful Wooden Deck Ideas by Humbolt Redwood

"Those who enjoy spending time outside during the spring and summer months know that having a deck makes it that much easier to enjoy outdoor spaces. Whether you enjoy hosting gatherings or simply relaxing with family and friends, having a deck adds a new layer of fun to your property. With that being said, wooden decks can be both attractive and durable." Read More

Prefab houses were once the ‘holy grail of design.’ So why aren’t there more of them?

Prefab houses were once the ‘holy grail of design.’ So why aren’t there more of them?

Despite having been around for decades, prefab or modular homes made up just 2 percent of new single-family houses in 2016, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Read More

How to Create a Sustainable Restroom

How to Create a Sustainable Restroom

"High-traffic environments require solutions with the industry’s best warranties, which is where Excel Dryer’s commitment to customer support shines bright. If the XLERATOR can make it here, it can make it anywhere!" Read More

FIFA Stadiums

FIFA Stadiums

"Iconic stadiums from world cup history" Read More

Endangered Seating Pods

Endangered Seating Pods

South African artist Porky Hefer revealed a collection of seating pods that are both eco and animal-friendly. Photos by Antonia Steyn Read More

AIA's Best Small Projects 2018

AIA's Best Small Projects 2018

The American Institute of Architects has announced its 2018 Best Small Projects in the United States. Photo courtesy of Geoffrey C Warner Read More

Highlighting With Herringbone

Highlighting With Herringbone

Casa Bambu; relax and rejuvenate in this tropical oasis. Read More

Let's Get Moving

Let's Get Moving

Secret hatches, rotating bedrooms, wings and more. Moving Buildings on Pinterest. Read More

30 Under 100

30 Under 100

Small space? Get inspired! See 30 house plans under 100 square meters here. Read More

8 Unbuilt Alsop Projects

8 Unbuilt Alsop Projects

As compiled by Dezeen, "Eight of Will Alsop's visionary but unbuilt architectural proposals" Read More



New York City celebrates all things design from May 11-23 2018. Read More

Remembering Will Alsop

Remembering Will Alsop

Family, friends, fans and colleagues have been paying their respects to British architect Will Alsop, who passed away over the weekend. Read More

Creative With Concrete

Creative With Concrete

Reinforced concrete 'Casa H' in Chile is a 'testament to the beauty of reinforced concrete.' It was designed by Felipe Assadi. Photo: Fernando Alda Read More

2018 Awards For International Excellence

2018 Awards For International Excellence

20 winners of the Award for International Excellence were announced by The Royal Institute of British Architects, see them here. Photo: Leonardo Finotti Read More

FLW Inspired Tattoos

FLW Inspired Tattoos

The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation reached out to fans and asked them to show off their FLW inspired tattoos. See them here. Read More

Rolling Landscapes In Real Time

Rolling Landscapes In Real Time

Ford's new technology allows blind passengers to feel passing landscapes by touching the window of the vehicle they're in. Read More

Winners: 2018 COTE Top Ten Projects Awards

Winners: 2018 COTE Top Ten Projects Awards

"Each year, the program recognizes 10 projects that integrate design excellence and environmental performance, with one winner being elevated to COTE Top Ten Plus—an indication of exemplary proven energy performance and post-occupancy lessons." Photo: Doublespace Photography Read More

Impressive Architectural Models

Impressive Architectural Models

ArchDaily asked their readers for images of their most impressive architectural models. See them here. Read More

Experience Pollution

Experience Pollution

Different cities around the globe have different levels of pollution in the air. This Earth Day art installation in London includes 5 of them. Read More

Evolution Of The Bookcase

Evolution Of The Bookcase

It's International World Book Day. Arch Daily compiled these architecturally innovative bookcases in tribute. Read More

Elizabeth Diller Named World's Most Influential Architect By Time Magazine

Elizabeth Diller Named World's Most Influential Architect By Time Magazine

Elizabeth Diller of Diller Scofidio Renfro has been named the world's most influential Architect by Time magazine. Read More

Building Burning Man

Building Burning Man

Each year, people gather in the Black Rock Desert for a week long event of unique Art and Architecture called Burning Man. Read More

Amsterdam Crane Apartment

Amsterdam Crane Apartment

Designer Edward Van Vliet brought this out of service crane back to life. It's now a sought after accommodation, and part of the Yays Concierged Boutique Apartments. The crane-turned-cabin features fantastic views of the Amsterdam waterfront. Read More

Boogertman Partners Pledge To Move The Needle

Boogertman   Partners Pledge To Move The Needle

"Boogertman Partners, Africa's largest architecture practice, has promised to tackle its gender pay gap in response to Dezeen's Move the Needle initiative." Read More

Mini Community

Mini Community

Mini living residences are grouped together and each use only use 15-20 sqm of space. The community shares things like a kitchen, gym and outdoor area. Read More

Women In Architecture

Women In Architecture

ArchDaily celebrates International Women's Day (this month) with an open call to women all over the world who run their own firms. Read More

360º Views

360º Views

Solar panels, sustainable building materials, and a fully rotational base make this northern Italy home quite unique! Read More

Slim House

Slim House

Slim house cleverly allows natural light into the home through the sloped roof. Read More

Apple's Accessibility Emojis

Apple's Accessibility Emojis

13 inclusive emojis have been proposed by Apple, including a hearing aid, guide dog and people using wheelchairs. Read More

Golden Dream Bay

Golden Dream Bay

Safdie Architects new Golden Dream Bay project in China puts affordable housing on the map without sacrificing efficiency or humanity. Read More

VMC Station Toronto

VMC Station Toronto

The newly completed Vaughan Metropolitan Centre in Toronto has a shell-shaped roof and mirrored panels that redirect natural light to the inside of the station. Read More

1960's Masterpiece

1960's Masterpiece

Engineer and architect Eladio Dieste designed and built the revolutionary church of Cristo Obrero in the 1960's. Here, it is documented in photographs by Gonzalo Viramonte. Read More

The Distinct Beauty Of Pi

The Distinct Beauty Of Pi

Pi plays a key role in architecture, design, engineering and construction. The 14th day in March each year is recognized as Pi Day. "Pi represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter." The photo was borrowed from Martin Krzywinski and Cristian Ilies Vasile. Read More

Bringing The Outdoors In

Bringing The Outdoors In

The Window House allows owners to enjoy the outdoors from inside. Read More

2018 Pritzker Prize Laureate

2018 Pritzker Prize Laureate

2018 Pritzker Prize Laureate, Balkrishna Doshi. Read More

Apple Park

Apple Park

Answers to many of the frequently asked questions surrounding Apple's new headquarters, Apple Park. Read More

Levi's Laser Wash

Levi's Laser Wash

Levi's laser technology with partner jeanologia allows a variety of washes to be produced within 90 seconds. Using a laser to distress and shade jeans cuts back on Levi's environmental footprint, and helps them get closer to their "zero discharge of hazardous chemicals by 2020." Read More

Lego: Moving to Plant-Based Plastic

Lego: Moving to Plant-Based Plastic

Lego is cutting down on plastic waste by launching new blocks that are part of it's a plant-based (sugar cane) line. Read More

Interior Design Asks Brad Ascalon

Interior Design Asks Brad Ascalon

10 questions about his career path, interest in design, and new products. Read More

3D-Printed Urban Furniture

3D-Printed Urban Furniture

"Print Your City" initiative uses recycled plastic to make urban furniture. Read More

Arctic Circle's First Energy Net-Positive Hotel

Arctic Circle's First Energy Net-Positive Hotel

Svart Hotel: The Arctic Circle's first energy net-positive hotel. Read More

World Architecture Festival

World Architecture Festival

The World Architecture Festival is being held from November 28-30 in Amsterdam. It's time to submit your applications. Read More

75 Architecture Valentines

75 Architecture Valentines

75 clever Valentines with Architecture in mind. Read More

Pivoting Louvres

Pivoting Louvres

Louvres allow natural light to flood this London home during day, and provide protection and privacy during the night. Read More



The 50-piece Ecocapsule is ready for production. It's a mobile dwelling that is self-sustainable and accommodates two. Read More

Bogotá Revisited

Bogotá Revisited

Bogotá architecture captured via drone by designer Camilo Monzón Navas. Read More

Get Pumped

Get Pumped

Gensler and Reebok are getting pumped up about their new collaboration. Read More

Troll's Peak

Troll's Peak

Variety is the key to function at Troll's Peak cabin in Norway. Read More

Sightly Staircases

Sightly Staircases

A collection of 15 'Sunning Staircases' by ArchDaily. Read More

Pops of Color

Pops of Color

This Toronto office has recently updated with vibrant pops of color. Read More

Circular Materials Challenge Winners Announced

Circular Materials Challenge Winners Announced

Winners have announced for the Circular Materials Challenge. Read More

Architectural Fact-Checking

Architectural Fact-Checking

Fact-checking powerhouse Snopes recently published a collection of debunked architectural rumors. Read about them here. Read More

IDS Toronto

IDS Toronto

Future Forward! 6 must-sees at the Interior Design Show in Toronto Read More

19 Square Metres

19 Square Metres

Could you do it? Ab Rogers Design has created a 19 square metre concept apartment. Read More

AIA Will Not Give Out 25-Year Award

AIA Will Not Give Out 25-Year Award

The American Institute of Architects awards projects that have "stood the test of time for 25-35 years and continues to set standards of excellence for its architectural design and significance." Read More

Self-Contained Cities

Self-Contained Cities

Self-contained cities of the past, present, and future. Read More

50 Inspiring Architectural Images

50 Inspiring Architectural Images

A collection of the 50 most popular architecture photographs of 2017. Read More

Up-Cycling Artifacts

Up-Cycling Artifacts

The Stretcher Railing Society in South London up-cycled stretchers from World War II into railings for the community. Read More

Old Becomes New

Old Becomes New

Buildsense put old materials to good use when they reused materials from the previous build to complete this ranch style home. Read More

Most Unusual Materials

Most Unusual Materials

Mushrooms, algae and ocean plastic; some of the unusual materials that were used in design this year. Read More

Historic Bank Turned Library

Historic Bank Turned Library

Architecture students converted a historic bank into a library for the town of Newbern. It provides the first public internet hub, and social centre. Read More

Free Fire Risk Evaluation Tool

Free Fire Risk Evaluation Tool

The National Association of State Fire Marshals has announced that it will offer a free fire-risk evaluation tool on it's website as of January 1st 2018. Read More

Wastewater Reuse

Wastewater Reuse

The Mourn urn. "a bioplastic that can be produced from bacteria found in sewage water. It has similar properties to regular plastic, but biodegrades at a similar rate to wood." Read More

Toronto's Bentway Linear Park

Toronto's Bentway Linear Park

As of early January 2018, Toronto's Bentway park will be open to the public. It's promises to "change how Torontonians gather and experience art and events downtown." Read More

742 Evergreen Terrace

742 Evergreen Terrace

Marketing agency NeoMam transformed The Simpsons home at 742 Evergreen Terrace into a series of different architectural styles. Read More



Instagram account floorplan_man. A creative, unique and very colourful perspective on typically bland floor plans. Read More

Discovery Centre of Îles-de-Boucherville National Park

Discovery Centre of Îles-de-Boucherville National Park

The Discovery Centre is located in Quebec, Canada. It was constructed entirely of local wood and has received two awards at the 2017 American Architecture Prize. Read More

Louvre Abu Dhabi: 8 Years In 3 Minutes

Louvre Abu Dhabi: 8 Years In 3 Minutes

The Louvre Abu Dhabi took 8 years to build. Watch it here in a 3 minute time lapse. Read More



Building a bridge between the Yale School of Architecture and the community. Read More

6 Hour Home

6 Hour Home

3 people can assemble this home in 6 hours. Best of all, it rings in for just $33K. Read More

Guitar Shaped Hard Rock Hotel

Guitar Shaped Hard Rock Hotel

"The hotel opening is slated for summer 2019, but the complex’s revamp goes way beyond its signature structure." Read More

Vietnam's Empire City

Vietnam's Empire City

Vietnam's skyscraper complex, named the Empire City, will feature three towers, a public viewing deck, and vegetated 'sky forest' terraces. Read More

View From The Top

View From The Top

Aerial photographs of Los Angeles and New York's architecture. Read More

Self Driving Rail Bus in China

Self Driving Rail Bus in China

The bus follows painted markings on the road, and is a combination of a train, bus and tram. Read More

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Sol Friedman House

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Sol Friedman House

The Sol Friedman House in the Usonia Historic District is for sale. For 1.5 million, it could be yours. Read More

Sleeping in the Woods

Sleeping in the Woods

Get inspired by the Swedish Fall colors and stay overnight in a Danish micro-dwelling. Read More

City Parks

City Parks

How and why do people use parks? By answering this question, city and park planners can gain valuable insight. Read More



Locally sourced wood was used to build the Bridgehouse. It won first place at the Ontario Wood Design Awards in 2016. Read More

Underwater Restaurant

Underwater Restaurant

The restaurant is half-sunken into the sea; it will eventually become part of the marine environment it is surrounded by. Read More

Street Library in Bulgaria

Street Library in Bulgaria

Located in Varna, Bulgaria; the seashell shaped library attracts citizens to its shelves and entices them to pick up a book and unplug. Read More

Google Designs Toronto

Google Designs Toronto

Sidewalk Labs, a subsidiary of Alphabet, (which is Google's parent company) has a vision for Toronto's waterfront. Read More

Use All The Space You've Got

Use All The Space You've Got

Using basements to their full potential. 10 homes with impressive basement use. Read More

Pinecone Treehouse in the Italian Alps

Pinecone Treehouse in the Italian Alps

A pinecone inspired treehouse created by Italian architect Claudio Beltrame is situated amongst the trees in the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage area. Read More

How Big Is A Parking Spot? Big Enough For A Home!

How Big Is A Parking Spot? Big Enough For A Home!

Forget parking cars! Where there's room for a parking spot- there is space for a tiny-Tikku-home. Read More

Gravity Defying Buildings

Gravity Defying Buildings

12 gravity defying buildings-they're anything but ordinary. Read More

Cargo Containers

Cargo Containers

Shipping containers repurposed and used to build a home in California. Read More

Water Reservoir Beneath Parking Garage

Water Reservoir Beneath Parking Garage

POP UP: A water reservoir, parking garage (that moves up and down as water levels in the reservoir rise or drop) and green space... Read More

Acoustic Anomaly

Acoustic Anomaly

Worth the wait? 7 years longer than originally planned, and 10 times more expensive than budgeted for; the Elbphilharmonie was built using algorithms to produce an exceptional sound experience. Read More

2017 Moriyama RAIC International Prize

2017 Moriyama RAIC International Prize

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada has announced the winner of it's Moriyama RAIC International Prize. Read More

LEED-Certified Wineries & Breweries To Tour This Fall

LEED-Certified Wineries & Breweries To Tour This Fall

As the Summer winds down, make plans to tour these LEED-Certified wineries and breweries. Read More

Modern Cottage in the Vineyard

Modern Cottage in the Vineyard

Explore this modern, minimalist cottage situated inside a vineyard near Valencia, Spain. Read More

Spaces Designed With Readers In Mind

Spaces Designed With Readers In Mind

A collection of spaces intentionally designed for someone who is fond of reading; and of course the books that come along with them. Read More

Lighting Up Chicago's Riverwalk

Lighting Up Chicago's Riverwalk

Pedestrians can now enjoy Chicago from a never-before-seen perspective. The Chicago Riverwalk allows people to explore an active shipping route, the cities ecology, participate in outdoor activities and more Read More

The Zeitz Museum of Contemporary African Art

The Zeitz Museum of Contemporary African Art

The first museum dedicated to contemporary African Art and the tallest building in the sub-Sahara. Read More

Timber Tower in Central Park

Timber Tower in Central Park

A proposed timber tower will be the world's tallest. It will also filter water in Central Park. Read More

A Rotating Roof in Devon, England

A Rotating Roof in Devon, England

The roof rotates; thus allowing the homeowner to enjoy the same view from multiple rooms in the house. Read More

Tower of Voices

Tower of Voices

The flight 93 National Memorial. Read More

Significant Museums: Architecture

Significant Museums: Architecture

9 Museums opening this Fall with significant Architectural influence. Read More

10 "Parasitic" Dwellings


Explore 10 dwellings that cling to a larger 'mother' building to survive. Read More

Cozy, Modern Cottage

Cozy, Modern Cottage

Cibinel Architecture built this boathouse cottage combo in Northern Ontario. It boasts beautiful lake views and enough dock space for the entire family. Read More

Leonardo da Vinci: Online

Leonardo da Vinci: Online

Titled "Turning The Pages 2.0" Microsoft and The British Library partnered to release pages from Leonardo da Vinci's Codex Arundel. Read More

Minimal Millennial or Refined Boomer?

Minimal Millennial or Refined Boomer?

What are your design preferences? Do you enjoy something more minimal, or something a little more rustic and refined? Read More

The SHED Project

The SHED Project

One day set-up time, mobility, and minimal waste. Welcome to The SHED Project. Read More

Secret Studio

Secret Studio

Designer Fernando Abellanas has created his own "refuge in the city", and the best part is, rent is cheap! Read More

Museum With A View

Museum With A View

"At night, neon lighting illuminates the buildings through windows and skylights like a beacon, making the museum complex the focal point of the park." Read More

Must See: Norway

Must See: Norway

"10 must-see landmarks on Norway's scenic tourist trails" Read More

Bike-Specific Condos

Bike-Specific Condos

Bike culture in Toronto is booming. Bike specific condos are next. Read More

New York by Gehry

New York by Gehry

"In the world of architecture, Frank Gehry is a living legend." Read More

A Pop Of Color

A Pop Of Color

A park in San Francisco has been revamped with a pop of colour. The park has gone from "from unsafe and outdated, to accessible and vibrant." Read More

Permanent Tear

Permanent Tear

The rip in this building is actually an Art installation that was designed by British Artist Alex Chinneck. Read More

I Do!

I Do!

For any architecture lover out there, these 10 wedding locations are sure to have you saying "I Do!" Read More

Hong Kong: At An Angle You've Never Seen

Hong Kong: At An Angle You've Never Seen

Mariana Bisti uses a drone to explore Hong Kong's skyline at an angle you've never seen before. Read More

Revitalizing Berczy Park In Toronto

Revitalizing Berczy Park In Toronto

Landscape Architect Claude Cormier has come up with some clever designs for the revitalization of Berczy Park in Toronto. Read More

Underwater Warehouses

Underwater Warehouses

A proposed underwater storage facility could potentially house Amazon's stock as the demand for online purchasing continues to grow. Read More

World Building Of The Year 2017

World Building Of The Year 2017

Architecture from 68 countries are included in this years World Building Of The Year Award at the World Architecture Festival. Check out who is on the short-list: Read More

It's Not A Project, It's A Process

It's Not A Project, It's A Process

This building had many layers of renovations and alterations before Original Regional Architecture came in and brought it back to life. Read More

Nautical Inspiration

Nautical Inspiration

Inspired by sailing, boats and the sea; these buildings bring a taste of nautical life to land. Read More

U.S Landmarks To Visit This 4th Of July

U.S Landmarks To Visit This 4th Of July

18 U.S must-see landmarks to visit on The Fourth of July. Read More

Canada 150: The Who's Who Of Canadian Interior Design

Canada 150: The Who's Who Of Canadian Interior Design

Azure magazine explores the best of the best Interior Design studios in Canada. Read More

The Most Stunning Water Fountains

The Most Stunning Water Fountains

10 of the worlds most stunning and creative water fountains. Read More

I Scream, You Scream

I Scream, You Scream

We all scream for ice cream! This parlour is located in the heart of a popular Art courtyard in Poland. The cones were specifically used to help identify the cone shaped 'V' in the brands name: "Lodovnia". Read More

Top 20 UK Homes 2017

Top 20 UK Homes 2017

The Royal Institute Of British Architects' annual award for the 20 best new builds. Read More

Talk About Blending In!

Talk About Blending In!

Brillhart is brilliant when it comes to blending in with your surroundings- Read More

Extraordinary Coastal Homes

Extraordinary Coastal Homes

A look inside some of the most extraordinary coastal homes. Read More

U of T: Architecture, Landscape And Design School

U of T: Architecture, Landscape And Design School

1 Spadina: The University of Toronto's brand new location for the school of Architecture, Landscape and Design. Read More

Bike-Friendly Cities

Bike-Friendly Cities

Take a spin through 20 of the most bike-friendly cities across the globe. Read More

The Power of Poo

The Power of Poo

Recycle, Reduce, Re-Use! The environment is fragile, and we have an impact on it every day...This Dutch design team is turning poo into power. Read More

So, Which Frank Lloyd Wright Building Are You?

So, Which Frank Lloyd Wright Building Are You?

We're pretty excited about Frank Lloyd Wright's 150th birthday - To be Frank, our blog is all about FLW this week! Take this quiz and see which Frank Lloyd Wright building you are! Read More

Gearing Up For #FLW150: Tour The Taliesin

Gearing Up For #FLW150: Tour The Taliesin

Tours of the Taliesin are 50% off today in honor of the upcoming 150th birthday of Frank Lloyd Wright. Read More

Island Owners: Faith & Tim

Island Owners: Faith & Tim

Take a tour of the private island and home of Faith Hill & Tim McGraw. Read More

Big Budget, Small Budget: Get Creative!

Big Budget, Small Budget: Get Creative!

Okie dokie, poke! Humblefish in New York needed to switch up their decor style. The restaurant used to be a dingy, dark bar. Now, after being re-vamped, it's light, fresh and inviting- Just like their poke bowls! Read More

Google Commemorates Hadid

Google Commemorates Hadid

Today Google commemorates architect Zaha Hadid; the first female awarded the Royal Gold Medal. Read More

Spring Is In The Air: Floral-Inspired Architecture

Spring Is In The Air: Floral-Inspired Architecture

"These gorgeous architectural feats prove, if nothing else, that inspiration for great design might come from the most natural of sources: nature" Read More



The brick wall; which was hand-laid, was inspired by soundwaves as they move through water. Read More

Glamping in Wales

Glamping in Wales

Why camp when you can glamp? Glamping can be summed up as glamorous camping, or people who can't be bothered to "slum it" in a tent. Read More

10 Tiny Bedrooms

10 Tiny Bedrooms

Creative and compact tiny bedrooms are both functional and save on space. Check out the Dezeen top 10 here: Read More

Living Amongst The Trees

Living Amongst The Trees

This apartment building was constructed without harming a single tree. The result is unique, charming and environmentally friendly. Read More

Apple Park

Apple Park

Apple's new headquarters, "Apple Park" also nicknamed "The Ring" will run on sustainable energy and allow workers to feel the breeze from outside. Read More

Get Off The Grid

Get Off The Grid

Get off the grid with this 250 foot Canadian built tiny home. Read More

Fan Of Westworld?

Fan Of Westworld?

A piece of the popular HBO series Westworld is up for grabs. Located in Glendale, California, this historic cottage could be yours Read More

Repurposing Shipping Containers

Repurposing Shipping Containers

The "coolest" shipping container this Summer... Read More

Whiskey Factory Turned Chic Hotel

Whiskey Factory Turned Chic Hotel

A historic Philadelphia whiskey factory converted into a chic 4-bedroom boutique hotel and restaurant. Read More



Off the grid: an aerial view of cities that evolve and consume historic railway and roadways. Read More

Blackout Curtains-With a Twist!

Blackout Curtains-With a Twist!

Trend Alert! Blackout curtains with an edgy, creative style. These curtains have cut-outs of whatever your imagination desires... Read More

Art, Architecture, or Both?

Art, Architecture, or Both?

Arch Daily defines art and architecture; 13 of the most noteworthy projects Read More

Michelle Obama At #A17Con

Michelle Obama At #A17Con

In case you missed the AIA Conference on Architecture this week in Orlando, here is a summary of the conversation Michelle Obama had with AIA President Thomas Vonier. Read More

The Most Evil Looking Buildings

The Most Evil Looking Buildings

Thanks to the subreddit /r/evilbuildings, BoredPanda was able to compile this list of "The Most Evil-Looking Buildings That Could Easily Be Supervillain Headquarters" Read More

No Windows? No Problem!

No Windows? No Problem!

This library has no windows. Instead, engineers and architects used thin slabs of marble. Read More

Ever Wonder What Architects Build For Themselves?

Ever Wonder What Architects Build For Themselves?

A look at the epic homes architects build for themselves. Read More

Gender Neutral Restrooms

Gender Neutral Restrooms

Are gender-specific restrooms becoming old-fashioned? Read More

A Week of Cutting Water Use

A Week of Cutting Water Use

Sarah Scoles cut her water consumption for a week and explored what life will potentially be like in a post-water America. Read More

Extraordinary Forest Homes

Extraordinary Forest Homes

Travelling through the wilderness discovering homes built amongst the woods. Read More

Defying Monsoon Season In Tokyo

Defying Monsoon Season In Tokyo

Inside Tokyo's intricate flood control system, "G-Cans" Read More

Construction That Can Withstand Seismic Activity

Construction That Can Withstand Seismic Activity

Using a shake plate to test buildings in preparation for potential earthquakes. Read More

Michelle Obama Keynote Speaker At AIA 2017

Michelle Obama Keynote Speaker At AIA 2017

"Former first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, will give a keynote speech at this year's AIA National Convention in Orlando – following a protest over the lack of female speakers for the event." Read More

Tank Station Converted To Loft

Tank Station Converted To Loft

A former tank station in Salzburg, Austria was converted into a very chic loft... Read More

Frank Lloyd Wright's Buildings Resurrected

Frank Lloyd Wright's Buildings Resurrected

Hyper-realistic renderings allow us to experience things in a virtual way that was impossible just a few decades ago. Read More

13 Bizarre Buildings

13 Bizarre Buildings

A look at 13 buildings that earn the title bizarre. Read More

The Big Bend Theory

The Big Bend Theory

Nicknamed a "super-slender" skyscraper; this conceptual New York tower will bend at the top-making it the world's longest building. Read More

Modern Desert Dwelling

Modern Desert Dwelling

The Franklin Mountain House-A 3 storey, stacked home located in El Paso, Texas. Read More

The Ultimate Treehouse

The Ultimate Treehouse

Ethan Schlussler built the ultimate treehouse. He refused to use books-Instead, he relied solely on his imagination. Read More

Today, Let's Take a Trip to Ireland

Today, Let's Take a Trip to Ireland

Architecture in Ireland: 8 of the best Read More

Lego Tape

Lego Tape

Lego tape-that's right! A totally nostalgic trip down memory lane. Stick it to nearly any surface and start building. Read More

Reflective Glass: Great For Aesthetics, Bad For Birds

Reflective Glass: Great For Aesthetics, Bad For Birds

The Vikings Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota is a beautiful stadium with a reflective glass exterior. Read More

3D Printing A House In 24 Hours

3D Printing A House In 24 Hours

Welcome to the very possible future of construction. A Russian/San Fransisco based 3D printing specialist can print and paint an entire home in 24 hours. Read More

Workplace Wearables

Workplace Wearables

Work wearables are popping up this year on a job site near you. They can track things like worker location, heartbeat, productivity and more Read More

La Fábrica: Pollution Machine Transformed To Paradise

La Fábrica: Pollution Machine Transformed To Paradise

A glimpse inside a WWI cement factory that was purchased by architect Ricardo Bofill. To this day, he continues to transform the building from what it once was- into a lush, liveable paradise. Read More

The Pritzker Architecture Prize

The Pritzker Architecture Prize

"To honor a living architect or architects whose built work demonstrates a combination of those qualities of talent, vision, and commitment, which has produced consistent and significant contributions to humanity and the built environment through the art of architecture." Read More

Plant-Covered Cities to Eliminate Pollution

Plant-Covered Cities to Eliminate Pollution

Italian architect, Stefano Boeri is famous for creating plant-covered skyscrapers. Now he's thinking bigger...much bigger. Read More

Netflix: Abstract

Netflix: Abstract

Abstract; a new Netflix series, started streaming on February 10th. It "tries to help people not only see the built, designed world, but understand how it gets that way." Read More

Frank Gehry to Teach Online Architecture Course

Frank Gehry to Teach Online Architecture Course

World-Renowned Architect Frank Gehry is lining up to teach an online master architecture course. Read More

Happy, Healthy Cities

Happy, Healthy Cities

The way to make a city great is to plan for public spaces, areas where people can gather, socialize and be together. Read More

Extraordinary Underground Homes

Extraordinary Underground Homes

Design, innovation, passion and endurance. These homes really have it all. Read More

The Architecture of American Houses

The Architecture of American Houses

Renaissance, Ranch and Tudor (to name a few!) Popular and iconic American architectural home design styles. Read More

The Schmiedhof Alm Restaurant

The Schmiedhof Alm Restaurant

"The Schmiedhof Alm Restaurant lies in the exclusive Zell am See Ski region of Austria, 1,720 meters above sea level." Read More

Is Ikea A Copycat?

Is Ikea A Copycat?

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; but when does one take it too far? Read More

600 Square Foot Mansion

600 Square Foot Mansion

"Slightly reminiscent of a submarine’s periscope, the Horinouchi House’s triangular-shaped exterior allows it to fit snugly into its modest plot of land." Read More



Replica architecture that resembles the original- it exists in many cities around the world, dubbed "Duplitecture" Read More

World Architecture Festival: Best Buildings of '16

World Architecture Festival: Best Buildings of '16

Floating fields, aluminum buildings and rooftop swimming pools- the list goes on! Read More

1:1 Floor Plans

1:1 Floor Plans

Architects from the Vardehaugen firm in Norway are giving their clients the full-scale experience. Read More

Tesla & SolarCity Design Solar Panels

Tesla & SolarCity Design Solar Panels

"The goal is to have solar roofs that look better than a normal roof." Read More

The Revamped Train Stations of Britain

The Revamped Train Stations of Britain

"With the number of passengers travelling by train set to double in the next 25 years, Network Rail is spending almost £27billion on new track and stations." Read More

Doing Good With Garbage

Doing Good With Garbage

Two Dutch designers have created 'BAG2WORK'. They're employing refugees, producing knapsacks and recycling garbage. Read More



Designer Sheng-Hung Lee utilizes mangroves and concrete pots to develop a green defence to soil erosion rising sea levels. Read More

Oldest Mall in the USA Transformed into Micro Lofts

Oldest Mall in the USA Transformed into Micro Lofts

The Arcade Providence; which happens to be the oldest shopping mall in the U.S.A, has been renovated into micro lofts and businesses. Read More

Secret Apartments Inside New York Libraries

Secret Apartments Inside New York Libraries

Exploring what is left of the caretaker apartments in the libraries of New York City. Read More

Diverting Waste From Landfills: Conceptos Plasticos

Diverting Waste From Landfills: Conceptos Plasticos

Colombian startup 'Conceptos Plasticos' converts rubber and plastic waste into housing for impoverished communities. Read More

1 Font: All Written Language

1 Font: All Written Language

Google and Monotype have teamed up to create Noto. One typeface that can translate 800+ languages and 100 different scripts. Read More

Rejoice! Rose Reading Room Recently Reopened

Rejoice! Rose Reading Room Recently Reopened

"After being closed for a two-year restoration, the New York Public Library’s historic Rose Main Reading Room and Bill Blass Public Catalog Room will reopen to the public ahead of schedule on Wednesday, October 5th at 10am." Read More

Abandoned Luxury Hotel In Colombia

Abandoned Luxury Hotel In Colombia

Opened in 1928, the luxurious Hotel del Salto had magnificent views of the Tequendama Falls in Colombia. Tourists flocked to see its old world architecture, and take in the beauty of the falls. Read More

Spacial Design & The Government

Spacial Design & The Government

Spatial design affects psychology. We design office buildings to ignite creativity, hospitals to promote health and well being, and airports to reduce travel-related stress. Read More

National Museum of African American History and Culture

National Museum of African American History and Culture

The African American experience is integral to the museum’s architecture. “You’re using construction as a vehicle to carry ideas” says lead designer David Adjaye Read More

Vessel: The Centrepiece of Hudson Yards in Manhattan

Vessel: The Centrepiece of Hudson Yards in Manhattan

"In a city full of eye-catching structures, our first thought was that it shouldn't just be something to look at," said Heatherwick. Read More

Nero's Rotating Dining Room

Nero's Rotating Dining Room

Inside the highly technical dining room of Nero. Located on the Palatine hill in Rome. Read More

130+ Years of Construction: The Sagrada Família Basilica

130+ Years of Construction: The Sagrada Família Basilica

The Sagrada Família basilica has finally entered its final stages of construction. The basilica, located in Barcelona has been under construction for over 130 years. Read More

Joyce Wang Burns Down The House

Joyce Wang Burns Down The House

Joyce Wang designs this Hong Kong restaurant with a nod to the unique grilling preparation used by the chef. She incorporates burning and smoking into the design process. Read More

The Perfect View

The Perfect View

The Utsikten Viewpoint rests on the Gaular mountain along the western coast of Norway. Read More

Bank Headquarters in Beirut

Bank Headquarters in Beirut

Economic sustainability, social sustainability and environmental sustainability outline the 3 key qualities of the Banque Libano Francaise (BLF) in Beirut, Lebanon. Read More

Invisible Barn

Invisible Barn

The Invisible Barn is covered in a reflective film that mirrors its surroundings. While humans can not recognize the reflection; animals can. Read More

Le Corbusier: 17 sites added to UNESCO's World Heritage List

Le Corbusier: 17 sites added to UNESCO's World Heritage List

17 sites by Swiss architect Le Corbusier (or Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris) have recently been added to UNESCO's World Heritage List. Read More

Gotta Catch 'em All

Gotta Catch 'em All

The new app 'Pokemon Go' is allowing users to experience buildings and the environment in new and interesting ways Read More

Re-Using Big Box Stores

Re-Using Big Box Stores

Architects have started taking over empty big box retail stores and transforming them into something the community desires. Read More

Up, Down & All Around

Up, Down & All Around

"The Multi, from German engineering outfit Thyssenkrupp, is a mag-lev elevator system that doesn’t just go up and down—it goes sideways." Read More

3D Printing

3D Printing

Joris Laarman Lab have created a robot in Amsterdam that quite literally prints a 3D bridge and builds it simultaneously. Read More

Walking on Water

Walking on Water

A temporary floating bridge has been installed in Italy's Lombardy region. It was designed by conceptual artist Christo and allows pedestrians to literally walk on water Read More

Playboy Creates a New Class of Bachelor-Consumer

Playboy Creates a New Class of Bachelor-Consumer

“The Playboy’s Town House, from a 1962 issue of the magazine, was originally created for Hefner himself." Read More

The Integrated Process: Lunar Colony

The Integrated Process: Lunar Colony

"To make a moon village, think beyond Science and Engineering" Read More

Solar Roads in France

Solar Roads in France

France to install solar pavement over the next 5 years. Read More

Emma Watson's Sustainable Gown Made Of Recycled Plastic Bottles

Emma Watson's Sustainable Gown Made Of Recycled Plastic Bottles

"Being able to repurpose this waste and incorporate it into my gown for the ‪#‎MetGala‬ proves the power that creativity, technology, and fashion can have by working together." -Emma Watson Read More

Construction Giant Dewalt Unveils Smartphone

Construction Giant Dewalt Unveils Smartphone

The so-called tough phone can be dropped 2m onto concrete and operate; it is water and dust proof and survives extreme temperatures. Read More

The Smith Dream Home In Malibu

The Smith Dream Home In Malibu

The Smiths’ adobe-style house, designed by Stephen Samuelson with architect Harry Perez-Daple; the interiors are by Judith Lance. Read More

The Ultimate Green Building Material

The Ultimate Green Building Material

The makers of this material are clearly being provocative- The ultimate recycled building material Read More

New Headquarters for Apple

New Headquarters for Apple

Mashable got exclusive access to Apple’s brand new headquarters. The grand opening is scheduled for 2017 Read More

One Of The Most Successful Female Architects In History, Zaha Hadid, Has Died At 65

One Of The Most Successful Female Architects In History, Zaha Hadid, Has Died At 65

A statement released by her office said: "It is with great sadness that Zaha Hadid Architects have confirmed that Dame Zaha Hadid, DBE died suddenly in Miami in the early hours of this morning." Read More

Windows in Focus

Windows in Focus

Arch Daily explores 9 projects that feature creative and eye-catching windows. Read More

Block’hood: Constructing A Virtual City

Block’hood: Constructing A Virtual City

Block’hood is a virtual neighbourhood-building simulator that enables users to get creative and experiment with buildings, without the real-life consequences. Read More

Architects Pick Their Favourite Brutalist Buildings

Architects Pick Their Favourite Brutalist Buildings

Dezeen asks famous architects to tell us about their favourite brutalist buildings. Click the button below to read more! Read More

The Skyslide

The Skyslide

The SkySlide was designed by Gensler; it allows users to slide from the 70th floor to the 69th floor via a glass slide on the outside of the building. Read More

Self Healing Concrete

Self Healing Concrete

Dutch microbiologist Hendrik Marius Jonkers has discovered a bacteria that is capable of mending cracks in concrete. Read More

Why Ban Creativity?

Why Ban Creativity?

"China has seen a number of architectural gems springing up in recent years, including one building shaped like a teapot and another that has been likened to a pair of trousers." Read More

New Build Tokyo: A Mile High

New Build Tokyo: A Mile High

Named "Next Tokyo" the skyscraper will accommodate half a million people. It includes urban farming, including the growth of algae to be used as a clean fuel source. Read More

Creation from Catastrophe

Creation from Catastrophe

These builds are flood and earthquake resistant; and support communities through natural disaster. Read More

2016 Wood Design Award Winners

2016 Wood Design Award Winners

Take a look at the 2016 Wood Design Award winners Read More

A Multimodal Future for the City of Los Angeles

A Multimodal Future for the City of Los Angeles

The Ribbon of Light bridge is under construction in Los Angeles. The bridge will connect pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles from the Boyle Heights neighbourhood to downtown Los Angeles. Read More

The New Canadian Canoe Museum

The New Canadian Canoe Museum

Heneghan Peng Architects (Dublin, Ireland) and Kearns Mancini Architects (Toronto, Ontario) won the international competition to design the Canadian Canoe Museum on the Trent-Severn Waterway in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. Read More

The Grotto

The Grotto

This sauna is built on the shores of Lake Huron. It has a cedar interior that mimics the curves of a grotto. Read More

The Evolution of Cities & The Environment

The Evolution of Cities & The Environment

Laura Bliss writes about how the cities (some of us) live in have evolved from smog making machines into "Heroes of The Environment" Read More

Inspired by water tanks?

Inspired by water tanks?

This concrete home was inspired by domestic water tanks that are used in the area to supply houses with water. Read More

Green Roofs

Green Roofs

“Ten years ago if you said ‘green roof,’ a person would think the roof was painted green” Read More

Paprocany Lake, Poland: A Recreational Masterpiece

Paprocany Lake, Poland: A Recreational Masterpiece

A favourite spot for the community to spend free time; Paprocany Lake in the city of Tychy has recently undergone a total facelift. Read More

2016: Skyscrapers

2016: Skyscrapers

A look at the tallest skyscrapers to be completed in 2016. Read More

SURE House: SUstainable & REsilient

SURE House: SUstainable & REsilient

A home armoured against extreme weather, fully solar powered & boasts the latest in renewable energy technologies... welcome to the Sure House Read More

Zaha Hadid: Sleek, Chic & Futuristic

Zaha Hadid: Sleek, Chic & Futuristic

Hadid's first residential development in The Big Apple promises to be futuristic and sleek. Read More

Strength & Sustainability: WOOD

Strength & Sustainability: WOOD

Wood buildings are sustainable, strong and a renewable resource. Builders & architects are making the move towards timber for their building product of choice. Read More

NYC's Designer Micro-Apartments

NYC's Designer Micro-Apartments

They're 300 square feet- but designed to feel like 600. With high end finishes & butler service...these places won't last long Read More

The Travolta Residence: Equipped with an Airport

The Travolta Residence: Equipped with an Airport

The Travolta/Preston residence was designed to accommodate John's passion for aviation- He even parks his Qantas Boeing 707 in the yard. Read More

City or Suburbs: Have it All

City or Suburbs: Have it All

A skyscraper named "East 44th Street" in midtown Manhattan with open-air garden terraces between floors Read More

TIME Magazine's 25 Inventions of the Year: Architects

TIME Magazine's 25 Inventions of the Year: Architects

TIME Magazines annual list of Inventions of the Year...These 6 made the list; and what's better-> they're by & for Architects. Read More

2 Skyscrapers Linked by Bridge 65 Metres Above the Water's Surface

2 Skyscrapers Linked by Bridge 65 Metres Above the Water's Surface

Steven Holl, a New York architect has been approved to build two skyscrapers in Copenhagen harbour-The catch is the pedestrian bridge that connects them. Read More

Integral House

Integral House

Former Mathematician and McMaster University professor; James Stewart had his Toronto home built with unique curves reminiscent of mathematical symbols. Read More



Odd & intriguing: Thomassons exist in every city. They serve no apparent purpose, yet they're maintained. Read More

Concrete Canvas Tents

Concrete Canvas Tents

Concrete Canvas: add water and erect a concrete tent that is durable and permanent Read More

California: Farming Solar Energy

California: Farming Solar Energy

The drought in California is pushing farmers to get creative with their crops; utilizing solar energy is the new trend Read More

Earthquake Resistant Schools in Thailand

Earthquake Resistant Schools in Thailand

Thai architect Jun Sekino teamed up with Design For Distaster (D4D) to design schools that were destroyed by... Read More

What's Old is New Again

What's Old is New Again

The modest structure, so named because one could, if so inclined, fire a bullet clean through without hitting anything, first housed immigrant workers... Read More

The Little Egg that Could

The Little Egg that Could

Nice Architects of Slovakia have designed the ultimate in glamping accommodations in their off grid Ecocapsule. With solar cells... Read More

Walking on the Moon

Walking on the Moon

Today is the 46th anniversary of the first time we walked on the moon. The story from Time Magazine linked below... Read More

Architectural Opinion or High Line Lego?

Architectural Opinion or High Line Lego?

Not sure Renzo Piano and Steven Holl have been getting it right? Here’s your chance to make your mark on one of their buildings... Read More

2015 Playhouse Design Competition

2015 Playhouse Design Competition

And now for something completely different - the finalists for the 2015 Life of an Architect Playhouse Design Competition have been posted. Entrants... Read More

ISIS is bulldozing some of the first cities

ISIS is bulldozing some of the first cities

Within days of Islamic State releasing a video showing their destruction of sculptures in the Mosul museum and the ... Read More

Big Data and Bacteria in NYC

Big Data and Bacteria in NYC

Aboard a No. 6 local train in Manhattan, Weill Cornell researcher Christopher Mason patiently rubbed a nylon swab back and forth along a metal handrail... Read More

Willy Wonka Elevators

Willy Wonka Elevators

Willy Wonka's glass elevator moves one step closer to reality with this new design for lifts that can move horizontally as well as vertically, and which promise to... Read More

3 Big Ideas from a Visionary

3 Big Ideas from a Visionary

Bjarke Ingels is an architect who isn’t afraid to think weird. When a competition solicited ideas for what to do with a huge trash-munching power plant... Read More

Architecture's Arch Nemesis

Architecture's Arch Nemesis

Only 25 years in, one of the ugliest examples of modern architecture is slated for a $270 million renovation. Mettre du rouge à lèvres à un cochon. Read More

Garbage + Skiing = Great Idea

Garbage + Skiing = Great Idea

I can't decide what the coolest part of the Amager Bakke Waste-to-Energy plant is: The unique wedge design, the ski slope, or the laser lit smoke rings... Read More

Bring on the Zombies

Bring on the Zombies

This unique house was envisioned as a safe haven from the common and powerful cyclones in Northern Queensland, Australia. I think it will also work for the zombie apocalypse... Read More

Get Inspired!

Get Inspired!

Our friends over at have posted a follow-up to their popular post "The 10 Most Inspirational TED Talks for Architects". This new list of an additional 10 talks runs the gamut of issues from... Read More

Oliver Twist? Not by a long shot.

Oliver Twist? Not by a long shot.

What happens when you task an up-and-coming Thai architecture firm with the design of a modern orphanage? You get a design void of preconception and...

Read More

The Race for Mentions

The Race for Mentions

The 2014 Pritzker Prize has been deservedly awarded to Japanese architect Shigeru Ban for his innovative and inspirational humanitarian work. In the arena of social networks... Read More

How Facebook Killed VR

How Facebook Killed VR

Dean Putney writes: "...users were booting up and creating any virtual world they wanted...Hopes were high! Oculus seemed untouchable; the white knight of VR. Well, F@%# it. Facebook just bought the thing." Read More

Millennials on the Move

Millennials on the Move

Students in the Renewable Energy and Ecological Design (REED) program at Vermont’s Green Mountain College have designed a jewel of a home for ... Read More

Think Global - Act Local

Think Global - Act Local

"Think Global, Act Local" has been a popular mantra for a number of years. Recently, one of the planets most recognizable brands has embraced this socially-aware philosophy... Read More

Knock! Knock! Who's There? Absolutely no one.

Knock! Knock! Who's There? Absolutely no one.

Form before function or the other way around? The answer is obvious in the case of urban infrastructure facades. Recent technological advancements in areas... Read More

Rube Goldberg's marvelous machines

Rube Goldberg's marvelous machines

David Pescovitz writes: "Cartoonist Rube Goldberg's absurdly complex mechanisms for achieving easy results are so ingrained in popular culture that the artist/engineer's name appears in the dictionary as an adjective..." Read More

Meet Pencil: The Best iPad Stylus Yet, From the Makers of 'Paper'

Meet Pencil: The Best iPad Stylus Yet, From the Makers of 'Paper'

Kyle VanHemert writes: "Steve Jobs thought the best stylus was the one between your thumb and your middle finger. The iPad and iPhone were built around that simple idea..." Read More